Tyler x Competitor!Reader

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Big Brother season twenty-three; a blend of veterans, casual fans, recruits, and super fans, a season in which (y/n) (l/n) had been accepted as a casual fan and planned to merely float through the game until the final four. When it came to being in love with Tyler Crispen, who she also had to compete against, that wouldn't be easy for too long.

As (y/n) announced the end of the Diamond Veto ceremony, she felt the questioning eyes of everyone in the house on her. It was the eighth week of season twenty-three, and she had been a mere floater. She hadn't won any competitions or made herself a threat, and she had been just friendly enough to everyone in the house to not allow herself to get picked off. She wasn't strongly aligned with anyone, so naturally, you would assume that she had no reason to use a Veto.

Surely, she shouldn't have minded when Rachel Reilly put Tyler Crispen on the block next to Paul. Surely, she shouldn't have minded when Rachel picked Brendon to play for the Diamond veto, or when Paul randomly drew Nicole. What she did mind was Tyler picking her whenever he drew houseguest choice. It must have been a sign, right? So she played as hard as she could in order to win, save him, and put up someone who was a threat to both of their individual games.

Her relationship with Tyler was complicated, to say the least. They weren't really friends. Although (y/n) would be more than fine with that, she was too shy to approach him and say that, and he only approached her to talk about his plans when he won HOH or Veto. She thought it was stupid, but at the same time, Tyler was pretty perceptive. Maybe he knew she would keep her mouth shut. Sometimes he would bring her a bottle of water while she was sitting outside, silently lounge with her in the pool, and even join her to sleep in her bed at night on rare occasions. (y/n) had been in love with him from the moment he said 'hey' to her for the first time, but again, if she couldn't even bring herself to approach him for a friendship, she certainly couldn't do it for a romantic relationship. She still cared about him, though, so when she was given the opportunity to win the Diamond Veto, take him off, and put up Brendon as a replacement nominee, how could she not?

She made her way to the food storage room, the fact that she had just painted a bullseye on her back for Rachel and everyone else in the house running through her mind. Speaking of Rachel, the redhead would probably make her way into the storage room any minute now to ask about what she had just done. (y/n) knew that even though Rachel would have been fine with either Paul or Tyler going, her primary target had been Tyler. Though, Rachel had been too cocky about it. She had this coming to her, and (y/n) honestly wanted to win the next HOH just so she could make Rachel her next target. Of course, the redheaded woman had assumed that (y/n) would bend to her will even though they had never even talked about what she would do with the Diamond Veto after she had won it. Ridiculous. Hopefully, Tyler hadn't found it weird. She really didn't want anyone to find her, so she opened the large bottom cabinet and made her way inside, shutting the door. Had she possibly ruined her whole game for Tyler, who had already done so well in season twenty?

She heard the storage room door open a few seconds later, and then close behind whoever opened it. "Hey, (y/n), you in here?" Oh, it was just Tyler. She stayed quiet anyway; she wasn't in the mood to have to explain why she had put up Rachel's husband and kept one of the biggest threats in the house to said biggest threat in the house. She heard a sigh and then panicked as the cabinet door was opened, revealing her to Tyler's prying ocean eyes.

"Um, hi?" She waved awkwardly.

"Of course you'd be hiding here. Come on, (y/n)," He said, rolling his eyes and offering her one of his hands to help her stand. She took his hand and allowed him to pull her up so they were standing in front of each other, (y/n)'s back digging into the counter and Tyler a little too close for comfort, his hands resting on both sides of her against the edges of the counter. "You okay?"

"Yeah, of course, I am," She said, trying to reassure herself more than she was trying to reassure him. "Just stressed. I can't believe I actually did that..." She looked down as if the abandoned hot fry in the corner had become the most interesting thing in the world.

"Thanks, but why did you do it? You could have just not used it and kept yourself safe. It probably wasn't the best move; you're going to be a target next week, especially if Brendon stays." He leaned a little further down so his face was closer to hers.

"Because I love you, Tyler, and I want to protect you," She muttered under her breath, waiting for his next move. She may have had a chance with him, she may not have. She saw that he sometimes looked at her from across the room with the same longing looks she gave him, and they both knew that he could confide in her, but at the same time, she knew he didn't want a showmance. That could damage his game.

Relief flowed through her body as she felt his strong arms wrap around her waist and pull her into him, her chest against his hard body, his large hands resting on her lower back, and his chin resting on her head. "How long?"

"What?" She asked, obviously confused about what he meant.

"How long have you felt like this?"

"Too long, Tyler,"

"Yeah, me too, babe," He replied, sounding relieved.

(y/n) decided to make the first move, moving her hands from where they were uncomfortably curled against her chest to wrap her arms around his neck and lean in, pressing a quick kiss to the corner of his lips. Suddenly, he went in full force, practically slamming his mouth against hers and moving his lips. She desperately tried to keep up with him, moving her lips back against his, but then she felt his hands move to grip her hips. He was about to try and pick her up before she pulled away, panting slightly. "C-Cameras," She reminded him.

"Oh, yeah, forgot about those. Heat of the moment, you know? Wanna head to bed? It's getting late."

"Yeah," She nodded. "Let's go."

"Love you." He chuckled a bit after he spoke.

"Love you too."

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