Quirk Apprehension and Introductions

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We now go to Class 1-A outside.

Aizawa: Alright Midoriya since you were first in the Exam you go first, throw this ball as far as you can with your powers, so long as you stay in the circle.

Izuku: Okay.

Izuku walked to the circle with Kuriboh and ??? next to him, he then pulled out a card and it glowed.

Izuku: Say hello to Catapult Turtle.

Izuku then put the ball on Catapult Turtle's gun.

Izuku: Catapult Turtle, Fire.

The gun then shot out the ball and it flew very far.

Aizawa: Very good, even if you didn't throw it, using your powers does count.

He then held up the device and showed 1509 meters. Bakugo was angry and ran at Izuku, but ??? jumped in front of him and blocked the attack. Aizawa then wrapped up Bakugo and scolded him.

Bakugo: At least I got rid of one of his friends.

Izuku: Are you sure about that?

Everyone looked in shock as blue slime started to reform and it revealed the monster that Bakugo attacked, Revival Jam.

Izuku: Next time you attack someone Bakugo, make sure that they can't revive themselves, Revival Jam can revive itself after being destroyed, and I used Jam Defender to make it so Revival Jam will protect me and my other monsters if you attack them.

Aizawa then scolded Bakugo for attacking a student and everyone went on with the rest of the tests.

We now go to the classroom where everyone is doing introductions and it is now Izuku's turn.

Izuku: My name is Izuku Midoriya, my quirk is strength enhancement and these are my partners Kuriboh and Revival Jam.

Tsuyu then raised her hand.

Izuku: Yes Tsu?

Tsuyu: If you have a strength enhancement quirk then how did you summon them and that giant turtle?

Izuku: Well you see these creatures are from duel monsters and how I was able to summon them is quite a long story.

Izuku then told the class about his trip to Egypt and how he got the Millenium items and how they worked.

Iida: How many Millenium items are there, and what do they do?

Izuku: There are 7 Millenium items and what they do are as follows. The Millenium Eye allows me to see into another person's mind like mindreading, the Millenium Key allows the user to enter another person's mind and it also provides the user with Invisibility, the Millenium Ring can point to what the wielder is looking for acting like a compass, the Millenium Scale is used to weigh the Darkness/sins of others against the feather of Ma'at, the Millenium Rod provides the user with the power of mind control, the Millenium Necklace gives the user the ability to see into the past and near future, and lastly the Millenium Puzzle has the ability to increase the user's chance of success, it also holds the spirit of a Pharoah known as Atem, but he wants to be called Yami/Yami Izuku/Izuku since we share a body.

Mina: Can we meet him?

Izuku: Sure, just let me ask him.

Yami Izuku: No need, I heard everything, and yes I will introduce myself.

Izuku: He says yes.

The Millenium puzzle glows and Izuku's body changes.

Yami Izuku: Hello, as you may know, my name is Atem, but you can call me Yami/Yami Izuku/Izuku if you want.

Ochaco: Wow, it's nice to meet an actual Pharoah.

Yami Izuku: Thank you very much, I would like to talk more, but I think the class is almost over.

Izuku then changed back.

Izuku: We really hope to get along.

Everyone was amazed except Bakugo, and he wanted to prove he was better.

Aizawa: Alright, now that the introductions are done you can return home, also We will be having dorms in a week so you need to get your things and be ready to set up your rooms.

They all left, but Aizawa pulled Izuku back.

Aizawa: Midoriya, All Might wants to talk to you about something in his office.

Izuku: Okay, I'll be there.

And that is all for now, what did you think of Izuku having Revival Jam as his second partner, he will be important for the next part until then hope you all enjoyed it and I'll see you soon.

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