Chapter Thirteen

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*Lilly's P.O.V*

I watched as time went on. The longer we sat here, the longer Justin had J.J and we didn't know what he was going to do with her. It has been hours since I called Garcia. I had my phone on the table and I was staring at it. The team went to the hotels to get some rest.

"Ring you bastard," I finally said.

"It is not going to ring if you tell it to ring," I heard a voice. I jumped and looked up to see Spencer standing at the doorway.

"Stop that. Your like a little ninja," I say. He chuckles. He sits across from me.

"Time to go home," He says taking my hand.

"No I cannot. I cannot sleep until this bastard is in jail, or better. Dead," I say. He smiles.

"Okay. How about we can go to my hotel and get some rest there. I don't want you to sleep alone," He says. I smile.

"Fine," I say. I get up and put my phone in my pocket. Spencer waited for me at the door as I got my messenger bag. Once I did I walked over to him and he intertwines both of our hands. 

"Do you think Morgan will be okay with it?" I asked him as we walked out.

"Well if he isn't he is going to have to suck it up," He says. I chuckled. I got into the SUV and shut the door as Spencer got into the driver's side.

"Honestly I am scared of you driving," I say. He looks at me.

"Well you shouldn't be. I am a very good driver. In fact did you know that 1.3 million people die in car accidents. on an average there is about 3,287 deaths a day," He says. "And nearly 8,000 people are kill in a car accident involving drivers  age sixteen to twenty." I looked at him.

"That is not helping," I teased him. He smiles and starts driving.


*Lilly's P.O.V*

Surprising we got to the hotel in one piece. Once Spencer parked, I jumped out of the SUV and waited for it. Once he finally came we walked into the hotel. We got to the elevator and waited for it to come. Once it did we both got in. Spencer pressed the floor he was staying on. As he did the doors closed and he turned me towards him. He leaned in and our lips connected. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands snaked around my waist.

Soon we both heard the ding and he let go of the kiss. We both walked out of the elevator and I followed him to his hotel room. He took out his key card and swiped it. He walked in while I was right behind him.

"Oh good your back," Morgan says as he walks in. "Hey princess."

"Hey Morgan," I say lying on Spencer's bed.

"Uh I'll be right back cupcake," Spencer says.

"Okay," I say. I turned on TV and started to watch random TV shows.

*Spencer's P.O.V*

We got to mine and Morgan's hotel room. I took out my key card and swiped it. It opened and I walked in. I knew Lilly was right behind me because I had her hand in mine.

"Oh good you back," Morgan says as I walk in. "Hey princess."

"Hey Morgan," Lilly says lying on my bed.

"Can I talk to you Spencer," Morgan whispers to me. I nodded.

"Uh I'll be right back cupcake," I say.

"Okay," She says. I walked out the hotel room with Morgan.

"Are you trying to get laid because I can leave," He says. I looked at him.

"What? No," I say. "I went back to the police station and found Lilly in the conference room waiting for her phone to ring. So I thought it would be better if she stayed here for the night."

"Being a good boyfriend," He says.

"Yeah. I care about her, and she isn't going through this alone. I am with her. No matter what happens," I say. Morgan chuckled.

"Your really cheesy Pretty Boy, but I guess that is what she loves most about you," Morgan says referring to Lilly. I smiled and walked back in with Morgan behind me.


*Lilly's P.O.V*

I yawned. I was getting tired. Spencer and I have been watching TV since he came back in with Morgan. Morgan was already asleep. I got up off the bed.

"I am going to get ready for bed," I say. He nods and pecks my lips. I grabbed one of his t-shirts and ran into the bathroom. I got changed into his t-shirt. It was really big on me, which was a good thing.  I put my hair up in a bun and walked out to see Spencer under the covers, with his shirt off. 

I climbed into bed with cuddled up to him. He was my big teddy bear. I love it though. He turns off the lights

"Spencer," I say.

"Yes," He says.

"Do you think we will ever catch him?" I asked him. He kissed the top of my head.

"Of course we are. We are going to find him, and he will go to jail," He says. I smile.

"Night Spencer," I say.

"Night Lilly," He whispers, kissing my forehead. Soon my eyelids got heavier and heavier, until I fell asleep.

Hoping to find J.J soon.


"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.



Sorry I haven't been updating that much. i have been busy and writers block. I hope you an forgive me. I am sorry this chapter sucked so much. I will try my best on the next chapter. Love you all and thank you for reading while I still had writers block. I know its not as long as you thought, but it was the best I could do with my writer's block. Ugh. Wish me good luck on the next chapter, because I am going to need it.

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