Fight at the Son's Tower

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"Do not blame him. It is my nature to do what is selfless," the Daughter said. "It is his nature to do what is selfish."

"Oh, what a brilliant excuse that is," (Y/N) sighed sarcastically. "To blame your nature for something would be like my blaming Master Drellik for my loss in a lightsaber fight. For once, take some responsibility, the both of you."

"You must help us," Kenobi pleaded. "With you and Anakin combined, surely you can stop him."

"I cannot interfere in the ways of the Force. My father forbids it."

"And look where that got him," (Y/N) pointed out. "Look, I'm with the Dark Side as much as the next Sith Lord. But if your brother gets out, there's no telling what he will do to the galaxy, if not the universe."

The Daughter looked pensively, as if unsure of what to do. She eventually reached a decision, saying, "Jedi, follow me. Sith, please, slow my brother down. His temple is that way." (Y/N) nodded in understanding, beginning to run towards the brother's tower.

As he ran, he flipped through the pages of Darth Bane's tome, desperate to see if there was anything about redirecting Force Lightning specifically, as that seemed to be the only fighting that the Son had in him, or at least was his most powerful. However, there was nothing, likely due to the fact that Bane had anticipated that only the two Sith would use lightning, and they would each need to find their own way to counter it to become the Master.

"Nox, a little help here," (Y/N) stressed. "How would I redirect Force Lightning?"

"Have you not already done that?" Nox asked, confused at why the boy was confused.

"Yeah, electricity, not Force Lightning."

"What is Force Lightning if not electricity created by the Force?" Nox suggested, causing the boy to mentally facepalm.

"Ones dammit. Alright, let's give this a shot."

(Y/N) arrived at the entrance of the tower just as Anakin had finished climbing the wall. Knowing that if he had followed the same route Anakin had taken it would take too long, (Y/N) opted to experiment a little. He called the powers of Convection to attempt to lift himself off the ground. It worked, but barely. He was barely being held aloft by the power of the flames, and it was draining his energy quickly. It was then that he noticed a series of platforms along the wall, ones that he should be able to jump between if he gave himself a boost. He leaped from the ground to the first platform, clearing the gap. He then attempted to jump from the first to the second, using Convection in his hands to give himself a boost. It worked, but he nearly didn't make it, having to grab the edge of the platform to avoid falling. Not wanting a repeat as it would likely wear his hands out in the long run, he instead attempted to channel the power of Convection through his feet on the next jump. It worked even better than when channeled through his hands for this purpose, as it placed the upward force in a more centralized location.

"Sweet. Now, to reach the top..."

When (Y/N) landed in the courtyard of the Son's tower, he saw Anakin attempting to talk to Ahsoka, who was kneeling in meditation in front of a tree. However something was off about her. Her Force signature screamed free fall, and her skin matched it. Veins ran across her body, especially noticeable against her white lekku. (Y/N) had arrived just in time to catch the tail end of their conversation.

"Then you will be forced to kill me!" Ahsoka yelled, leaping at Anakin with her green lightsaber ignited. Unsure if Anakin had the mental strength to even put up a fight, (Y/N) used the Force to pull Anakin away from the blade. However, between the effort of pulling him away so fast and the amount of Convection used climbing to the top, it had left (Y/N) tired from overexertion, falling to one knee. However, he still had the wherewithal to ignite his orange blade, in case Ahsoka came after him.

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