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No windows means it's hard to tell what time it is. The groggy feeling implies I got maybe 5 hours of sleep which I'm more than used to but still isn't healthy. The fact that Silver is standing at the panel implies that he either is really cold or it's morning. I glance at him and do a double take. The frosty patches across his body have halved. I thought those were permanent. They must restart every day or something.

Once the overhead lights are on and the door is closed, he crosses to me and presses a button to my left that opens the restraints holding me here. I sit up and rub my neck. Metal tables are he'll on your joints, let me tell you.

"Sleep well?" Silver asks but he clearly doesn't care. I shrug. Again, what do I say? Lie and piss him off or tell the truth and piss him off.

"Act reasonable and I can be too. A bed, pillow, blankets." Silver continues and I can't help thinking how great even a single blanket would have been last night. Then I come to my senses. I'm not staying here. I will escape.

Silver grabs my wrist and pins it behind my back and I yell in pain. I don't know why but my arm just hurts so bad. I feel him start to drain the heat again and try to summon a defense but I just... can't. He seems to recognize this.

"Out of energy? Thats disappointing." Silver frowns as he let's go. I yank my arm back and try to massage feeling into it as he watches without a care in the world.

"Lets go." He gestures to the door as it opens at his command and I follow him into the hallway. We make more or less the same rounds we did yesterday. There's a new prisoner but nothing else has changed really. I still can't make eye contact with the Golden haired girl. It's worse when you know why someone is in a situation or that you could have prevented it.

We stop by the lab last and this time it's empty and smells heavily of bleach. I hate labs. No one is there and when I turn to look at Silver, he's holding a syringe. No thoughts. Just running.

I need to get out of here. I can't do this again. I'm not thinking of what'll happen to me after this. Just that right now is like back then and I need to get out of here.

Well of course I didn't think because exactly what would be expected happened. Pillars of ice shot forwards pinning me by my clothes to them all and then it kept saying until I was pressed into a wall.

"That was stupid." Silver says as he slowly approaches me. I force out a light laugh.

"Not a fan of needles." I tell him. He walks right up to me and puts his face right next to mine on the wall.

"And which scares you more?" He holds the needle up. Of course he's more terrifying but it's not like these things work off of reason.

He grabs my arm but I pull it away. He huffs in frustration and the ice closes around my arm, holding it in place. He tears the thin black fabric and exposes the underside to to my elbow. Slight scars of endless needles are already there to mark exactly how to hit the artery but I'm sure he knows wgat he's doing already.

"What'll it do?" I ask, eying the syringe whilst trying to stay calm.

"Nothing dangerous or even addictive. Itll just get you on your feet. Some plasma and vitamins with a mix of other things. If you're useless to me,  then you're disposable and i went through all the trouble of finding you." Silver says almost kindly if you ignore the actual words and focus on his tone. I shake my head and turn away. It hurts less than I thought it would and he walks away to properly dispose of it.

Then I feel it. It's really similar to the time when I tried to have an expresso shot competition as a teenager. Like energy is bubbling inside of me. Bubbling over. Like I'm going to spray cheap expresso all over Tories coffee shop.

Instead of boiling over or throwing up, I begin to feel like I'm burning. Wait, I AM burning! As usual, it doesn't hurt but it's surprising because I just can't stop it. There's just too much here to contain it. The ice pillars quickly melt away and I'm not even sure if he let them or I did that. Maybe a bit of both.

I gawk at my hands as they pour out flames before I release that my tie is on fire too and I pull it off to stop on it. That was my favorite tie! My only tie but same thing. Woa deja vu.

"What did you do?" I demand, staking my hands in front of me in attempt to get rid of it. Silver in turn, grabs my hand. Great. Uncontrollable fire or nothing at all and needles all song the way. Just my luck.

I watch as the flame dwmish and then snuff out and then he let's go which I wasn't expecting honestly.

"See? You need me and I need you." He says and I scoff.

"Nice try but I'm past the point where gaslighting works. You did that to me you jerk off." I pull away from him and now I want to die. His face suggests I'm about to feel a lot of pain. I quickly run through my snide comment in my head. I'm 99% sure I either called him a jerk off or called his mother a whore. Either way I'm in trouble here.

"I don't waste my time making points when I have someone else to do it for me." Silver says, and he grabs my shirt. It's stained in my own blood and I really need a new one sometime because this just doesn't fit the asthetic.

"Lets go find Chevy and the boys." Silver smiles and throws me towards the door. He's right behind me with an icy dagger at my back. I really just can't catch a break.

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