Heir to the Throne

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" I need to speak with him. This instant"

" He is busy right now. You can not enter. I apologize" Tom began

" I am his wife! I shall see him now!" Zoe demanded

" I can not let you do that," Tom said sternly

Zoe could not take it she pushed past him and opened the doors to see Alexander standing over his desk with his head down breathing heavily

" What is of the matter?"

Alexander quickly looked up when he heard her voice " Nothing. Everything is fine" He lied, " I thought I told Tom to not let anyone in"

" I know but this is of the most importance"Zoe began and she shut the doors

"What is it?"

Zoe sighed looking down " I am with child..."

Alexander stayed silent for a moment "But how-"

"Obviously not yours. Matteos... I don't know what to do"

" No no. This is perfect."


" So much pressure put on us to produce the next heir to the throne. We can just tell everyone that this baby will be. No one has to know the truth. " Alexander explained

"Are you sure?" Zoe hesitated

"Yes. You can't tell anyone about the truth okay? This stays between us. And Matteo of course"

Zoe nodded

Once her family all heard the news they made their way over to their kingdom to congratulate them

" I thought you said you weren't in love with him?" Henry began

"So? I am still expected to have the heir to the throne" Zoe stated

"Yeah, you're right. I just can't believe that you are having a kid already. Mom and Dad are thrilled" Henry sighed

"What the matter?" Zoe asked

"Nothing" Henry lied looking over at Alexander 

" Have you two thought of any names yet?" Brooke asked 

" Well no... no boy or girl names yet" Zoe smiled looking over at Alexander "Something we will discuss later" 

"Tom tell the chefs to prepare dinner for the entire family," Alexander asked 

"Of course. Right away" Tom said as he bumped into Brooke 

"Hey, Tom. What's it like being my brother's servant?" 

"So you think Sophia is your servant?" Tom asked 


"Then?" Tom laughed 

" Fine. I just wanted to be funny " Brooke shrugged 

"What's up with you and Prince Jacob? It's not hard to notice you two being very distant "Tom asked as he walked to the kitchen 

"Well, he's a traitor. He blamed me for what happened "

Tom chuckled "I mean it was your idea" 

"Hey, whose side are you on?" Brooke jokingly slapped his arm 

" I guess I have to be on yours" Tom jokingly sighed " I still can't believe your brother and Queen Zoe had a baby together. Not to be a creeper or anything but as his right hand, she's never been in his room overnight at all. Unless I suppose all those times she randomly barged in his room in the middle of the day even when I said she couldn't" 

"Ew. Wow she really couldn't wait  " Brooke gagged 

" So. You're having a baby," Henry said with a straight face 

"Yeah. Looks like it. " Alexander said knowing he couldn't even tell Henry the truth 

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