Chapter Nineteen

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I don't think i have ever seen somebody so pissed off a in my life. Lena marches though the crowd

It might be the alcohol in her blood, but I could tell the second she saw him sucking face with some girl she was more pissed than I've ever seen her, I push my way into earshot when she rips him off her

"Fuck you bro do-" he started until he recognized her face

"Fuck me? Fuck you!" She yells over the music hitting his chest he steps back and my eyebrows raise I didn't know she was capable of violence

"Lena I'm sor-" he starts but She laughs, laughs right in his face

"Your what? Sorry! Bull shit Levi, I forgave you once I'm not doing it again" she says, and it's obvious she's drunk because then she says "I don't even like you! I like Nathan, actually" she yells in his face her cheeks flush and my heart stops. The noise fades and all I see is her her hair slightly tousled Levi spots me and glares hard and long at me but I hardly notice because now I'm watching Lena match towards me her eyes soften but she looks just as pissed as before.

She's in front of me now and she's placing her hands on either side of my face. Oh fuck. She's gonna kiss me. Oh fuck? This is what I've been eating her to do ever since I met her. And oh fuck, this is not how I want our first kiss to be, so just as she closes her eyes and leans in I turn my face and she kisses just left of my mouth, nearly on it, but Levi doesn't notice that she sure does though she looks at me hurt in them and it breaks my damn heart to see her so sad

"Fuck you bro" Levi says pushing past me hitting my shoulder I look back to Lena but she's already gone with another drink in her hands.

It's been half an hour and I haven't seen Lena. Anywhere. And I'm freaked the fuck out I last saw her flirting up some guy and then she was gone.

And that is why I'm heading upstairs checking every room, I push open Noah's door and I see red.

He's got her pinned against the wall his hand obviously forced under her shirt grabbing her boob she spots me her cheeks streaked with tears

"Hey" I say kid enough for him to hear me drop Lena and turn around, just in time for me to land the hardest punch I've ever hit somebody with. Right in his nose. The breaking crunch and the blood splattered over my fist was satisfying. He's knocked off his feet and onto his knees his hand flys up to his broken nose as he wails in pain.

"What the fuck du-" he starts but a kick lands in his gut, and not from me, Lena threw her whole body strength right into his lower stomach he rolled over backwards yelling in pain I look up at her a smirk on my lips

"Fuck you" she grits out and kicks him one last time. Right in the groin. Hard. I flinch involuntarily at the strike

"Get out of here" I say coming up behind her he scrambled to his feet moaning in pain and lumps out of the room the second he leaves I close the door and look at Lena

"Shit are you ok? Are you hurt?" I ask walking to her quickly

"I'm not hurt, but I'm not ok either" she says quickly her jeans are unbuttoned and unzipped gaping open she has a red hand mark on her waist and what looks like teeth marks on her left shoulder her shirt is hanging off her shoulder and the other side is completely ripped down the seam and fluttering open her tears come quick and fast as she tries to close her shirt I shuck mine off and pull it over her head she takes it quickly her sobs raking her body.

"I- I-" she says but she can't speak though the tears

I step closer to her but stop, "can I hold you?" I ask holding my arms open making sure she knows what I'm doing so she doesn't get scared she practically jumps to me I crush my arms around her holding her as tightly as I can without hurting her

"He- he tried to- I almost-" she stutters out I stroke her hair her back her arms

"It's ok, he didn't, I have you" I say reassuringly, she's hardly taking any breath in, "Lena" I say holding her at arms length, "you. Are. Ok. He's gone. I'm here. Your safe" I say talking loud and clear her eyes soften and her breathing slowly but surely begins to slow. I pull her to my chest again and hold her she cries, and cries, and cries. I'm not sure how but we bend up in my room, though the jack and Jill bathroom me and Noah share.

We're laying in my bed she's wearing a pair of my boxers and my hoodie I'm still fully clothed making sure she feels comfortable. She's asleep but she's still sniffling and crying. I didn't know it was possible to cry when you sleep. But here she is.

I hold her close to my chest her legs intertwined with mine, in any other circumstances I would idk be wanting to kiss her right now, but I just want to hold her and comfort her. I can't hardly stand the idea of me kisser her.

I drift off to sleep soon after.

~Authors Note~

Ok y'all, I know what your thinking right now...yes Levi is a perfectly good character and I didn't have to go diss him and make him a bad character so Nathan can get his chance...


Ok trust me on this Levi Is honestly probably my favorite character and you will find out in coming up chapters

Anyways hope y'all are doing great, and I'll post the next chapter as soon as I can!!! 🫶🏼


Our Last Summer Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ