Chapter Seven

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*Lilly's P.O.V*

"So Justin just got into your place?" Rossi asked me. We were all at the police station. "How could we not miss it?"

"I should of known he was coming," I heard Morgan whisper. Odd, but okay. 

"What do we do now?" Callahan asked.

"We have to get somebody to watch over Lilly," Hotch says. 

"I volunteer Reid to do it," Morgan says. Reid looks at me.

"Yeah, I mean if we need any of them we can call them," Miles says. I was sitting next to Spencer as we were talking.

"But he does want both Reid and I, and plus he already knows what I live," I say.

"Then you can stay at my place just until this is over. I'll stay at a hotel or something," Miles says.

"You sure?" I asked him. He nods.

"Plus after this case I am leaving," He says.

"What? Your leaving?" I asked him. He nods. 

"I am going out to live with my girlfriend out in  Virginia. She doesn't know yet, and I want to surprise her," He says. I heard J.J and Kate awe. I smiled.

"Cute," I say.

"So stay at my place?" Miles asked me. I looked at the him, then at Spencer. He nodded.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan," I say.

*Later that day*

*Lilly's P.O.V*

I stopped by my place to get some stuff. We also had to stop by at the hotel Reid was staying at and get his stuff. Soon we were at Miles place. And damn he house is like a mansion. I mean. Is he selling this place, because I'll take it. I walked in and saw that the living room was huge.

"Holy crap," I whispered.

"Yeah," I heard Spencer say. We both set our stuff down. He sat on the couch as I walked around. Honestly I have never been in Miles's house and shit. I wish I was this rich. I open the back door that lead to a big ass swimming pool. I walked around more and saw there was a hammock. I walked back inside and found another door that lead into a hallway. I decided to walk down in it until it lead me to another door. I opened it and saw a hot tube.

"Well shit," I whispered. "Miles has everything." I walked out and into the living room. I saw Spencer was still sitting on the couch. 

"Well Spence. I want a house like this," I joked. He looked at me as I sat next to him.

"Too much money," He jokes. I smile and sat next to him. I cuddle my head into his chest.

"Spencer I'm sorry," I say. 

"Don't say it. I get it," He says.

"No I do have to say it.  I put you through hell like when Maeve died. I wasn't thinking, but I was thinking. I was thinking if I lost you that would be the last of me falling in love," I say. "I honestly don't know what would of happen if I've lost you...For good."He kissed my forehead.

"It's all in the past, Lilly. We don't have to worry. We just have to worry about Justin," He says. I smile.

"I'm going in the pool," I say wiggling out of his grip. I got up and went upstairs and got dressed into a blue bathing suit.  I grabbed my towel and walked downstairs to see Spencer looking at me.

"Uh. Lilly do you think this is a good idea. I mean the pool is outside and somebody could be watching us," Spencer says nervously. I smiled and walked towards the door, with Spencer following me.

"Spencer, stop worrying," I say. I took off my flip flops and jumped into the pool. I came up to see Spencer standing there awkwardly. I smiled.

"Lilly, I just don't want you to get hurt," He says.

"And Spencer. I am an FBI agent who took karate class when I was younger. If someone wants to hurt me I'll be the shit out of them," I say. Spencer smiled. "Plus, I got you." Spencer blushed.

"I'm not coming in," He says. I looked at him.

"Do I have to get out, push you in, then come in?" I asked him joking of course. He backed away.

"No way," He says. "I just don't think it's safe to be out here."

"Still denying to come in. Man I thought you WERE  a man, but now I see your just a baby," I joked. He looks at me.

"I am not a baby!" He says.

"Prove it," I say. Spencer looked at me and then walked back in. I sighed. I was about to get out when I saw Spencer coming out with his trunks on.  He comes in.

"I told you I'm not a baby," He says. I swam up to him.

"I know you aren't," I say. He pulls me close and kisses me. I smiled and kisses back. Snaking my arms around his neck while his hands slide down to my waist. We were totally making out. Man did I miss his lips. I missed everything about him actually. Soon we heard his phone ring. Spencer lets go of the kiss and swan over to the side. He dried his hands and picked up his phone.

"Hello?" He asked. Soon he gave me a confused look. Then his eyes widen.

"Oh my god. Listen to this," He says putting it on speaker.

"I know where you were," The voice says.

"Oh my that's Justin," I whispered.

"I watch you both. And right now your next," Justin says. Soon the line went dead. Both Spencer and I got out of the pool.

"I'm going to call Hotch and get him over here," He says.

"I'll go get ready," I say. He nods and dials Hotch's number. I got some clothes and walked into the bedroom.

Justin knows where we are.

And right now. I am scared for Spencer and I.


Where there is love. There is life.

-Mahatma Gandhi 


So I hope you like this chapter. I tried my best on it. I have been busy all week, but this weekend I have nothing to do, so I might update another chapter sometime.  Hope this was good.

Secret's (Book three to Counting Stars)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt