31. Fun

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Jade Dawson
I got done with my bath and took care of my other hygiene before choosing an outfit to wear. I know its hot as hell out so I didn't wanna have too much on. I settle on a dress and some slides, putting my hair up into a ponytail. I didn't bother to put on any makeup.

I *limped downstairs (yes I'm being dramatic but I'm still sore) and saw Josh sitting on the arm of the couch waiting on his phone

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I *limped downstairs (yes I'm being dramatic but I'm still sore) and saw Josh sitting on the arm of the couch waiting on his phone. He saw me, stood up and smiled "you look cute." I smile back cheekily "thanks, I see you got the arms and thighs out." He had on a tank top and some shorts and yall, he's getting more muscular, I can't take it sometimes. He bout to pop out his clothes right now.

He smirked "what you hungry?" I giggled "you so silly, let's go" heading to the door." As he's behind me he says "yea cause I'll have you even more sore" smacking my ass as we left out.


Once we get to Jon & Trins, we head in their backyard where we see them, the kids, and a guy. I see Trin holding a croc?

Jon walks over and greets us "sup yall" he says dapping Josh and hugging me. I grin "ooh this is cute, yall having fun?" He shakes his head, sighing "yeah, on my dime, she got a petting zoo for the kids and didn't even tell me." Poor him. We greet the kids and her. I laugh then ask "running up his card huh?"

"He'll be alright, it's for the kids, yall like it?" she asked his son and daughter who were clearly excited. She extended that lil monster over to us "yall wanna pet it?"

"No thank you, you?" I ask Josh who shrugs "yeah sure." She gently hands it over to him, he holds it up examining it as the kids become preoccupied by the man setting up 2 gates for the ponies.

He then shows it to me "this yo twin."

"You so funny" I say, glaring at him. "I'm gonna go pet the cute animals" I say walking over the where the kids where as the guy brings over the ponies.


We stayed outside enjoying the petting zoo for around 2 hours. After that was over everyone headed back inside to relax. We were all in the living room, I was laying on one of the couches as Jon, Josh, and Trinity were play wrestling the kids.

"Yall I was tryna convince her to take up wrestling." Trin said to the boys.

Josh perked up "forreal? you thinkin bout it baby?"

Halfway asleep I shook my head as Trin laughed "clearly I wasn't successful."

As Jon had his son in a headlock he said "well, wrestling aint for the weak."

"You callin my girl weak uce? Josh asked.

"Nah bruh I'm just saying, it's something you gotta be committed too. Lots of work, dedication, sweat, tears."

I was halfway asleep as they talked about something I'm not even thinking about doing.

"Ok change of topic" Trinity said clapping her hands "this beach trip."

"Yea so the house gonna be Panama for a couple days, it might be A day now since yall got a petting zoo" Jon said playfully mushing the kids. "But yea this house big, plenty of room, a pool. Yall gon love it" he bragged.
"I'ma send yall pics of the house" he added. As they continued playing around I ended up taking a nap.

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