Brett x Winston (Ft. Third Wheel Tyler)

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Rachel, Angela, Tyler, Kaycee, and Sam sat in silence in the backyard. It was two in the morning, which meant that no one was awake, no matter how ridiculous it was to be awake past midnight to specifically plan with a few of your friends how you were going to get someone else's bromance to turn into a showmance. "So..." Tyler spoke, turning to Rachel, who was playing with Angela's hair. Soft snores could be heard from Sam, who was using the tired lifeguard as a human mattress as they splayed out across one of the couches. "Why are we here at two in the morning?"

"Without two of our alliance members, who you purposely made sure wouldn't be here for some reason. What's up with Brinston that's so important that you had to get all of us here this early in the morning?" Kaycee questioned, pointing out the blatant absences of Brett and Winston.

"You just called them Brinston! See, Angela?" Rachel spoke excitedly, as if she was proving a point to her best friend. She must have been. Rachel turned back to everyone else, her smile wide and her hair messy. "Okay, look, we all have to play matchmaker for Brett and Winston."

Tyler paused for a moment, almost too tired to fully comprehend what Rachel had just said. He knew about Winston and Brett, at this point, everyone did except for Winston and Brett themselves. They ate together, worked out together, showered together, played games together, and came up with game strategies together. Tyler couldn't say that the two men did much when it came to formulating decent plans for their game, but when they did, they did it together. Their feelings for each other were obvious, but Tyler certainly didn't want to intervene. He didn't even know if Brinston realized they were gay at all, let alone for each other. Especially Winston; he seemed like the type to deny it. "...We have to what?" He asked, just to make sure that he had heard the dark-haired girl correctly.

"We have to get them together somehow. It's so obvious that they're crushing on each other and they don't even know it. Plus, we're their friends! We have to help them out. Come on guys, please?" Rachel pleaded with them.

Sam slowly sat up and settled herself on Tyler's lap, rubbing her eyes and blinking before speaking, "I'd love to help y'all out with this," Sam said, a small smile on her face.

"How do we know they're not already together and hiding it from us? Then this would be for nothing and we'd somehow awkwardly find out that Brinston is hiding a fiery romance behind our backs." Angela objected. "Why not just see how it plays out?"

Tyler continued listening. He prayed that no one in the house ever accidentally referred to Brett and Winston as "Brinston" in front of their faces. He was pretty sure that the bromance had no idea about the fact that practically the whole house had come up with a ship name for them, and he wanted it to stay that way.

"We could try to find out whatever relationship they have before doing anything," Kaycee, thankfully, came in with a plan. "That way, we find out if they're already official or not, and if not, we can make it that way."

"How are we gonna do that?" Sam asked.

"Easy," Tyler decided to pitch in. If their alliance was up for it, the very least he could do was help them come up with a plan. "They both trust all of us, right? Sam and Kaycee, you can work in one group, and Rachel and Angela, you can work in another."

"What are we doing? Getting info from them? I doubt they would tell us anything if they won't do it now." Rachel added.

"Nah," Tyler shook his head. "More than just straight up asking, that'd be too fishy,"

"We don't wanna make 'em think we're up to something," Sam said, clearly worried. "What if we're wrong about them and they get mad at us?"

"That's why we have to do it without them knowing. They hang out in open spots in the house a lot, aside from the bed they sleep in and the..." He trailed off for a moment. "Shower. Just mess up their hangouts however you can by slipping yourself into them, sometimes in your groups, sometimes not. When they are apart, be sure to talk to whichever one of them you see by himself for as long as possible so you can take up his time and frustrate him. If you're talking to Winston, casually slip Brett into the conversation however you can, and the other way around."

Thankfully, Angela picked up his plan from there and finished explaining. "The longer we talk to them when they're by themselves, the more upset they'll get without being able to end the conversation and go find the other. They'll either let info slip or act on whatever built up tension they have for each other eventually, right?"

"Yeah, that's the point. You guys up for it?" Tyler concluded, receiving a couple of nods and variations of 'yes'. "Cool. We can talk more about it in the morning and get started. I'm going to go take a shower since Brinston was hogging it earlier and go back to bed." Sam moved off of his lap, allowing him to stand up and go inside.

He sneaked through the house, trying not to wake any of the other houseguests up as he gathered a change of his clothes and headed to the bathroom. When he opened the door, he heard a loud, "Shush!"

His lack of sleep told him to ignore it. After all, he hadn't heard another noise, and maybe the initial hushing had come from one of the bedrooms. So, he placed his change of clothes where he could reach them from the shower and opened the door, He heard a gasp from below him and looked down to see Brinston, huddled together in the shower floor, still fully clothed (Thank God), but making out. "I love you so fucking much, Brett," Winston spoke in between heated kisses.

"You too," Brett said with a smirk, beginning to try and pull Winston even closer before Tyler made them realize he was there by clearing his throat.

"Uhm, guys..." He mumbled, feeling his voice raise a few octaves. Hoping that for the sake of his, Brett, and Winston's pride the cameras hadn't caught any of that. He felt like a deer caught in the headlights as the two men pulled apart and stared him down. Suddenly, the two men emitted loud, girlish screams, causing Tyler to slam the shower door shut in shock and walk out of the bathroom as if nothing had happened. 

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