Tyler x Reader

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Tyler Crispen was a force to be reckoned with, and (y/n) knew that. He was a competitor and an amazing one at that. He could win competitions, mist almost everyone with an innocent look and a soft tone, and control everyone's decisions with a little bit of work. At most, someone would bat an eye at him and then turn away. Aside from Kaitlyn being evicted, which may have been better for him in the long run anyway, he had gotten everything he had wanted so far. He had won the first HOH, pulled Sam in on a tight leash because she had a power, lured Kaitlyn in and manipulated her into backdooring Swaggy, controlled the week three votes to keep Brett, and disposed of Kaitlyn at his convenience. (y/n) didn't like that, and Swaggy, who seemed to have been the only person who could oppose Tyler until later in the game, was fucking gone. (y/n) didn't like Tyler as someone to play against, because he could take her out if he really wanted to.

She did like him as a person, though. Was he worth five hundred thousand dollars? Yes, of course. He was priceless. Was he worth her losing her chance of five hundred thousand dollars when he could already financially support himself? No, he wasn't. Even when she won, she knew that he would be mature enough to maintain a friendship outside of the house with someone he had been on decent terms with inside of the house. The only times they had really talked were when they were outside after midnight, playing pool with each other and/or a couple of others. On rare occasions, around other houseguests, they would throw a sarcastic comment or two at each other.

Tyler was interesting, at the very least. He never talked game to (y/n) and (y/n) never talked game to him, but they could talk about everything else without any issues; their childhoods, their jobs, their past relationships, and just their lives in general. She could only guess who he was going to put on the block next time he won HOH, but she knew that he had went to Australia for six months and that seals were his favorite animals. He didn't know about her final three with Haleigh and Scottie, but he knew that her favorite color was (f/c) and that she was better at pool than him. She liked him, and he seemed to like her, at least in a friendly way. Hopefully, she wouldn't get out of the house and watch the episodes, only to see that she had been played like a fiddle.

(y/n) stood up from where she was sitting at the kitchen counter, going to the fridge and opening it. She looked over the contents to see some leftovers from that night's dinner, some fruit in the fruit drawer, and finally what she had been looking for; a few bottles of water. She grabbed one of them and shut the fridge, turning around and heading to the back door. She was shocked to see that Tyler was outside by himself, aggressively cleaning a pool cue. It was late, and normally she wouldn't be surprised to see him up so late, but he had seemed so lethargic after Kaitlyn's eviction that she figured he'd be catching up on whatever sleep he could while he still had the chance. Apparently not. Who knows, maybe he didn't care that much. No one appeared to be out there, but she saw him look up and start talking. Out of curiosity, she made her way to the back screen door and cracked it open, trying to listen.

"Sorry, I'm not entertaining today." Oh. So he was addressing the live feeders and looking at one of the cameras. That made a bit more sense. "It's 'cause I'm on slop; 'cause I suck at the HOH competitions!" Yikes. She cringed. It was odd to hear him sound so... Bitter. He was a generally relaxed, kind person. (y/n) understood, though. In the Big Brother house, things start to get to you after a while. "That's alright. I hope you guys like this season. It's probably boring now that Kaitlyn's not here, right? Sickos." (y/n) could only imagine. Kaitlyn, oh so dramatic Kaitlyn, probably provided the best feeds. "Kaitlyn, I hope you're watching." He let out a sardonic sounding chuckle, hitting one of the many balls on the table with the cue he had in his hands, sending a few more into the pocket billiards of the table. "I. Hope. You. Are. Watching." He mumbled, emphasizing every word even though it wasn't really necessary. "We talked about karma, Kaitlyn! You did me dirty- or, you tried. It didn't work. That's why I don't trust girls... Like you. That's why I don't date." Not wanting him to continue, she opened the screen door all the way and stepped outside as he put the cue back on the rack. "Hey, (y/n)," He addressed her, his tone suddenly sounding a lot brighter. He was probably faking it. "What's up?" He asked, turning back to the pool table and gathering all of the balls to put in the pool triangle in the middle of the table. After he finished, he leaned his back against the table, his hands resting on the edges, fingers gripping the wood a little harder than normal.

"Nothing really. Are you okay?" The (h/c) haired woman asked, opening her water and taking a sip of it before putting the cap back on and setting it down on the grass.

"Yeah, I'm good. Everything's good," He lied, crossing his arms and looking away from her. He was a really bad liar.

"Tyler," She said sternly.

"I'm annoyed, okay?" He snapped, looking at her again, the agitation he had been feeling quite obvious by his expression. "It's just... Ugh," He threw his hands up in the air in frustration, and then let them drop to his side again. "I know this is Big Brother. You're not supposed to trust people, at least not in a game sense. It's just fucking wild that Kaitlyn told me and Fess the same shit for seemingly no reason. It didn't help her game at all. I didn't even like her like that, I still don't like her like that, but it hurts to think that I could have just been her rebound."

"Wait, what'd she tell you two? All I've heard about is her telling Brett she would fuck him if she didn't have a boyfriend. I guess it doesn't matter anyway... At least she's gone now, right? I would just try to forget about it."

"Well," He sighed, moving a hand up to slick back a few pieces of hair that had slipped out of his bun. "She told us both that she thought we were her soulmates or some shit, and then thought she had the right to get jealous when either of us were around other chicks, which I find really ironic if she already has a boyfriend at home. If she did, she doesn't anymore."

"So you're upset because she lied to and hurt you and Fessy?" She asked to confirm and scooted a little closer to him, slipping a hand behind him and resting it on the middle of his back, stroking it in a smoother manner as she prepared herself to listen to him. It was weird seeing him look even remotely emotional, but she could roll with it.

"I feel bad for him, but it didn't really hurt me. I guess I just feel numb about it all. It just kinda confirms that I can't really trust anyone here, game or not, except for maybe you."

"You should know that you can trust me." She reassured him, surprised to feel him envelop her in a tight hug, his arms around her waist, his chin rested on top of her head.

"Thanks, I appreciate that."

She wrapped her arms around his waist to match him, pulling her face away from his chest and looking up at him. He was looking down at her, as if he were contemplating something.

"Are you... Sure you're okay, Tyler?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Let's just go to bed." He suggested. "You can sleep in mine tonight if you want."

"Okay, thanks." She had been sleeping alone, which was nice, but a little lonely. And very cold. They detached from each other, (y/n) making the brave move to reach for his hand. He took it- thank God- and intertwined their fingers, giving her hand a small squeeze. They walked inside, Tyler looking around for other houseguests (there weren't any) as he lead them to the pink room. Everyone seemed to be asleep, either sharing a bed with someone else or in their own. The only empty beds were hers and Tyler's, which were on opposite sides of the room. Still holding his hand, she followed him, both of them making their way to the closest empty bed; Tyler's. Tyler released her hand and crawled into the bed first, holding the covers up and moving over to one side, still holding the covers up for her. She went under them and laid next to him on the bed, curling up at his side and smiling when he wrapped an arm around her to pull her even closer.

"Night, (n/n)."

"Night, Tyler."

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