The royal wedding

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Today was the day. The day Alexander got married. He woke up with the worst migraine. He wasn't sure if it was just his nerves getting to him. He finally dragged himself out of bed and made it to the dining hall. 

" Alexander! Go change and put on your crown. A king can not be seen looking like that" Queen Amelia barked 

Alexander scratched his head and made his way back over to his room. Brooke looked annoyed at Amelia. She always did. 

Brooke knew they all had secrets, but she was most interested in Queen Amelia's secret. She wanted to know so badly just so she could hold it against her. But Amelia was hard to read. She only had two expressions. Her evil smile and evil resting face. 

Alexander came back dressed in his father's old wedding attire and his ring and crown. A smile formed on Queen Anastasia's face as she remembered how King John looked wearing that exact attire. she thought he looked almost Identical to his father. 

" Wow you look nice for once" Brooke joked 

" You do not speak to the king in that matter" Queen Amelia reminded 

Aidan walked over to Alexander and motioned him to meet his eye level. Alexander squat down and before he knew it Aidan grabbed the crown off his head and placed it on his own and began to run around. 

" You little brat give that back!" Queen Amelia demanded as she grabbed his arm and pulled him towards her 

" Woah calm down. He's just messing around" Alexander said as he removed Amelia's grip from Aidan 

" Aidan, just give it back, will you?  " Queen Anastasia asked kindly 

Aidan took the crown off and handed it back to Alexander as Sunny shot Amelia an annoyed look. 

Finally, it was time. Alexander stood waiting for  Zoe who walked in what used to be Queen Anastasia's wedding dress. All white with gold elements. The castle colors.  Trumpets played as she walked toward him. 

" Dearly beloved we are gathered here in the face of this congregation" Spoke the Dean

Alexander took a deep breath as Zoe gave him a reassuring smile 

" To join together King Alexander and Princess Zoe in holy matrimony " 

Alexander zoned out for most of the ceremony as he stared at Prince Henry who stood beside the bride. 

" Alexander Aurthur Francis wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife. To live together in the holiest state of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all other keep thee only onto her so long as you both shall live" 

Alexander froze. He looked over to his mother who had a stern look on her face. That changed to a glare. He looked back at Zoe " I will" 

" Zoe Madelyn Manson wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband. To live together in the holiest state of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all other keep thee only onto him so long as you both shall live?"

" I will" 

" Repeat after me" He called " I Alexander Arthur Francis "

" I Alexander Arthur Francis" Alexander managed to speak 

" Take the Zoe Madelyn Manson" 

" Take the Zoe Madelyn Manson," Alexander said with a shaky voice 

 " To be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death we do part" Alexander repeated 

" I Zoe Madelyn Manson" " Take the Alexander Arthur Francis, To be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death we do part"Zoe repeated 

" Bless oh lord this marriage and grant that he who gives it and she who shall wear it may remain faithful to each other, live together in love until their lives end" 

Alexander placed what used to be Queen Anastasia's ring onto Zoe's finger. 

" Alexander Arthur Francis and Zoe Madelyn Manson have consented together in holy wedlock. I pronounce that they are man and wife together. "

Alexander felt as if he had just signed away his life. After the ceremony, as the ball had just begun they heard chants from outside " Long live the King! Long live the queen!" 

When the Ball officially started Brooke made her way over to the garden and began to collect bugs. She snuck them back into the ball and placed them all over the cake, Jacob grabbed a drink and spilled it on the royal white cloths. Soon enough Brooke's friends snuck in and handed her and Jacob hammers which they then snuck over to the expensive glass sculpture of her father that rested on a table and began to smash it. 

Guests gasped as Queen Amelia rushed over noticing the roaches in the cake. As she rushed over she slipped on the drink Jacob had previously spilled. 

Alexander rushed over to help her up but she shoved him off and got up herself " You brat! You have to be so selfish to ruin his day and make it about you!" She screamed 

All guest turned their eyes to them 

" Everyone out! Party is over" Amelia demanded 

Once everyone but the two families left she began to shout again 

" What is wrong with you!" 

" It was just a joke " Brooke laughed 

" Brooklyn! " Queen Anastasia cut in " What was so funny about that? Nothing. You ruined his day" 

Zoe's parents cut in and scolded Jacob " What is wrong with you? This is not who we want as an heir to the throne. Messing around like this!" 

Jacob stayed silent. He didn't know what to say. This was the first time he ever did anything that was out of line 

"I've had it with you! " Queen Amelia shouted 

" Brooklyn I didn't want to have to do this but you leave me no other choice. You will be going to the royal boarding school for troubled kids" 

" What? NO!" Brooke argued 

" You are too much to handle." 

Brooke looked over to Alexander hoping he would say something. He always did. But this time was different. He didn't try to argue in her defense. 

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