Resuce Ops

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Dex's POV:

She was alive. I couldn't believe it. I wanted to rush to help her as soon as I saw her, but I couldn't do that. That would kill everyone. We need a plan. We need to save her and save the galaxy. That starts by figuring out where she is. Thankfully, we have a bunny that can do just that.

"Is he dead?" I chuckle.

Bonnie had been sat on the floor in this trance-like state for the past 30 minutes. He's not overheating somehow, but he's still acting odd. Keori is on stand-by incase Bonnie decides to detonate the ship and kill us all.

"No he's not dead," Keori rolls her eyes.
A moment later, Bonnie wakes up.
"Find her?" I ask.
"Kinda," Bonnie shrugs
I scoff, "Kinda?"
He stands up. "Yeah. I think she's on Chica's ship, but EB was being unclear."
"So the other Bonnie caught on them?" I ask.
"Was only a matter on time." Bonnie shakes his head.
"So let's find her. We'll find the quadrant Chica was last seen in and go from there." I clap my hands together.
"One issue, how do we get in?" Bonnie asks.
"Second issue, how do they not see us coming?" Keori sighs.
I think for a minute."Do we have those signal blockers Fox designed?" I ask.
Keori shrugs, "Maybe? I can check."
I sigh. "I guess that's the best we've got. I'll call a meeting and we'll discuss it more there."
The two of them nod and begin to go off in their separate directions.

"Bonnie wait." I call out.
He comes back to where I stand.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"What did you see?"
"I saw EB. He was talking to Freddy about Fox. He said she was weak. Broken I think was the word. He said she wouldn't last long."
I freeze.
"We have to save her." I sigh.
"We will." He gives me a reassuring nod.

"Let's do this." I smile
"For Fox."

(335 words)

The Protectors; Book 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant