Kaycee x Bartender!Sam

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To say the very least, the bartender in the Louie's was attractive to Kaycee. She was a brunette with natural highlights, crystal blue eyes, a sweet smile, and a country accent. Kaycee sat in a large booth with her friends; Tyler, Rachel, Angela, Winston, and Brett. This wasn't really her scene, but it was Tyler's choice regarding where to hang out this weekend, so she felt like she shouldn't complain. She quietly sipped at her water, staring at the bartender from where she was sat while her friends were engaged in conversation.

"Does anyone want a drink? I don't really drink here anymore, but Sam's the second-best bartender I know," Tyler asked.

"She's pretty hot," Brett added in. Everyone at the table shot Brett a questioning look, except for Winston, who had his head rested on Brett's shoulder as he did God knows what on his phone.

Kaycee decided not to question who was the first best bartender Tyler knew and turned to look at him. "You know her?"

"Yeah," Tyler answered, quickly running a hand through his newly grown out hair before continuing, "She used to cut my hair, but she quit to come work here for some reason. Haven't had it cut since."

"Oh." Kaycee had wondered why he started to grow his dirty blonde hair out for seemingly no reason.

"Why'd you ask?" Tyler questioned.

"Just curious..." She went silent, sipping at her water as everyone at her table shared curious glances before looking at her with prying eyes. The dark-haired girl tried to focus her eyes on everything but her friends, glancing around the dimly lit sports bar; at the few televisions hung on the walls, at people in the other booths, at the bar patrons, and then at the bartender- Or, Sam, and the large selection of alcohol behind her.

"None of us are believing that. " Angela spoke up, picking a tomato out of the salad she had ordered a few minutes earlier. "You should go talk to her."

"Actually," Tyler interjected. "I think she gets off soon. Want me to ask the waitress?"

"I'm good. Won't it seem weird to ask that? Maybe creepy? The waitress probably won't even answer anyways."

Tyler gave a dismissive wave, resting one of his elbows on top of the back of the booth. "Nah, I'll ask. Our waitress is Kaitlyn, she'll answer anything I ask. If I told her to jump she'd ask how high," He answered nonchalantly. "She trusts me."

A few seconds later, Kaitlyn came to their table. "How is everything?" She asked, a large smile on her face. "Do you guys need refills on your drinks?"

"We're fine, but do you know when Sam gets off of work?" Kaycee struggled to hear the conversation over the loud music that was playing; she could feel a headache coming on and cringed.

"What time is it right now?" Kaitlyn replied, tilting her head slightly.

Rachel, who already had her phone in her hand, answered her, "Five minutes till midnight."

"Then she gets off in five minutes," Kaitlyn was still looking at Tyler, batting her eyelashes at him. He wasn't really paying attention, instead glancing at a girl who walked in through the door with a Louie's t-shirt on, her (h/c) hair tied back. She was probably there to take Sam's place. "Anything else?"

"No thanks, Kaitlyn." Tyler gave her a small smile and averted his attention back to the girl that had just entered the building as everyone else at the table nodded at Kaitlyn and thanked her. Kaycee thought she seemed nice.

Kaycee watched from a distance as the (h/c) haired girl and Sam hugged, sharing a brief greeting before Sam started to leave.

"Hey, Sam!" Brett yelled from where he sat, his arm wrapped around Winston's waist.

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