"The first one was a Japanese symbol called "Izanami" for this letters "イザナミ"  ,look here," Jungkook said, showing Yongi the monitor.
Yongi nodded.

"According to it's literal meaning,"Izanami" means She-who-invites" or the "Female-who-invites", Jungkook said.

"It doesn't make sense that much. But according to japanese mythology, "Izanami" is the creator deity of both creation and death," Jungkook added.

"Interesting. Both creation and death," Yongi said.

"Yes,the Japanese thinks that he who is capable of giving,is the one with power to take," Jungkook said.

"It's good actually. Good work, Jungkook-ah," Yongi said, patting Jungkook's shoulder.

"I have more," Jungkook said with his Bunny smile.

"Show me," Yongi said with his gummy smile.

"Wow,those two is really enjoying together," Jimin said to Hoseak.

"The second tattoo was this "Jacheongbi" word," Jungkook said.

"Korean?" Yongi asked.

"Yes but not modern Korean. It's a word of ancient korena,mainly used by the native people of JeJu island," Jungkook said.

"Fascinating," Yongi exclaimed.

"According to some professor of Korean literature,Jacheongbi goddesses among Jeju people – especially, the island's women. A particularly strong figure, she is primarily an earth goddess – and also, a goddess of love," Jungkook said.

"One is a deity for creation and death and another is a goddess of love. Jungkook-ah,why do you think our killer is interested in those two?" Yongi asked.

"So,you're sure that Park Cha Yung's lover is the killer?" Jungkook asked without answering Yongi's question.

"I'm quite sure but I'm open to other options," Yongi said.
Jungkook had to agree with Yongi.
So far,the only thing that could connect their victims was their lover who has the same descrip in both case. It was too good to be a coincidence.

"I think the tattoos really save us some time," Yongi said.

"How?" Jungkook asked.

"Jungkook-ah,let's make a portrait of our killer," Yongi said and clapped his hands.
Jimin,Hoseak and KwangHo came in front of the white board.

"Guys, listen carefully. Jungkook-ah will make a portrait of our killer," Yongi said and sat down.

"I found the meaning of the tattoos," Jungkook said and repeated the same words he told Yongi.

"Wow,that's awesome actually," Jimin said.
Hoseak nodded.

"So,let's point out all the information we have found out about our killer.
First thing we found is that the killer is someone who is proficient in medical science and we found out that both our victims had a lover who is a doctor.
So I think we can naturally conclude that the lover is actually the killer.
Another reason is that the lover,in both case has never come out to find out about his lover's condition. We have already printed the news of death of both our victims but no one came out,that's give us two ideas,one- the lover is the killer which I think is the most likely explanation,two-maybe the lover is also dead," Jungkook stopped talked and took a break.

"Another thing we have find about the killer is that he has also a high knowledge in poison as he had used a really rare drug for murder.
Then,we find out that the killer is someone who knows doctor Choi who is currently working on the smile poison.
Another point is the tattoos. The meaning of the tattoos indicates really vast knowledge in ancient mythology and literature
Another point is that our killer is perfectionist and psychopath that means if he's a doctor,he is someone who is should be in top of his profession
Our last point is the psychological profile of the killer given by professor Song.
According to professor Song our killer is powerful young man of 30-40 years old who has a deep recentment towards the male population and has a change of being abused by someone," Jungkook added.

"So,the main portrait that I have for our killer is a 30-40 years old doctor who has tattoos and also a good reputation and gay," Jungkook said.

"That's really good, Jungkook-ah," Yongi said praising Jungkook.
Others also nodded in agreement.

"So,what do you think we should do now, Jungkook-ah?" Yongi asked.

"I think we need more information. We still don't have any link that can connect our two victims together.
We can try to find out people from the list we have. See if they have any tattoos," Jungkook said.
Yongi nodded.

"Then, what'll we do now is first follow up to the drug. We need to find if the killer, himself stole the drug or he just bought it from someone else.
Then, we'll continue to find out more knowledge about the people who have already find.
Then, we'll first try to find out the list of doctors who are 30-40 years old in Seoul right now," Yongi said.

"We can find out if someone had come to Seoul from Daegu within last three or four months," Jimin suggested.

"That's brilliant, Jimin-ah," yongi said.

"Yes, that'll narrow down the range," Jungkook said.

"We should work faster," Yongi said.
Rest of them nodded.

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