Chapter Eleven

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*Lilly's P.O.V*

I was watching Weston looking from the one-way mirror to the floor. We finally got him back in here. Hotch and Rossi were going to talk to him as Reid and I watched. Hotch and Rossi finally stepped into the interrogation room.

"Where's Lilly?" Weston asked them. They both ignored that question. They both sat across from him. He nervously sat there. Awkward. He knew we found something.

"Weston we found a conversation that was very surprising to us," Hotch started out. "It was on your phone."

"W-What?" He asked so confused.

"Don't play dumb Weston. We heard that after Lilly and Reid were dead you wanted to come after the BAU with your brother, but you had a change of heart. Why?" Rossi asked him. He bit his lower lip.

"Its kind of hard to explain. You see I wasn't doing too well. I was drinking everyday, and when Justin came to me with that plan, I was totally intoxicated, and couldn't even think," He says.

"Then how could you remember it?" Hotch asked him. Weston licked his lips.

"He found me," He says. "Told me that he was so happy when I agreed to help him. Told him I had no idea what the heck he was talking about. He told me and I told him I would think about it. Then the conversation on the phone. You heard. I was just turning him down because I have been in trouble before, and I was just starting to clean up my act."

"Is there any place that you and Justin would go and just talk? Brother to brother?" Rossi asked him. A smile came across Weston face and the next two words were really confusing.

"Swimming pool," He whispers. Hotch and Rossi looked at each other then walked out. I walked out of the room and into the conference room. I saw that Morgan, Miles, and Kate were there. Reid was right behind me. Not long after Reid got in Hotch and Rossi came in.

"I need a map Miles," I say. He nods and ran off to get a map. Soon he comes back with pins it up.  "Okay. We need to pin point every swimming pool there is. Mostly the ones that would be shut down and no guards around." Spencer came up and he started pinning them up.

"Okay so I got twenty, and I need Garcia to go through them all and check which ones are shut down and have no guards," Reid says. Morgan nodded, picked up his phone and called Garcia. I looked around.

"Where is J.J?" I asked them. 

"She went back to the hotel. She said she was really tired," Kate says.

"Kate I need your key card. J.J might be in trouble," I say.She gives me the key card. I was about to run out of the police station when someone caught my wrist. I turned to see Reid.

"Let me come with you," He says.

"No. Find the swimming pool Weston was talking about. I got this. If I don't call you in about an hour. I didn't make it," I say. He kisses my forehead, letting go of my wrist. I run off and drove to the hotel they were staying at.

It only took ten minutes to get there. Once I did I parked the car and went into the hotel. I got into the elevator and went up to floor five. Once the doors open I went to their room and saw that the door was already open. Oh no. I thought. I took out my gun out of my holster and open the door slowly. I walked in and saw that the place was trash. Someone fought someone off. I walked into the kitchen and saw blood stains on the floor.

"No," I whispered. I made sure the bathroom was clear. It was. I took out my phone and called Reid.

"Hey sunshine what's going on?" He asked me.

"Reiders we got a problem," I say running a hand through my hair. I didn't even care that in a year it was my first time calling Spencer, Reiders.

"What is it?" He asks in his panic voice. I licked my lips.

"J.J is gone, and I found blood stains in the kitchen. I don't know if it's J.J's or Justin's," I say almost in tears.

"Hold on Morgan and I are coming," He says. Soon he hangs up.

*Spencer's P.O.V*

As I was eliminating the swimming pools off my map, I heard my phone ringing. I saw it was Lilly.

"Hey sunshine what's going on?" I asked her as I picked up the phone. She was on speaker. Hotch, Rossi, Callahan, Garcia, and Morgan were all listening. 

"Reiders we got a problem," She says. I smiled at that name. It has been a year since she called me that. 

"What is it?" I asked in my panic voice. I could hear her holding her breath. Waiting to tell me something terrible. 

"J.J is gone, and I found blood stains in the kitchen. I don't know if it's J.J's or Justin's," She says.  I could also hear her  almost in tears. I looked at Hotch and he gave the nod for both Morgan and I to go.

"Hold on Morgan and I are coming," I say. I hung up on her.

"Morgan and Reid will go to J.J's hotel room where Lilly is. Rossi and I can stay here and figure this out," Hotch says. We nod and got out into the SUV. As we both got in, Morgan started up the SUV and we left.

"Reid. Lilly will be fine," Morgan says.

"I am worried about Lilly, but what about J.J?" I asked him. He looks at me then at the road.


*Lilly's P.O.V*

I was standing there. I was standing in J.J's hotel room. I didn't know what to do. I knew what happen. Someone hit someone with a glass cup. Then maybe when that person awoke the one that hit the other person with the frying pan. I could tell because there was glass on the floor and there was a frying pan that was dented. J.J was gone and this was my fault. I mean I don't even know what Justin would do to her. Hurt her then maybe kill her. No, no. I can't loose J.J. She is like a sister to me. Soon Reid and Morgan walked in.

"Oh my god, I am so glad you guys are here," I say in relief. 

"Wow looks like a robbery happen here," Morgan says. I nodded slowly. Soon Morgan came over and hugged me. "We will find her."  Soon I let go of the hug and looked at Spencer. Hoping for him to say something.

"Lilly," He says. I looked at him. "Lets find this bastard." I smiled and nodded. Showing him where the blood stains were.


"He who wishes to  be obeyed must know how to command

-Niccolo  Machiavelli"


So I hope this was a good enough chapter. Its really hard when you have writers blog.

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