💾장102 (TWOCA): Fate Is Twisted

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She whispered as Jihyo chuckled.

"S-Shocking... R-Right?"

Jihyo managed to croak out her answers as she held onto Rin and Chan's hands.

"I'll wait here... For her..."

The owl smiled.

"She always here..."

"Jihyo! Why is your blood red!?"

Rin freaked out and tried her best to cover Jihyo's wound with her ripped shirt.

"I m-managed t-o lift t-the spell o-f immortality off... Me..."

Jihyo chuckles.

"Incredible... R-Right?"

"Jihyo Noona..."

Chan whispered sadly as Rin teared up.

The Lord Of All Magic was looking at the daffodils when she felt her other heart stop beating.

Her eyes widened as she clutched her clothes.


She whispered before teleporting to where the battlefield is.

Rin cries as she held Jihyo's hand in shame Chan looks down but he didn't stop his tears from falling.

Hearing a loud evil laugh, the two looked up as Jihyo glanced at Grazel.

Grazel smirked and used blood manipulation to summons flames to burn them.

"This is so easy--"

Blue flames exploded in front of him and there Seung stood with a menacing aura, a piercing glare as her gold and blue eyes glowed.

"Rin... Chan... Leave me with Jihyo."

Rin nods and wiped her tears before glaring at Grazel as Chan grabbed his staff and threw it towards Grazel ready to rip the man to shreds.

As the three fought, Seung looked back and kneeled beside Jihyo holding her hand tightly as she blinks her tears away.

"My Love..."

Jihyo whispers with a smile that Seung came to know and love dearly.

"I just got you back but now you're already leaving me... Again."

Seung whispered.

"We wished to live with our family, Hyo... Don't leave me... Please..."

Failing to keep her tears in, she lets it fall.

Jihyo reached her free hand to cup Seung's cheek and wipe her tears.

"I don't want to lose you ever again, I promised myself to protect you yet I failed... I'm so sorry my love... I'm so sorry..."

Seung closed her eyes as more tears fell, she leans on Jihyo's touch feeling the same warm hand that was imprinted on her skin more.

It was probably the last time she could feel this.

"I love you, Seung... I don't want anyone to hurt you... I want you safe... To be loved... My Seung... I gave you... All my love... And I'll keep it that way... Until our afterlife..."

Seung trembles as she flutters her eyes open to stare at Jihyo's golden ones, those eyes that she fell in love with.

"When... It's time... I always... Got my... Eyes On You..."

Jihyo smiles one last time as she slowly lets Seung's hand go.

"Rest My Life... My Love... My Jihyo... Rest assured, I'll always have you in my mind."

Seung kissed Jihyo's hand before her forehead, then she left one lingering kiss on her lover's cold lips before finally letting go.

She stands up as the ground began to tremble against her feet.

With a clenched fist, she looks back with her eyes boring through Grazel's soul.

Rin was now busy fighting Eric along with Chan.

So that leaves Grazel...

To Seung.

"You dirty, filthy, love killer..."


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