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Alexander hadn't spoken to Brooke since she had interrupted his mother's beheading. Amelia was sent back into her cell for the time being. 

" Why did you stop it? I thought you hated her?" Allyson asked

" I do. But I just don't believe in a trial without proof" 

" You should've just let her be beheaded. I would've loved to see it" Aidan cheered 

" Aidan. You weren't even going to be allowed to watch. You're too little" Brooke corrected 

Aidan rolled his eyes before shaking his head in disappointment 

" She doesn't deserve to die" Queen Anastasia spoke 

" Yes, she does. After everything she did you want me to show her mercy!" Alexander argued 

" I know she has done wrong. But I do not think this is the way to do things" 


Queen Anastasia was silenced by his screams 

" Im sorry" Alexander apologized " I simply do not think she should be shown mercy. She killed the king and deprived you of children for a long time" 

" I do not think she should be pardoned. She should be kept jailed but not beheaded" 

Alexander sighed " Very well then. As you wish" 

Alexander made his way over to his mother's cell. Amelia sat in the corner in silence until she heard him. 

" Alexander!" 

" You will remain in this cell but not beheaded" 

" Oh, I knew you'd come to your senses. I am your mother" 

" I did not do this for you. I did this for Queen Anastasia whom I consider my mother. You are nothing to me" Alexander spat 

Those words broke Amelia. All she had ever done was for him. 

" So before you leave. Tell me something you've never told anyone" Aidan whispered 

"Hmm, I've never told anyone that I have always wanted to escape the castle and go on an adventure for a day... What about you" Dylan asked 

" I have never told anyone that I also want to escape the castle and go on an adventure" Aidan smiled 

The two boys left the castle hand in hand. They ran out through the garden to the village. The first place they ran to was the village's bakery. They ordered too many pastries before realizing they had no money to pay with. Aidan grabbed all of them and made a run for it. 

" Sorry" Dylan apologized as he followed Aidan 

Once they both made it to an empty creepy alleyway they sat down to enjoy their pastries. The boys were in awe. 

" Don't you feel shame? We just took things without permission" Dylan shrugged 

" Not at all. It's fine. My family can pay it back anyways" Aidan reassured him

The boys had spent the entire day out and about. They made sure to stop by every food place they could find. 

" We have everything. But where is Dylan?" Henry asked 

" Im sure he's around here somewhere" His father shrugged 

" Go look for him dear" His mother asked 

Henry went around the castle looking for Dylan but with no luck, he went to Alexander in the great hall. 

He bowed before Alexander chuckled " You don't need to bow down to me" 

"It's common courtesy to bow down to a king" 

" Whatever you are the Queen's brother anyways " He laughed 

" Oh speaking of, where is she?" Henry asked 

Alexander knew she was out with Matteo but of course, he couldn't say that " She must be resting in her room" 

" Is Dylan with her by any chance?" 

" No. Why? Can you not find him?" 

" No. I've been searching for him for quite a while now" 

" Is he not with Aidan by any chance? They seem to be fond of each other" Alexander explains

" I actually haven't seen prince Aidan at all today" 

" Weird. He's probably out in the garden collecting rocks or throwing them" Alexander chuckles before exhaling sharply "I'll help you look for Dylan" 

Both boys made their way around every inch of the castle but had no luck. They ran into Allyson 

" Sonny. Have you seen Prince Dylan by any chance?" Alexander asked 

" Yes. He is with Aidan"

" And where are they?" 

" Oh, they left the castle earlier"

" What? And you just let them" Alexander freaked out 

" You know he doesn't listen to what I have to say" 

Henry and Alexander got on their horses and began searching the surrounding villages. 

" We should head back. They might start to worry" Dylan expressed 

Aidan shook his head" They won't. Half of the time they don't even notice I'm not around. Im kind of the forgotten child" 

" Why?" 

" Well I'm not set to be king so there's not really a purse for me so they don't keep a close eye on me" 

" Im sure my brother will be looking for me. " Dylan shrugged 

" I suppose but until they actually come looking for us. We should go to the rivers!" Aidan chuckled as he grabbed Dylan's arm and dragged him along 

" So is being the king stressful?" Henry asked 

" Definitely. I really don't know how my father handled it all. But it does make me understand him a bit more. The reasons for always being so stressed" 

Henry nodded " Yeah that was a concern with being king which is why I left the position open to my brother. After all, Jacob is thrilled to become king one day" 

" Im sure my sister would love to be queen one day but that's not possible unless she marries a king" Alexander explained, " Was there a specific reason besides stress that you didn't want to be king?"

" Definitely the number of sacrifices a king has to make. The majority of it is putting everything over happiness. Like not getting to marry whom you really love, I know you don't love my sister. Or having to make the hard decisions" 

Alexander sighed " Is there someone you do love who lead you to resign as next in line for  king?" 

Henry smiled " No. But I wanted to be sure later on nothing got in the way of that" 

Just as he finished his sentence they stumbled across Aidan and Dylan in the rivers. They were muddy and wet. 

" Aidan Francis! What were you thinking leaving the castle unsupervised? And taking Dylan with you!" 

Henry hugged Dylan tightly " You had me so scared. Don't leave like that again okay?" 

Aidan sighed once more knowing he was in big trouble. 

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