FWB!Tyler x FWB!Reader (NSFW)

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(y/n) was in love with her best friend. There was no sugar coating it, working her way around it, or trying to turn it into something it wasn't. That's what it was, and there was no way of changing it even if she wanted to. To her, he was her best friend, her love, the man who made her life better every day just by smiling at her. To him, she was probably his best friend, someone he could sleep with every so often when he was stressed, and someone he cared about.

They were friends with benefits. Well, that's what she assumed they were based on the way he skirted around anything with a romantic connotation behind it. How the whole thing happened was actually pretty normal. Unlike the erotic fan fictions and romance novels that (y/n) read occasionally to numb the pain, it didn't start off with the average girl meeting a perfect ten in the middle of the street, her job, or a bar. She hadn't become his friend, fucked him immediately, and then realized her undying love for him. She hadn't confessed her love and had it reciprocated with ease. Whatever they had wasn't even what she wanted, and even that had taken years.

She and Tyler had met in middle school. They hadn't started hanging out until their freshman year of high school, but after that, they slowly became best friends. They were those best friends. You know, the ones that everyone thought were an item, the ones who held hands in the hallway even though they weren't a couple, the ones who weren't afraid to be affectionate with each other because of what other people thought of them.

He moved to South Carolina after graduation and took her heart with him, for she had realized her love for the curly-headed boy was more than just platonic during her sophomore year while seeing him try (and ultimately fail) at finding a decent girlfriend. She recalled him saying that he only did it because the girl he wanted didn't want him back, which hurt her heart even more. (y/n) had almost asked if the girl was her, but decided against it in fear of looking like an idiot when he told her it was someone else.

The only communication they had for a while was a slew of regular video calls and excited texts that slowly turned into average weekly conversations, to one-word replies, to an all-night chat every few months when one of them was tipsy or sad.

Spur of the moment, as soon as she had graduated from college, she moved to Hilton Head to be closer to him. They got in touch again and fell back into step, catching up and rekindling their friendship instantly, as if nothing had changed after he left Ohio.

And then he told her that he was going to be on Big Brother. He had been a fan of the show for as long as she could remember, so she was happy for him- just a little disappointed. She had moved states just to be with him, only for him to go to California for up to three months. (y/n) understood, and all she wanted to do was support him. She loved him. He hadn't asked her to move down there, after all. Really it was her fault for being so desperate to keep the one true chance she ever had at finding a relationship alive. She shouldn't have been so dependent on him.

So she watched the episodes. She supported him and his decisions in the Big Brother house and knew he would win, which he did. The (e/c) eyed girl was proud of him.

His return from the Big Brother house was what changed everything. Something about him had changed. He smiled a lot less, and it was hard to even breathe the same air as him because of how tense he was. If she were to ask him what the hell had happened to him, he would say that he had learned a lot of lessons in the house and that adapting to the real-life world again was hard. She knew that what he said was true to a certain extent, but she didn't want to press him. He wasn't the same person he was before Big Brother. He didn't make the same dumb jokes, he didn't laugh or smile the same way, and he seemed so distant; maybe even bitter.

That caused them to quickly drift apart, years upon years of friendship going down the drain yet again, all within a single month. They went from hanging out every day to every other day to just texting and calling, to not talking at all. Tyler had stayed in the city, but he had informed her that he had bought a new house with some of his winnings. She congratulated him and said she would have to visit sometime soon, but they never actually made plans for that to happen.

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