Return and meeting the Pharoah.

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Izuku had returned to Japan and was welcomed back by Inko who was waiting.

Inko: Welcome home Izuku.

Izuku: It's good to be back Mom.

Izuku hugged his mom and then Inko noticed that Izuku's left eye was different.

Inko: Izuku, why does your eye look different?

Izuku: Oh, um about that...

Izuku then told Inko about what happened in Egypt and even though she was upset that Izuku lost his left eye, she was glad that Izuku could now go to U.A. after Middle school. Once they returned home Izuku went to his room with the sarcophagus.

Inko: Izuku, dinner will be ready in a few hours, don't take too long.

Izuku: I won't.

Izuku put the sarcophagus on his bed and opened it revealing the Millennium Puzzle pieces in it.

Izuku was assembling the Millennium Puzzle and was one piece away from completing it. Before Izuku put the piece in he thought to himself.

Izuku (mind): If the legend about the Millennium items Granting one wish is true, all I could ask for is to keep everyone safe, and to give those that are in pain a chance to redeem themselves.

Izuku put the last piece in and the Millennium Puzzle started to glow. Then Izuku was in a hallway, one side had a door that looked like something from his childhood, and on the other side was a door that looked like it was from Egypt.

Izuku: Where am I?

???: You are in your mind, or in this case our mind.

Izuku turned around and saw someone who looked like him, the only differences were that he looked older, his voice was deeper, and his hair and irises were a darker shade of green.

Izuku: Oh, so this is my - I mean our mind, and you must be the spirit of the Pharoah that resides in the Millennium Puzzle.

???: That is correct, and you are Izuku Midoriya and don't worry, I saw your memories and I know what you went through.

Izuku: Oh.

Izuku looked down sad but then the Pharaoh put his hand on Izuku's shoulder and spoke.

???: But that doesn't matter, I heard your wish and I see that you are indeed a pure and noble soul, and that makes the two of us perfect for each other, I would be happy to become a hero alongside you.

Izuku looked up and was filled with joy.

Izuku: Thank you, by the way, what is your name?

???: In my life, I was Pharoah Atem, I am also known as spirit, Yu-gi-oh, but many refer to me as Yami.

Izuku: Yami. That suits you.

Yami Izuku: Yes, but when you call upon the power of the Millennium Puzzle our spirits and minds will merge together, however, we will still be able to talk to each other.

Izuku: I will be honored to have you with me.

Yami Izuku: Me as well, but you should wake up now.

Izuku: Okay.

Izuku then woke up in his room and got a string and tied it around the Millennium Puzzle and hung it around his neck along with the Millennium Key.

Izuku then ran downstairs and told Inko about Yami Izuku and she was happy for not only him but also Yami since even if the two share a body, she sees Yami Izuku as a son as well and Izuku also thought of Yami Izuku as his brother

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Izuku then ran downstairs and told Inko about Yami Izuku and she was happy for not only him but also Yami since even if the two share a body, she sees Yami Izuku as a son as well and Izuku also thought of Yami Izuku as his brother.

And that is all for now, next will be another Izuku's Deck part since I want Izuku to have not only 20-40, I also want to give him other cards if he wants to change his card. Until then I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you next time.

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