Chapter Twenty-Four

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I finally wake up at around seven, to Nathan kissing my neck I smile and I feel that the knows I'm awake because his hand presses against my stomach and pulls me closer as he kisses up the side of my neck behind my ear along my jaw I tilt my head so he can kiss more of my jaw up my cheek and finally, on my lips

I turns and he pulls me closer his hand on the small of my back I smile into his lips

"God I have to brush my teeth" I say pulling back and slapping a hand over my mouth and try to roll over but his arms snatch around my waist and pull me back and I squeak

"I don't mind baby" he says, kissing my jaw I smile at the tingle I'm still not used to between my legs. Every time he touches me.

"I do, you stink" I say giggling as he attacks me pinning me on the mattress with one hand and nipping my neck with his teeth.

"Oh God!" I giggle as he tickles me. I'm squirming and giggling. And it dawns on me, this is the first time I have ever been in this position. And felt safe, I'm under him, Im can't move, I can't get away, but I am safe. I just stare at him, his brown hair tumbling into his face, his broad chest heaving with laughter and I smile, I just smile at him. Because I'm safe. He Makes me feel safe.

"Are you ok?" He asks I nod.

"Better" I whisper and pull his lips to mine gently. I kissed him close lipped because my morning breath was bad. But I couldn't just let this opportunity leave.

"Now, I am going to brush my teeth." I say slipping out from under him before he can stop me. I slip out the door before he can stop me and bump right into somebody, a very familiar chest is standing in front of me.

"We'll good morning" Levi says I blush at my messy hair

"Morning" I grumble embarrassed

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. I would kill to tap that any day" he says and I can't stop myself from bursting out laughing he laughed with me and comes with me back to my room

"This feels right" I say and he nods

"Your a great girlfriend and all, but..." he says trailing off I nod

"I know exactly what your saying" I say spraying my hair Down so I can brush it

"So... what happened?" he asks and I shrug, smiling remembering how he kissed me and how he got nervous around me.

"I don't know...we were just dancing in the rain...and it kinda just happened" I say brushing the tangles out of my hair

"That's so romantic" he says I smile and nod

"Anyways, you can go ahead and get dressed, I'll see you later." He says leaving my room I smile as I rifle through my drawers and pull out a tee shirt and a pair of Jean shorts and slip them on and turn to my door just as it starts to open and Nathan slips in closing it quietly behind him I smile and put my hands on my hips.

"Hello?" I say raising my eyebrows he smiles and walks towards me.

"Hi" he whispers, tucking my hair behind my ear, my stomach flutters as his fingers freeze on my cheekbone.

"What..." I start saying but he shakes his hand around my back and pulls me closer against his warm hard body he leans down to my ear.

"I don't know how I'm going to keep my hands off you" he says his lips scraping against my ear as his voice raises goosebumps along my spine I turn my head and my lips press against his cheekbone I feel his muscles smile along his cheek but his muscles under his shirt tensed as I moved my lips down and to his lips my nails scrape down over his chest as he pulls me in with both hands pressing low on my back as his lips dance gracefully with mine

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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