Chapter Eleven

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I crack open the door, the light was on.

She was sitting at the piano playing a song, she had headphones on and her fingers are dancing across the keys, as if she can sense me she turns to me taking her headphones off and she smiles flashing me those dimples I love

"Hey creeper" she says and I laugh rolling my eyes closing the door behind me she turns on the stool

"No, please keep playing" I say and she shakes her head

"I have better ideas" she says and stands up and walks towards me her hips swaying and curls bouncing

Her hand caressed my cheek and then cups behind my head and she kisses me

And then I wake up. I wake up with a jolt as of ice water has just been poured on me

"Damnit" I groan rolling over in my covers, and landing on the floor I grunt and sit up pulling a pair of sweats on and walking downstairs

The girls are up and in the kitchen cutting up various fruits and separating them into bowls

"Whatcha got there ladies?" I ask coming into the kitchen they look up at me and smile

"Breakfast" Lena says holding up a pink dragonfruit

"Fruit?" I ask she nods

"You got a problem with fruit?" She asks I shake my head

"You just seem to put fruit into everything you make" I say sitting on a stool

"I love fruit" she says shrugging her shoulders I smile at the little movement Then she continues to slice things up

Penny and Lena making breakfast quickly turned into them having a concert, there were blue tooth speakers hooked up all around the main floor and they were connected to all of them, and they were blasting Lena's Taylor swift playlist

They were dancing around getting more singing than anything else done

"And that's the way I loved you!" Penny sang into the wooden spoon microphone that Lena held out for her then she continued to attempt to vocalize, i couldn't hate Taylor Swift, my mom has a soft spot for her, and when she was in the darkest time of her chemo treatment for her aggressive breast cancer she said

'Taylor Swift has a way of making everything better, son' she would say they nearly every day, and I grew to believe her. She was cancer free now, but she still listens to Taylor Swift on a loop

They were both bouncing and singing to the music when the doorbell rang Lena's head popped up

"Oh my god that's probably them" Lena said giggling and penny smiled too, Noah walked down the stairs, he hadn't bothered to put pants on, so in his boxers he walked to the door and opened it to three dudes, around our age

"Um, hi?" Noah said but it came out more of a question

They all looked at him and smirked, "we're here for Lena and Penny" the guy on the right said Noah looked over to us over his shoulder

"Girls! The door is for you!" He yelled so he could be heard over the music

"Let them in!" Penny yelled back Noah shrugged and opened the door

"Make yourself at home" Noah says and they all came in closing the door

"Who are they?" I ask Lena smiles

"That is cam," she said pointing to the guy with short curly brown hair "that is Rhys," she said pointing to the one with black hair and blue eyes in the middle "and that is cass" she said pointing to the one with dark brown hair and tanned skin they all walked towards us finally leaning on the counter

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