20. Introspection

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Fu Lin, however, stood as still as an obsidian rock, refusing to move.

"Did you not hear what I said?" The general sank the sword an inch deeper into the surface of his skin as he said, "Apologize! And you dare meet the eyes of the great one with your own on an equal footing? Kneel and atone for your words!"

The blade that was barely grazing the white expanse of skin, with the increase of pressure from the general, tore open a neat cavern of flesh from Fu Lin's neck, causing a considerably large wound to open in its wake. A neat thread of dark red blood streamed down the neck and onto the blade, consequently rolling down to stain the royal court's red carpet.

Even then, Fu Lin stood gazing at the emperor, unrepentant. The cloud of fear and uncertainty that would often encase his figure was long gone; in its stead was the upright posture of a man who had forgotten what it meant to cower. His body and countenance, even as he stood with tattered clothes, carried the tempered resilience and silent glory of an immovable mountain, and General Haoran was suddenly reminded that he was indeed someone from the Silver Mountains.

Although General Haoran continued to hold his imperial sword against Fu Lin's now bleeding neck with a furious face, from within he was beyond shaken. He glanced at Fu Lin with slightly raised eyes.

Who was this man?

Where was the mosquito bastard who would shake and cry like a banshee whenever anything slightly larger than him met his line of sight? And who was this man who dared to offend the emperor in front of an entire court? And not just that...

General Haoran reduced his line of sight to the place where the shiny surface of his blade had sliced Fu Lin's neck like bean curd knifed with oil. But Fu Lin had barely blinked at the blood rolling down his collar.

Seriously, who was this man?

"You-you." The minister of revenue, not expecting Fu Lin to retaliate, smiled slyly, wanting to fan the flames of animosity. "How dare you—how dare you insult our beloved, epitome of magnanimity ruler in front of the entire crowd! It is considered treason to slander the glory of a country with whom a treaty of alliance and peace has been signed! And you dared to commit treason!" The minister bustled about, pointing an accusing finger at Fu Lin, once again enjoying his superiority over the general's spouse. "Do you know the punishment for treason?"

"Indeed, what can you do?" Fu Lin asked coolly, his shocked-like eyes now considerably simmered down, churning with an emotion the general couldn't guess: "Cut my head and feed it to the dogs? Separate my arms and place them on public display? I fear none of that." He paused and continued, "At least I get to speak my mind before I die, unlike you, who only knows to suck face with the Emperor like a dog."

"Fu Lin!" General Haoran bellowed, "Enough! Now apologize to the Emperor". Saying so, he dug his sword a strand deeper, and Fu Lin slightly staggered but didn't fall down. Neither did he apologize.

Fu Lin slowly moved his pupils away from the Emperor and fixed them on the general's face, meeting his eyes. The general was taken aback by the intensity of the emotion behind those eyes and almost slackened his hold on the sword. The emotion he carried behind his eyes was very familiar to the general.

"I shall not apologize," he said slowly and decisively, "for defending my country."

The general now knew what that unnamable emotion was—absolute and unhindered loyalty. Deep and blood-curdling sincerity.

From the beginning, even though Fu Lin didn't say it out loud, the source of his anger and sudden burst of courage had not been the insults that had been thrown at him personally. This was not the first time he had been insulted; the general himself had degraded him with every humane word possible, and even earlier, when he stepped into the court, people had repeatedly whispered offensive words as he walked by. But Fu Lin was indifferent and unbothered by them; he was one who lived his life recklessly and shamelessly, and such judgments had no effect on him. For him to go so far as to offend the emperor of the empire he was in, General Haoran wondered whether he actually had a hidden motive for putting on this show.

But no matter how he thought about it, there was no merit or advantage he could secure by openly insulting the Emperor. Thus, the only explanation was that...

He was purely and utterly doing this out of the loyalty he had for his country.

Does that mean he was acting all this time, putting on the show of a weakling?

The general looked at his weak figure, now standing unwaveringly as he probed his eyes with an iron-clad resolve. No, that was not it either. General Haoran had a clear knack for sensing fear, and he knew that what he felt in Fu Lin back then was unadulterated fear, just like how he feels unadulterated loyalty and devotion right now.

What was this man doing here, arguing with the likes of a political pig?

He should be on the battlefield, wielding swords, and carrying the glory of an empire on his faithful shoulders. He would make an excellent soldier and an imminent weapon in the hands of the right military superior if he were to be sharpened appropriately. He had both the courage and loyalty to embody himself as a soldier, even more so than his three lieutenants.

It seems he thoroughly underestimated this man.

Fu Lin was now looking defiantly at the emperor, ruthlessly glaring at the general. As the general subconsciously kept looking at Fu Lin's face, which was now covered with his strange fringe, he suddenly felt the need to do something. He pressed the blade of the imperial sword against Fu Lin's lapel and slowly raised it, guiding Fu Lin's face to look at the general. General Haoran's eyes held traces of respect as he looked into Fu Lin's.

"How interesting!" Emperor Guang's words brought everybody out of their trances. "And what does the general have to say about his spouse's defiance?"

No matter what respect he may harbor for Fu Lin, he was still his emperor's general before anything else. Hence, he immediately retracted his hand to return the sword back to his neck and proclaimed, "If you give me word, Your Imperial Royal Majesty, I shall cleave off his heads and feed them to the dogs, as he said just now."

"Indeed you will." The Emperor got up slowly. "But that is not what this Emperor desires. What difference is there in his description of myself as 'lousy' if I actually do let my courtiers and subjects run around in a folly?" As he said this, he was looking at the minister of revenue directly. Hence, we shall come to a balanced agreement. I shall forgive the Seventh Prince Fu Lin's offenses on account of what our own minister of revenue did—after all, if it is treason to slander the neighboring country at a time of peace, then the minister of revenue should be the first to be inflicted with punishment."

"Your Imperial Royal Majesty" The Minister of Revenue cried, bowing down and howling, "Spare me! Please spare me!"

The emperor glanced at him with revulsion and said, "And it is indeed true that I let the minister of revenue talk down to the Imperial General—despite his 'second to the divine blood' status. Therefore, as a form of compensation for the general's tarnished reputation, the minister of revenue would personally invite the general to his house for a lavish meal. Does the minister have any objections?"

"No, no objections!" He knelt and bowed repeatedly, saying, "No objections at all".

"As for the general's penalty for letting the arsenal burn," Emperor Guang looked at the general knowingly. "It is to investigate the whole matter and get me the offender alive. On account of him failing to do so, his title as general would be stripped and he would be demoted to the secondary position of a lieutenant."

"Yes, Your Imperial Royal Majesty." General Haoran bowed decisively, taking his imperial sword away from Fu Lin's neck.

What General Haoran, however, didn't expect was for Fu Lin to sway his head once when the sword lifted off and crashed down to the floor, fainting.


Haoran: *Threatens Fu Lin with Knife* You dare diss my emperor? 

Haoran on the inside: (ノ・o・)ノWow, he dares to diss my emperor! He's amazing. 

It do  be like that? What re your thoughts of Fu Lin's sudden change of demeanor? Let me know my commenting!  ( ' ∀ ')ノ~ ♡ Don't forget to vote, comment and share if you enjoyed the chapter. Also make sure to follow me for updates on more exciting stories!

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