Chapter Fifteen

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After Lena went inside I stayed out watching the ocean, but that image of her, the blush on her cheeks and across the bridge of her nose. Or had I imagined that

I shook my head resting my head in my hands and groaning, this is going too far she has Levi...Levi who kissed another girl in front of her

"Fuck" I Groan standing up my hands in my hair pulling my hair I walk into my room and pull on a pair of grey sweat pants and pull out my laptop and type in gyms around here and scroll though the options finally finding one with good reviews and a reasonable price

There was a thud from the next room, Lena's room I stand up and walk to the hall and knock on the door and she answers

"Hey, I heard a thud" I say trying very hard to keep my eyes above the sight of her bare collarbones

"Yeah, sorry I dropped a book" she says I raise my eyebrows

"That must be a big book" I say she nods

"Hey, um I actually can't sleep, do you go to the gym? Do you wanna find one here with me?" She asks and I can't help but laugh

"I was doing exactly that in my room" I tell her and she smiles and looks relived

"Good, I need to run" she says and I smile

"I found one, I'll drive be ready in five" I say and she nods and closes the door, I walk back to my room and find a shirt with the sleeves cut off and pull it on and slip into my shoes and walk out of my room the same time Lena walks out of her room with a oversized pink hoodie on and black biker shorts on, she looked pretty even in the simple clothes

She smiled at me as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail it looked tough to wrangle her hair in but she managed well

"Let's go" she says and I nod grabbing the keys off

"I'll drive" I say and she smiles hopping in the passenger seat

The gym was nice enough it had everything anybody would need and so we both got passes and then continued in

"I'm hitting cardio," she says and I nod
"I honestly bet you wouldn't be able to hit my cardio" she says shrugging her small shoulders and I raise my eyebrows

"That sounds like a challenge" I say she raises her eyebrows at me

"I guess it is" she says strolling over to a treadmill

"Warm up jog for three minutes, go up sprint for three minutes cool down jog three, ab workout between sets, do it ten times" she says and I raise my eyebrows that's intense I don't tell her that though

"Let's go" I say and she smiles stepping onto the treadmill

She turns it on and I match her pace, we do three and we're up in a sprint she has an airpod in and she's focusing infront of her as she sprints her breath becoming to come faster, she kept her breath better than I did... and she hadn't broken a sweat yet,

The cool down jog was up and we were onto the ab workouts, and was intense she was so focused, and then she had us jumping up and doing jumping jacks and burpees...

We're in tho the fifth set snd she is going strong little strands slicked to her forehead and neck with sweat, I've downed my water and and see let me use hers now, she's right this is fucking intense

"Oh my fucking god" I groan on the seventh set in the down push of my sit up she keeps going and finished her set and stands up

"Get your ass up and keep going" she says her hands on her hips I roll my eyes

"You should be a trainer" I say finishing the abs and hopping into the treadmill and starting the warm up jog

"Maybe I should be your trainer" she says and I roll my eyes and she smiles.

That smile is what kept me going though the last two sets, where she decided to have us compete against each other to see who can spring longer and faster..she won as she very pridefully announced to the poor guy walking past us

"Your right, I don't ever want ti do your cardio again" I say from the passenger seat of the car the windows rilled down the cool night air nipping my face she smiles

"I told you" she says she looks self satisfied

"Next time, we're hitting my leg day" I say and she's returning smokier tells me she's accepting the challenge

"But really I'm so tired I'm just going to fall asleep, I might not make it upstairs. The couch looks pretty comfy tonight" I say she rolls her eyes and I smile at her

"You better shower, you stink." She says and I roll my eyes snd she shrugs smiling

"Thank you, for coming with me" she says and I smile

"My pleasure" I say and she tosses me the keys I catch them and hang them on the hook right inside the door

"Goodnight" she says and goes upstate I smile after her wishing she would come back

"Goodby" I whisper "mi amor" and in that moment I wish she was my love more then anything in the world right now.

I shake my head and walk to the kitchen and grab a glass of ice water and cool myself down, I watch Lena on the catwalk peeling off her hoodie before she opened the door then she slips in her room close by the door silently...then penny's door opens and she heads towards Lena's door. Shit.

But she passes Lena's room...and grabs the handle to Noah's room I choke on my water and she spins around a hand flying to her chest then she spots me

"Hey!" She whispers to me I wave my fingers at her and check the clock

"Going to wish Noah happy birthday?" I ask, it's just past midnight and Noah is now 18

"Stop it" she whispers but I just laugh

"Go have fun...celebrating...." I say trailing off she flips me the bird and slips into Noah's room, I try not to listen after that and jump in the shower in my room, and distracting myself from Noah and penny, my mind wanders to Lena...

~Authors Note~

So this chapter is supper short haha I know...

I was planning on making this book pretty long around 60-70 chapters and that's with short chapters

but I'm thinking I'm going to shorten it down to 40-50 chapters and just sort of just smoosh them together

I PROMISE this is going to go somewhere

I have a whole plot twist and stuff so I'm hoping y'all will enjoy.

If you haven't seen my tik tok already I also have a sequel to this book planned.

Remember how Noah is from Wyoming, which is where I'm from. Star Vally Wyoming exactly where I've based Noah from because I thought it would be fun to write a book where the setting is in my home town.

It's a small town...extremely small, you can look it up on google but it is so beautiful and so I'm planning on them having a reunion two summers later, there all adults and Lena has some new found fame in a song she released. They stay on a lake house at lake Palisade, which just so happens to be the lake I live right next to have have a lake house near haha

But anyways I think it's going to be fun for me to write snd I think you guys will enjoy the second book!

If you guys have any suggestions just tell me in the comments snd I might squeeze the idea in! I will defiantly try to put your ideas in because your opinions are valuable to me!!!



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