Brett x Male Celebrity!Reader

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(y/n) smiled as he looked around his large dining room, his eyes immediately landing on Brett, who was sitting at the dining table, talking to Winston excitedly. He felt a pang of jealousy run through him but ignored it. He wanted what they had, but he wasn't anything like Winston, and he didn't want to be. He wanted to be himself, but he wanted Brett to love him for him. He wasn't ignorant of Brett and Winston's obvious showmance, bromance, whatever it was. They obviously weren't official or anything, but maybe (y/n) was just being paranoid. They were probably just really close friends.

He sighed from where he was standing. A few feet to his left was Swaggy, who was talking to Bayleigh about both of them applying for the next season. He looked to his right to see Tyler and Sam talking, but they were too far away for him to hear. He saw Tyler lean down to whisper something in Sam's ear and immediately looked away. Considering that he was the one who hosted the BB20 reunion in his own home, he felt a little awkward considering that no one was talking to him. Even Kaitlyn, Fessy, Rockstar, and Haleigh were all catching up on the living room couch. Angela and Rachel were sitting together on the love seat, and Steve and Scottie were flipping through TV channels, trying to decide on what to watch, JC throwing in the occasional suggestion from behind them. The only person who wasn't talking to someone was Kaycee, who he could see sitting in the backyard through the kitchen window.

He glanced back at Brett and Winston to see Winston mutter something to where only Brett could hear and nudge his side, which caused Brett to quickly glance over at (y/n), (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes meeting Brett's blue ones for a split second before they both looked away from each other. (y/n) quickly went to walk past Brinston and go outside, but as he walked past Brett, he felt a hand clasp around his wrist. He turned around to see who it was, and of course it was Brett, but the (younger/older) man let go as (y/n) looked down at him.

"D-Do you need something, Brett?"

"Uh," The brunette stuttered for a moment as Winston tried to muffle his laughs. "No, never mind. Go ahead."

"Okay then," (y/n) replied, dragging out the okay in an uncomfortable manner before making it to the sliding door, opening it and stepping into the backyard before shutting it behind him. He saw Kaycee sitting in front of the pool, looking out onto the water. "Hey, Kaycee." He waved, sitting down next to her.

"(y/n)," Kaycee gave a small smile and asked, "What's up?"

"Nothing really, just coming out here for a break." He answered. It was hard to get a break from (insert profession), let alone the paparazzi that followed him around because of it. It was ironic, all he had really wanted was some peace and quiet, but all the decisions he had made contradicted that. He had decided to do (insert profession), live in a large mansion in the middle of California, go on Big Brother, host a season twenty reunion, and fall in love with Brett Robinson of all people. "You?"

"Just getting away from everyone in there for a few. It's cool to see them again, but I forgot how chaotic they were. You were too busy staring at Brett to notice it, but Kaitlyn started an argument with Sam over Tyler." Kaycee rolled her dark brown eyes, a smirk on her face.

(y/n) paused, trying his best to ignore the fact that Kaycee had commented on his dumb crush on Brett, the confusion on his face about what happened between Kaitlyn and Sam evident. "I thought she liked Faysal?"

"I dunno," Kaycee shrugged. "I'm just glad Bayleigh and Tyler shut it down before it could escalate."

He cringed. He was so occupied with drooling over Brett that he didn't notice Kaitlyn drama going on right in front of him. And to think that he was the one hosting the reunion party; yikes.

"Yeah, me too."

Kaycee sighed. "Just go inside and talk to him, man. Pretty sure he likes you too."

"O-Okay," (y/n) didn't question her and simply stood up, going back inside. He knew she was right; he should talk to Brett sooner than later. That way, if Brett really did like him back, they could just get whatever feelings they had for each other out. And, well, if he didn't feel the same way, (y/n) could get over him faster. He looked around to see Brett and Winston hugging by the front door. He stood in the middle of the living room, feeling a little awkward as Winston approached him.

"Thanks for inviting me, bro! We should have another reunion at my place sometime. Sorry to cut this short, but I have to be up super early in the morning for my flight back."

"Of course, have a safe trip," (y/n) smiled sweetly as Winston nodded with a bright smile, turned around, and walked out the front door. The (h/c) haired man let out a sigh of relief, but then looked to his left to see Brett standing just a little too close to him, any relief he had in his body immediately replaced with panic. Without thinking, he briskly walked up the stairs and went into his room, shutting the door. He went over to his bed and plopped down onto it, burying his face into the pillow. Only a few seconds later, he heard a knock at his door. Who would even notice that he was missing? Everyone downstairs had seemed preoccupied, except maybe Brett since Winston had left. It was probably Brett.

He sat up anyways to ask, "Who is it?"

"Hey, (y/n), it's Brett. Can I come in?"

(y/n) made sure his hair looked okay by taking a quick glance in the vanity mirror and smoothed out his clothes before answering, "Sure." A second later, the door was opened, revealing Brett, looking as good as ever; hair messy from his habit of running his hands through it, blue t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers. "What's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you,"

(y/n) felt a pang of dread hit him, but he smiled anyway and patted the spot next to him on the bed, gesturing for Brett to sit down. Brett did exactly that and sat down next to him, looking him up and down, making (y/n) feel somewhat uncomfortable; it was like the (younger/older) man could see right through him. "What's up?" Damn, he just knew he sounded as nervous as he felt. He nervously started to fiddle with his hands.

"There's a couple things I wanted to address, actually. You okay? You've been stressed all day when you should be having fun; we're supposed to be partying and catching up and you've looked like you're about to have a stroke for the past two hours."

"Uh," (y/n) struggled to answer. "I'm fine, just tired, I guess. What's the other thing?"

Brett turned to face him fully. "I've been wanting this since the first week we were in the Big Brother house, you know... I don't really know if you're into girls, guys, whatever, but what I do know is that I'm into you. Really into you."

"I, uh... I'm..." (y/n) paused for a moment, absolutely stunned at Brett's confession. He almost thought he was dreaming, but he knew he wasn't, because if he were, he wouldn't be stumbling over his words like this. He decided to go with the simple response of, "Me too, Brett."

The anxiousness in Brett's eyes disappeared, a smile gracing his face before he let out a chuckle and moved forward, wrapping his arms around (y/n)'s waist and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sure everyone is wondering where we are. You wanna go back downstairs?"

"Yeah," (y/n) gently grabbed one of Brett's hands and intertwined their fingers. "Let's go."

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