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Questions will be at the end of the chapter so please make predictions in the replies!!

" I can't just disobey your mother's orders " 

" Yes, you can! You are king" Brooke begged Alexander

Alexander rolled his eyes knowing he'd do anything for her. Brooke smiled widely for the same reason. 

" Make sure you get ready early tomorrow morning" 

"What's the occasion?" Brooke questioned 

Alexander exhaled " The beheading of Queen Amelia" 

" What?" Brooke was stopped in her tracks 

" I found out she killed the king. She poisoned him" 

Brooke's face became pale. Alexander noticed this "What wrong? You of all people should be glad shell be gone" 

" Nothing... Just tired. Long day" She said as she rushed to her room. 

Brooke shut her door as she fell to the ground. Her face was as pale as the walls of the kingdom. This was wrong. This couldn't be happening. This was all her fault 

~ Flashback ~

" Brooklyn get yourself ready. We must leave now or we will miss the race" Queen Anastasia reminded 

" Uh. Go without me. Im not feeling well." Brooke lied 

Queen Anastasia nodded before bringing Brooke some tea and leaving with Queen Amelia, Alexander, and the twins Aidan and Allyson. 

Brooke waited a moment before jumping out of bed and running into the kitchen where the cooks had been preparing the king's breakfast. She discretely pulled out a vile of poison and added it to the King's moring tea. She rushed out before the cooks returned. She waited and waited until it had been done. She rushed into the king's room as he groaned out for help 

" Dear... I cant- I cant breathe. Go get help" The king begged 

She did not. She stood and watched as the king gasped for air. She watched with a smile on her face. Finally, the king took his last breath. Brooke made her way into Queen Amelia's room where she forged a letter to the secret lover she had previously discovered. She staged it to look like Queen Amelia was the one who murdered the king. She placed the letter in a box with her other letters. 

Brooke lay in her bed until everyone got back. When they did she acted as if she was asleep the entire time. When Queen Anastasia went to check on the king and found his body with no sign of life, she cried out. Brooke and her siblings along with Queen Amelia rushed over in horror. Brooke faked her shock as internally she was at peace knowing she did it all for her brother. He deserved to die. 

 ~ Present time~ 

It was time. Queen Amelia was stripped of her jewelry and was placed in front of everyone to see. Zoe's family had stayed for the beheading. Everyone in the kingdom was there to watch. 

As Queen Amelia stood all eyes on her she signed the cross with rosary in hand. She knelt down before King Alexander and whispered " I put my trust in you, my lord". She placed her head on the guillotine and shut her eyes. 

As the guard was about to release the latch, Brooke rushed in and shouted " Release her! " 

All eyes turned to Brooke and Queen Amelia looked up. 

" What is the meaning of this?" Alexander questioned 

" She is not guilty. You can not charge her with murder with no proof" 

" There is proof" 

" Letters are not proof enough. Release her now!" 


Which character will be the first to die?

Which character will have the biggest personality change?

Guess The main siblings Hogwarts house ( hint: All four have diff houses) 

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