Chapter 29: Changes

Start from the beginning

I believed that everyone would be tense with Arthur's appointment as a Lance, so this situation was more than welcome

" Mom, when will big brother come?" Ellie asked with excitement in her eyes

" He promised that he will come for dinner tonight, but I don't know if he will make it" I answered and saw how the sadness slowly spread in my daughter's eyes

" Don't worry Ellie, I am sure Arthur will soon be there" Rey said with his unique smile

Even if it's just a tiny bit, a smile appeared on Ellie's face. Ever since she was young she was very attached to Arthur and loved spending as much time with him as possible

She really hoped that she could spend some time with him today, but there is nothing I can do if Arthur is busy with his duties as a Lance

" Ellie, now that your brother is a Lance he has even more responsibilities than before, so sometimes he might not be able to come even if he promises he will" I said with a sad yet understanding tone, trying to explain my once again young daughter that her brother might break his promise for the first time

" Bu-but he promised!" Eleanor said with teary eyes " Big brother promised... so he will come! I know he will!!!"

" Ellie..."

" I agree with her you know" the voice said from behind " Just what kind of piece of shit brother would break a promise with his adorable crybaby little sister"

Looking back, I saw a man that was about sixteen wearing a white military uniform adorned with a red cape over his right shoulder

Even though he looked older than he is, the voice belonged to my son, Arthur, who was now standing before us proudly as one of the continent's most powerful mages at the age of thirteen

" Brother!" Ellie shouted and basically jumped over the table to hug Arthur

" Hi Elle" Arthur returned and gently embraced her " I am sorry I am late"

I was really happy to see my two babies hugging each other like this, making me proud that I was able to lead them to the right path. Once that Rey and I are gone they will be each other's only family, so I was truly both happy and grateful that they have such a beautiful relationship like this

After a moment of pause, Ellie muttered with a muffled voice thanks to her burying her face in Arthur's chest " are forgiven"

" Hahaha, I'm glad" he answered and patted her

" Arthur!" the next one to shout was Rey. Leaving his seat at the table much more politely than Ellie, he approached our son and gave him a tight hug

" Congratulations son, I'm really proud of you"

" Thanks, dad" Arthur said as he returned a hug

It took us about five minutes, but everyone was able to congratulate Arthur on his appointment. We even had to separate Vincent from Arthur so that he could take a seat to eat with us

As expected, Vincent and Ellie were the ones with the most questions they wanted to ask. After them there was Lillia, who even though not asking anything was listening to them carefully, absorbing everything they said with great interest like a sponge

Rey was trying to have Arthur spar with him, but Arthur refused due to the fact that a single spell casted by a Lance can change an entire landscape, and this time Vincent would be unable to fix the damage

Understanding that they couldn't fight, Rey backed down from his insistence regretfully

" I am glad that everyone seems so lively, but shouldn't we all sit to have dinner?" Tabitha said, reminding everyone of the original purpose of our gathering here

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