8: A Disappearance

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Inside aisles of Milly's, Jeremy browses the aisle for a couple of items for their next expedition into the mountains. He looks through an assortment of light bulbs and wires to think of an alternative solution for communication during trips into the mountains.

'Fireworks wouldn't work,' Jeremy thinks, 'The mountains are fragile. It could kick start a landslide.'

On his notepad, Jeremy crosses off the word "fireworks" below "light", "sound", and "radio" signals. Light and sound wouldn't reach far enough, and he wouldn't be able to get any radio equipment until the next shipment from the helicopter. He deems most of them too hazardous or inconvenient to implement in their expedition, and the biochemist looks a little lost when he studies his notebook. At this rate, Jeremy needs to wait another two weeks for the next airdrop before they return to the mountains. After a minute of thought, he also rules out "flare gun" since the light doesn't remain visible over a distance unless-

Just when Jeremy reaches an epiphany, a hand taps him on the shoulder.

"There you are!" Molly exclaims, "Dr. Miles, would you mind coming with me?"

"Oh, sure," Jeremy replies, "Let me just scribble something down for a second-"

"I'm terribly sorry for this, but I'm going to need you to come now," Molly says. She promptly seizes him by the wrist and escorts him to the back room with a firm girp. As soon as she does, the two golden bells just above the door ring.

"Shh!" Molly whispers to Jeremy before she shoves him inside and closes the door to the break room. When she shuts it behind her, she spins around to run to the front of the store. When she arrives, Molly greets a group of seven people with a heartfelt smile.

"Michael!" Molly calls, "Sarah! Everyone! Any of you need something to help with your search?"

"Have you seen Dr. Miles?" Michael asks, "He was the only one near the woods when Sammy disappeared."

Jeremy presses his ear to the door. He listens in on the conversation curiously, trying to understand exactly why Molly wants him to remain quiet.

"Now, now!" Molly exclaims loudly, "You all know where I stand on that nonsense! I ain't seen that boy move from his equipment once."

"We're not doubting you, Ms. Jenkins, but-" Michael interjects.

"You're batshit crazy," Sarah snarls.

"Sarah!" Michael snarls. He narrows his eyes at Sarah, who shrinks a little bit before retreating to the back of the group.

"Sorry about her, boss," Michael emphasizes, "It's not that we doubt you, but you know you can get a little ..."

"Can get a little what?" Molly replies. The venom in her voice takes the townsfolk aback, making a couple of them shrink behind Michael.

"You know what I'm talking about," Michael says, "Sometimes, you don't see things right. We aren't saying your testimony is wrong. Jeremy probably went into the woods without running into Sammy, but we don't know for sure."

"We tried asking Hector, but he slammed the door to the trailer on us when Sarah started mouthing off," Michael continues with a scowl. The bartender glares daggers at Sarah Price, who shrinks back from his gaze.

"Cooper isn't gonna give that man away," Tyler adds in, "Didn't Miles just save his life?"

"Now, you listen here!" Molly exclaims. She narrows her eyes at the barista, the bartender, and the distraught mother before pointing out, "Those two boys have been through enough! I won't have you putting one mother's mistake on them!"

"Mistake?!" Sarah shrieks, "The only mistake here is the one you made. You lent him your motorcycle, and he took my boy!"

"When did I tell you that, Mrs. Price?" Molly asks. The woman feigns ignorance before she shows all her teeth. The gesture looks hostile. "Didn't I tell you that after you came 'round my shop to pick up those stupid scented candles of yours?" Molly snarls, "Didn't I ask you where Sammy was, and didn't you tell me that you just sent him out to play after earthquake hit? Dr. Miles got my bike before you came in, and he was in and out like a flash! If the earthquake didn't knock out my security camera, I'd have the footage to prove it too!"

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