Internship and Stain

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Izuku was in his class while waiting for Aizawa to arrive.

Eijiro: Hey Midobro, I noticed that Bakubro hasn't been the same since your battle at the Sports Festival.

Izuku: Oh yeah, he'll be fine in a while, Yami told me about this ability where he can banish the darkness in a person's heart called the Mind Crush, it will take him a while to get adjusted to the change, but I can assure you, he'll be feeling better than ever after.

Aizawa: Good to know, since we might need him during your internships.

Iida: Why is that sensei?

Aizawa: Not only did the Sports Festival give heroes the chance to see what you're made of, but also we have discovered that the League is under new leadership by a certain familiar duel monster Cheater.

Aizawa then displayed a picture of a blond bearded man wearing a bandana that looked like the American flag with sunglasses, a red shirt, a black blazer with gold buttons, and silver wristbands.

Aizawa then displayed a picture of a blond bearded man wearing a bandana that looked like the American flag with sunglasses, a red shirt, a black blazer with gold buttons, and silver wristbands

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Izuku: Bandit Keith.

Aizawa: As Midoriya said this is Bandit Keith, an infamous machine duelist, known for cheating by hiding cards in his wristbands.

Bonz: He was also my former mentor until he took my star chips and abandoned me.

Aizawa: He also got the allegiance of Weevil Underhood, Rex Raptor, and Lumis and Umbra.

The screen then displayed 4 more images.

The screen then displayed 4 more images

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