Chapter Two

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"Lift your hips for me, love. What in the world are you reading" Penny says over my shoulder I slam my book shut jumping

"What, it's nothing I-" I say she's just smiling at me I groan "it's not as bad as it looks" I say she smiles and just laughs it off. But it is as bad as it looks ever since the rape happened it ruined sex for me, I did a lot of research about it and I tried to sleep with somebody before but that was bad...he was a good guy I guess but he couldn't make me finish and he tried like hell, trust me. It was embarrassing for both of us. I saw a thing where if you make yourself orgasam it will make it easier for others to help you, so I tried that too it's been a year and, no It still has not worked. I still try it sometimes but to no avail.

Which is why here I am reading smutty books, reading about others sex life doesn't make mine any better but it makes me think that when I meet the right person it will make up for all my inexperience, but whatever.

"We're going to land soon" and sure enough just as she says that the seatbelts turn on and we start descending.

We get off together and hail a taxi.

"We're we heading lady's?" He asked and penny gave him the address

"Ah alright that's going to be 45 minutes" he says we both smile and nod.

"What you planning on doing this summer?" Penny asks me I shrug

"I want to read but I feel like I won't get much of that done" I say she smiles

"I used to love reading but I just stopped reading I sort of want to get back into it" she says I smile

"I actually brought a lot of books you can borrow some of you want" I say she perks up

"For real? Thanks I would love that" she says I smile and nod

"What do you want to do?" I ask she shrugged

"Try to get tan, but with my hair and skin I might just get skin cancer" she says I giggle. "I'm serious! How are you so tan!?" She asks I shrug

"It's in my genes, my moms Latina" I say she smiles

"That's cool, I wish I had tanner skin" she says pouting, "wait, so like I don't know if this is like totally racist because it's not supposed to be, but like can you speak Spanish?" She asks a laugh

"sí, puedo hablar español. y no, no es racista." I say quickly In Spanish she smiles

"I have no idea what you just said but that's cool" she says I laugh.

"I said, 'yes I can speak spanish. And no it's not racist' " I say she smiles and nods

"I tried to learn French once but I only learned cuss words, Hey! You should teach me swear words in Spanish" she says, she looks much to happy to be learning swear words in other languages

"Okay" I say laughing

"Ok go what's shit" she says smiling

"Hacer" I say, smiling because little does she know, that is actually banana in Spanish she repeats it, and then she asks for the next and the next, everything she could think, and I kept listing off fruits instead of the actual words, not that I have a problem with swearing, but I think this will be a funny prank in the end.

Our Last Summer Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin