Finale: "I do"

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Wedding Day
Jade has gotten dressed and is ready to marry the love of her life, Joshua. As she's waiting for the ceremony to began she chats with her brother and mom.

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Jade Dawson~

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Jade Dawson

Ja'on walked in and his jaw dropped when he saw me "OK RIHANNA" he said joking around. I let out a laugh as we embraced, he touched my belly "oh I just LOVE the belly peeking through, my niece said she making an appearance!!!" he exclaimed. "This dress is gorgeous too, I'm glad you chose this one, you look like a princess." I grinned as he continued showering me with compliments.

For anyone wondering, I never knew my father so I wanted Ja'on to give me away to Josh.

"Let's get a couple pics" he said pulling his phone out. He snapped some as my mom came in the room beaming. "LOOK AT MY BAAAABY" she squealed rushing over to engulf me in a hug. "Oh my goodness you look so BEAUTIFUL, how do you feel?" she asked holding my hands. "I feel great and I'm so happy we were able to pull this off, how does the venue look?" I ask her. "Baby it looks like HEAVEN" she laughed "it's stuff hangin from the walls, it's pretty drapes, the chairs are nice- I wonder how much this cost" she asked herself making me and Ja'on laugh.

We talked for a lil while longer before it was time for me to walk out. My mom left to her seat because it was time for me to come out. Me and Ja'on stood by the door as we waited. "Now I'm nervous as hell" I said. "Girl relaaaax, it's just Josh" he joked making me suck my teeth "thanks, I needed that."

The doors opened to reveal a gorgeous venue full of guests, the decorations were amazing like mom said, actually they were breathtaking, it was whimsical like a fairytale.

My eyes quickly land on my soon to be husband who was waiting at the alter

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My eyes quickly land on my soon to be husband who was waiting at the alter. Even though he was a long walk away I could make out enough of him to see how fine he was in that suit. My heart started pounding out of my chest as I squeezed Ja'on's hand extremely tight. He chuckled and leans his head in to whisper "please don't break my hand sweet pea." We began walking down the aisle, which was curved so I was trying to watch my step so I didn't bust my ass in front of everyone. Once we reach the alter Ja'on releases my hand and him and Josh share a hug. I finally get to look at my man up close to see he was getting emotional.

"Aww don't cry" I coo as I wipe his tears, though I was gonna cry some more anyways. He takes my hands "you look so beautiful baby" kissing them both. I couldn't break my stare from him, it's like he had me hypnotized as the minister said the invocation. We then chose to say a few words to each other, starting with me.

"Joshua Samuel Fatu, I am grateful to be standing here as your soon to be wife, and mother of your big headed baby"

That got a laugh from everyone, including Josh who shook his head "it aint that big."

"Over the past few years there's been ups and downs, but through those ups and downs we've became stronger, together. Because of how good of a man you are and how strong my love is for you I'd be willing to go through it again if it meant the outcome would be the same. This very moment with me becoming your wife and us starting a family of our own. I love how family-oriented you are, how reserved you are, how protective you are. I'll support you till no end because you deserve it. You have all the qualities in a man, a person that anyone would be lucky to have. I can't wait to start this new chapter in our life together."

By the time I was finished my eyes were watery but I held it together and didn't cry, yet. It was his turn as he held his paper and took a deep breath:

"So much could be said about you, how caring and loving you are, how generous you are, how beautiful you are. It was truly love at first sight, I knew I wanted something deeper the moment I saw you"

He gave me a quick wink as I blushed, folding my lips.

"You got along with my family with ease, even my dogs"

Everyone laughed including me, but those are my babies too.

"You were eager to learn about me and what I do, and you supported me with no problem, even now. You adapted to my lifestyle even when you didn't have to, and I appreciate that.

"We been through some turmoil, and within that I realized, I was the problem. Relationships are built on a foundation of trust, going forward into this marriage there cant be any doubts, and wont be none. You're the woman I wanna start a family with, grow old with, and spend the rest of my life with. I'm workin to be the best version of myself, not only for me and my family, but for my wife and my child. I'ma provide for yall in every way, I'ma protect yall, I'ma be there for yall and I'ma love yall unconditionally."

After he finishes he wipes a few tears that fell, I pout at how cute he looks crying.

The officiant starts the declaration of intent, first looking at me

"Do you Jade, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

Smiling brightly I answer, "I do."

He looks to Josh and asks the same:

"Do you Joshua, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

He showcases that big smile I adore, and answers proudly "I do."

We do the ring exchange and then the officiant says,

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife!! You may now kiss the bride"

Josh goes for me, cupping my face as he stares deeply into my soul. I smile against his lips as we share an intense kiss and for a sec I almost forgot we were in front of guests until we hear a whistle and pull apart to see Jon cheesing "save that for later uce!!!"

Josh then bends down to kiss my belly, everyone aww's. I smile at him and my heart warms even more knowing this is my future, I'm officially his wife and soon I'll be a mother. I REALLY can't wait for that.

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Annnnd SCENE 👏🏾🎬
That is it for "Secure" (finally lol) the book was prolonged because of life and writers block but we're finally done with it. I wanted the theme of this story to be that the 2 main characters find security in each other after dealing with insecurities. I think I achieved that lol.

Thank you to everyone who checked out this story- every view, vote, and comment- especially the comments.🫵🏾

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