Chapter Twenty

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I wake up in Nathan's bed, under normal circumstances this would be amazing but this was anything but amazing.

I have a pounding headache from behind hungover and crying so hard last night.

I don't want to think about last night, about the guy. His hand hitched up under my shirt I squeeze my eyes shut and welcome Nathan's comforting arm across my waist and close my eyes willing last night away

I feel Nathan store next to me, he moves his arm off me and sits up I keep my eyes closed, but then I feel him touch my face. He brushes the hair away from my face and his fingers linger on my cheek then he sighs and stands up and walks to his bathroom

I'm aware of the fact I'm wearing his hoodie, and his boxers. Once he closes the door and the shower starts I sit up and stretch memories from last night hitting me like a train

Levi, the boy in Noah's room, and Nathan, Nathan who handled the situation last night perfectly.

There's a knock on the door, and then it opens

"Hey Nathan, do you know where Lena is she isn't in her-" Levi says before spotting me, and the silence that follows after he sees me sitting on Nathan's bed, wearing Nathan's clothes...wearing Nathan boxers. He freezes when he sees me his eyes raking up and down and up...and down....

"I'm fine" I say folding my arms and looking at the sheets

"What the fuck are you doing in Nathan's bed" Levi says my head snaps up

"Nothing happened" I snap at him he rolls his eyes

"So what, you and Nathan were just in here all night, doing what cuddling?" He asks his tone laced with sarcasm

"Levi, not that it should matter to you, or that it's any of your business, but there isn't anything between me and Nathan" I say glaring at him and he rolls his eyes

"It's not any of my business? I'm your boyfriend, Lena" he says and i laugh. I actually laugh at him.

"No Levi your not. We ended when you cheated, on me. For the second fucking time" I say exasperated he groans

"It was a mistake Lena" he says but I cut him off before he can finish

"Yes, it was. And you won't have to worry about making it again with me. Because we. Are. Over." I say punctuating each word.  He glare at me, and I watch it set in. The fact that I'm ending things with him. It sets in on him.

"Lena I-" he says the tone in his voice had changed he's the kind funny caring boy who I met the first day I got here

"Go away, Levi" I say tears stinging my throat he stands for another second and then leaves the room I fell back on Nathan's, uncommonly comfortable, bed and sigh the tears disappearing from my eyes.

"You ok?" Nathan's voice says from the doorway of his bathroom. I glance over and try my best not to let the shock show in my eyes at the sight of him in nothing but a towel slung low around my waist.

Something stirs low in my stomach near the base of my spine. Strange. I've never felt that before.

"I'm fine, I guess" I say he smiles sympathetically

"I'm here for you" he says and I smile at him

"Im going to change, you can stay for the show but..." he says I sit up blushing

"I mean, if I have a choice" I say standing up he laughs at me the sound is infectious and I giggle too as I walk out and close the door

I head to my room and the fist thing I do is hop in the shower and wash my hair.

If feels nice to be able to just be alone and think.

I don't think I'll hold a grudge against Levi, but I defiantly don't want to talk to him for a few days. I need my time to be a bitch.

I get dressed in yoga pants and a tank top, and let my hair air dry as I go downstairs penny and Noah are sitting at the bar smiling snd talking to each other, when penny spots me she stops and stands up

"If you want me to beat Levi's ass, I will the second you tell me to, you know I can" she says I smile faintly because yes I do know she can

"I'll help" Noah says and I roll my eyes

"I'm fine guys, it's ok. We weren't that serious" I say "I just need a few days."

Penny nods and sits back down, I grab a banana out of the fruit basket and peel it "you know what he was probably drunk, not that that's an excuse, but it was probably just heat of the moment and then one thing led to another" I say Noah smiles at me sympathetically, I wish people would quit being so sympathetic to me.

"Whatever I'm going to go read outside" I say heading back up to my room and grab my most recent read The Mistake, and run back downstairs and curl into one of the lawn chairs in the shade, it was a unusually cloudy day, it looks like it could possibly storm. I smile at the perfect weather and settle into my book.


"I better not have caught you reading some book where the guy is telling the girl to 'lift her hips' for him." Penny says jokingly I slam my book shit, because they is exactly what she has just walked in on me reading and by the pink stain on my cheeks she can tell she has.

"Oh my god! You dirty girl." She says curling over in laughter I groan

"Shut up! I bet you would like it too if you gave it a go!" I say laughing with her he smiles her face flushed form laughing

"Your right, it would give me more ideas for what I should do with Noah" she says and I gasp

"Oh my god, you did not!" I say she giggles

"Hookup? Yes. Have sex? Sadly no" she says and I smile still happy for her

"Spill the deets I want to know everything" I say and she giggles scooting closer to the edge of her chair and leaning in

"We'll you know, we like each other" she says and I roll my eyes, understatement of the year, "and so eve kissed a few times here and there but that was it, he hadn't even kissed me with tong, until last night" she says and I lean in closer she smiles

"God, it was so hot" she exclaims I giggle, "his fingers? Oh my god... and his tong!" She says and I erupt in laughter falling back into my chair. She's laughing too

"Oh I'm so glad Noah had a good young, penny" I say breathlessly

"You should, or I wouldn't be in such a good mood" she says, which deuces another round of laughter from us both.

"Oh but seriously, where are one of your dirty little books, I wanna try it out" she says and I giggle standing up.

"I'll be back" I say running upstairs. God I'm glad I brought half the books I own.

I come back with twisted love I explain the plot to her and she looks intrigued and takes to book from me.

We spend the rest of the day sitting on the patio reading out books, I finish mine and move onto the next one in the series, and Penny is fully engaged in her book.

We only move inside once it starts raining, we sit sprawled on the couch listening to the white noise that is the rain and thunder.

We do this all day, until the boys get home and even then they all go upstairs to play Noah's X- box

Hands down best day I've ever had.

~Authors Note~

Ok, it's official. It's a miracle, two chapters in one night? Yeah since when haha.

Yes I know I don't edit my chapters I just sort of type them and throw them out here so hear with me haha

Anyways, this chapter is just sort of short and sweet, a filler chapter of some Lena and Penny time that I love for them!!!

Anyways, hope y'all are well!🫶🏼


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