Prologue:Rise Of Infinite

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"JACKAL SQUAD! Move in for the kill!" A male Jackal yelled as 6 more Jackals are behind destroying bots on the way.

"Raid the base! all of that Eggman Technology is sure to fetch a hefty bounty!" The Jackal continued seem to be the leader of the group.

"aye aye boss!" one of the jackal said wearing a headband as he destroyed the bot coming towards him.

The youngest of the Jackal jump over a bot before shooting it, he smirked and run off feeling excitement.

"uh boss!" a female jackal said making the leader of them look over as she pointed infront of them.

"that's alot of robots!" she exclaimed.

"of course it's a lot of robots, we're raiding Eggman!" the Jackal with a red hat said in sarcasm.

"no! I meant look over there!" She said as they look over and their eyes widen seeing many and many robots heading in their way.

"woah your aren't kidding" said the jackal with a band around his shoulder.

"oh am i?!" the female jackal said to the other glarring at him.

The leader stared at the robots heading in their way, he scoffed and tighten his grip on his red sword.

"let's go!" he demanded as he run off, the others look at eachother before following the leader destroying many bots as they can.

The youngest jackal shot down a robot and sees the leader running passed him.

"hey wait! Where are you going?!" he shouted to him as the leader just continued to run pass.

"I'm going for the kill Y/N! You and the others handle the robots, I'll handle the fat man!" he shouted running off, the youngest jackal which named Y/N have his eyes widen as he shot the other bot.

"Stop being a SHOW OFF!" He shouted at the leader as he shoot the robot.

However when he shot it the robot just suddenly glitch out of existence making the youngest jackal blink in suprised taking a step back.

"what the..?" he said in suprised.

"Y/N! Watch out!" Y/N got startled when the jackal wearing a red handercheif around his neck destroyed the bot behind him, then that robot glitch out of existence shocking him.

"what in the?!" he said in suprised.

"is it just me or is this robots suddenly dissapearing?" The Jackal with a headband said slashing the robot and that robot glitch out of existence.

"doesn't matter! Keep going!" the jackal with a red hat said as he destroyed the bot and that also glitched out of existence.

Y/N continues to take down many bots as he can as the ones he take down all glitch away.

He look where the leader is and sees him suddenly getting distracted as his eyes widen.

"ZERO!" He shouted causing the leader named Zero snapped out from the illusion and he got pushed by Eggman off his Eggmobile.

Y/N was about to help him but got hit in the back by a robot causing him to drop his guns, when he tried to stand up but the robots keep him down soon he heard Eggman laughed.

He stopped and look at Eggman and glared at him, he noticed his team are all get taken down and sees Zero slowly stand up.

"Now your a interesting guy, i like you..." Eggman said to Zero, the other Jackals including Y/N are all confused but worried about this and look at Zero.

"Boss?" the jackal with a red handkerchief called the leader but sees him didn't respond and have his face having a shadow which made his eyes can't seen, they don't know what his expression is.

"How about i hire you to lead my forces? Together we'll take over the world" Eggman continued letting out his hand towards the leader.

Their eyes widen and quickly look at Zero.

"Boss! Don't be tempted by him, we'll be fine!" the jackal with a headband said glarring at Eggman before looking at Zero with a smile.

But soon that smile dropped as they feel dread coming in all 6 of them, they saw Zero's smile but not in a normal way.

Zero started to laugh which cause his team to look at him with a confused and worried looks.

"Z-zero..?" Y/N asked but it seems like Zero didn't notice him as he look at his hand, his face is still dark in a way.

"interesting...all this time...I've been going through the motions. I've actually grown quite tired of the world as if it is..." Zero said as his team stared at him as their heart sank.

Zero put his hand in his left face and grinned darkly.

"let's do it doctor...I'll help you change the world.." Zero said as their eyes widen even more.


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"Z...Zero..?" Y/N asked in disbelief while Zero ignored him. Eggman's grin grew wide.

"perfect! Great choice Jackal" he said as he snap his hands and the robots let them go and stayed back. Y/N waste no time to grab his guns and was about to shoot Eggman but a very tight grip got on his arm.

He look over and sees Zero glarring at him.

"Y/N...stay down.." he warned, Y/N glared at him but he obeyed lowering his gun but still glarring at Eggman.

Zero let him go as he started to walk pass him following Eggman.

A bot nudge him in the back to follow which he glared at but move along.

His very silent and look at his team and see them all have the angry and worried expressions.

Y/N look at Zero making his ears lowered down.

"...what are thinking brother..?"

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