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TW: Abuse 

" Alexander! Are you listening?"  Amelia snapped as she pinched his arm 

" Huh, oh yeah" Alexander flinched 

" So?" 

Alexander said nothing knowing this entire time that his mother and Queen Anastasia were talking he had been thinking about his father. How did he just die? He was young and healthy. Heck, he was only 36. He thought he would have at least 20 more years before he had to become king. Nothing made sense, he was convinced his father was killed. He just had to find out who did it and why. 

" I was asking if you had any preference of which princess you wanted to make your queen... or shall we just pick one for you" Amelia reminded him 

Alexander sighed. He was only 15. He had his coronation coming up on his 16 birthday and the royal wedding was scheduled for a month later. He couldn't believe all of this was happening so soon. 

" No. I really do not care" 

His mother gave him a glare 

" Well, a few princesses are already lining up to be your queen. We've chosen the ones with the most beneficial financial and political gain. Princess Ellis from Whistlecrown kingdom, Princess Zoe from Vermin kingdom, and Princess Ethel from Lendorr empire." Queen Anastasia spoke 

With that Princess Brooklyn came rushing in leaving tracks of mud all over the castle floors. Her hair was wet and her dress was torn. Her laughter echoed through the room. Behind her ran Prince Aidan. Holding a few muddy rocks in his hand. Not wearing any royal attire whatsoever. All he had on were common folks' clothes. His hair was also a wet mess. 

Amelia did not like Brooklyn or Aidan at all. She wasn't too fond of Allyson either but she was much better behaved. 

" Get out!" Amelia commanded

Allyson walked in a few seconds behind the other two in a pink dress. " I apologize. I told them not to come in here" 

Brooklyn secretly mocked Amelia. Their dislike for each other was mutual. 

" They can stay. It is a family matter anyways" Alexander said 

The three sat down beside them 

" Well, what do you think about those three princesses?" Amelia asked 

" Yeah it's fine" Alexander shrugged 

" Perfect, after your coronation we will invite the three over and you will pick," Queen Anastasia said as she left the great hall. 

Brooklyn grabbed Alexander's arm and pulled him out of the great hall. He had to run to be able to keep up with her. Amelia tried grabbing Alexander but he was already too far. Allyson grabbed Aidan and practically dragged him out like a dog who just got caught chewing on something he wasn't supposed to. 

" So... what do you know" Brooke nagged

" Nothing... well just that I'm due to get married a month after my coronation" 

" And..." 

" What?"

" You are acting stranger than usual. What's up?"

" Nothing... I just- I can't help but think dad was murdered" 

" He was not. The old guy just croaked. Even if he was murdered... he deserved it. We all know it. When we got the news he was dead whether we admitted it or not, we all felt some sort of happiness" 

" I suppose so... but I still want to know who did it" 

" Dad had so many enemies. It will be impossible. Let it go. See this as a good thing. Now that you will be king, all the workers will not be mistreated" 

Alexander shrugged before walking away leaving Brook in confusion. He was the one who should be the happiest about his death. His father was horrible towards him. He never received an ounce of love from his father. The only time his Father would notice him was when he had to be seen with him by the people. As the Heir to the throne, people wanted to see him with the king. But behind the doors of the kingdom, his father wanted nothing to do with him. Despite Alexander's attempts to get closer to his father, none worked. 

The king loved sword fighting and would train with the Knights. So Alexander decided to give it a try and train with the Knights. All this caused his father to stop training with the knights just to get away from him. Instead, when his younger brother got into Archery his father boasted about this and even took time out of his day to practice Archery with him. At least Alexander found his passion for sword fighting. 

Nothing he did was ever enough for him. One night he decided to go into his father's room and prepare supper for him but his father was not pleased. He was angry that Alexander had gone into his room without his permission. He began to shout at him and throw the platters at him. All of them shattered and some even caused cuts on Alexander's face. He ran out of the room in tears and blood. He had run into Queen Anastasia who comforted him and patched him up. 

He seemed to like Queen Anastasia more than his own mother Queen Amelia. Queen Anastasia seemed to actually care for his well being unlike his mother who was just like the king. Only cared when it benefitted her. Queen Anastasia was the only one who even knew him. The real him. She knew how much he loved sword fighting and cooking. She knew he loved the color Red and dancing. She seemed to be the only one who cared for him. Ever since he was young she was always there for him. For the first few years of his life, he thought Queen Anastasia was his mother until reality hit him. She was not. But he had always hoped she was. 

Now he had a ton of responsibilities, he was going to become king and have to get married. But none of this was as scary as the secret he had been hiding from everyone his entire life. Unfortunately, his father found out about it and threatened him to keep it a secret. Alexander's secret would damage the family name. 

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