1K 15 63

I slip through the door and into the relative darkness behind it. Should I be more alert? Maybe. But I can't stop thinking about showing off for Jenny and maybe even replacing stupid slate as the muscle on this team. And who knows, they might even consider me to be a part of the team instead of leaving me in cuffs and practically force feeding me those dumb goat milk cupcakes. If you see a goat girl, don't eat her goatmilk cupcakes!

I suppose it's my own fault. Not the cupcakes, I mean spacing out. I walked right into a somewhat squishy mass and froze.

I look up to see blank eyes glaring into my soul, and I have seen them before.

"HEYYY! Doug? Donnie? Uhhh, Derek? Nice to see you, I was just leaving." I point my finger guns at the mass of sentient water in front of me. I can take most people in a fair fight, but this is just not fair.

"Where's the money, frank?" Comes a voice, and I can't hide my shock. He can talk??

I whip around and tense as I see Chevy emerge from behind the big guy whose name starts with a 'D'

"I'm actually kinda in the middle of it right now. It's a working pro -" I can't even finish before I'm hit with a hand that seemingly comes from nowhere. It's the other dude with the stretchy arms. Lovely.  Water dude puts his arms up, and I gulp.

Suddenly, the wad of cash I lifted off of Slate while I was supposed to be sleeping feels heavy. I hold up my hand to signal them, and the shorter guy does the same. I pull out the cash from my pants, and the stretchy dude looks at it in disgust.

"Take it. 1k." I toss it to Chevy, who in turn passes it to the fourth guy. I keep forgetting his name, too.

"Count it, Ed." Chevy instructs, and the five of us sit in silence. I begin to weigh my options. Honestly, in the right conditions, they could all kick my ass singlehandedly. I could probably stand a decent chance if they weren't armed. And then the big guy could drown me before Jenny even gets back.

Jenny! I don't have to win as long as she's coming. I just have to stall.

"It's all here," Ed proudly announces, and Chevy nods before turning back to me.

"So you're averaging a thousand dollars every two days. How do you expect to meet the deadline in time? You only have three months, minus two days. 200k is a lot, kid." He starts to walk towards me, and I step backward uneasily.

"Thanks for the cash, but the deals changed." He continues with a wicked grin and grabs my arm. I frantically pull away and activate my fire. He instinctively let's go as the room permeates with the smell of burnt flesh.

"Dougie, if you will." The creep cradles his burnt hand while harboring an evil expression. It's time to do what I do best.

"Bloop" goes the water dude, and I don't wait. I sprint for the distant light of the slightly ajar door. From the shadows, someone kicks it shut, and I'm left alone in the dark. I'm not a fan of the dark.

I spin around and try to gain better visibility with my fire, but it's swiftly extinguished as I'm hit with floating orbs of water. This. This is why I hate these guys. But the other four were accounted for, so who closed the door? 

My trust issues immediately begin to assume it was one of my so-called teammates.

As my eyes begin to readjust though,  I see that its..... a little girl? She holds out her hand, and the door handle turns to dust. There's no way I can do this right now. Nope, nope, no. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have a say in the matter.

I begin praying for Jenny to make a perfectly timed entrance or something because I really need that right now. My life is flashing before my eyes, and it is way too short with not nearly enough money.

"Oi, what's this boss?" The stretchy one asks as he pulls out my earpiece. HOW AM I SO STUPID? Minutes ago, I wanted to burn this thing, but when shit hits the fan, I forget it exists? Ya know, the more you look at it, the stupider this seems. I'm going to get myself killed over these mistakes.

As expected, Chevy isn't happy and proceeds to tell me that with his fists after crushing the earpiece below his shoe. I have no idea why she is taking so long, but Jenny better hurry up.

"Well, we can't kill him, and he probably has people coming for him. Should we take him to see silver now?" Stretchy guy asks.

"Sammys right. We don't want Slate showing up again." Ed interjects. What a loser. I bet his name is Edward or something. Can't even use a gun properly. They shouldn't be listening to him.

"I have a mission to finish." The little girl says then full on disintegrates away like Spiderman or something.

In a world where being elemental isn't that common,  why is it that everyone I meet has some crazy ability? Like, I find people with crazy ash abilities, I guess, titanium, water (as in that thing everyone needs to live), and lightning. And what do I have? Magma. And I can't even have that by definition because I'm not under the earth surface. Why am I thinking this now? I'm literally being kidnapped. >:/

"Guys, guys. We can talk this out. Chevy, Sammy, Edward, Donnie." I look to each one respectively.

"Actually, it's Edgar," Edward objects.

"Bloop" responds the blob.

"How can I get you the money if I'm dead? You want the vials? I can help you find them. Or I could -" Suddenly, the door breaks down, and my beautiful heroine in shining light blue polyester appears.

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