All Those Powers... And I Couldn't Save Him

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The funeral was held on a rainy afternoon. There was a small gathering, family and friends only. Lana Lang looked over and saw how badly this hurt Clark and Martha. Even through the rain, their tears could be seen flowing down. Clark held his mother tightly as they lowered the coffin into the ground. He looked away, not being able to bear the pain of the moment. He saw Lana standing behind them. She hugged both Clark and his mother to comfort them. He didn't notice it, but he collapsed to his knees, still hugging Lana. He opened his eyes after feeling a familiar hand on his shoulder. It was his old childhood bully. He smiled at Clark as if to say that it was gonna be okay. Clark nodded at him as a sign of respect.

Slowly the funeral began to die down, until it was just Clark and Martha. Martha had just paid the priest, then approached Clark, who was still standing over the grave. She hugged him, and he hugged her back.


All those powers... and I couldn't save him.


Don't say that!


But I could've been better! I should've been better-


Don't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault.


I just... I can't believe it.


It's okay honey. It's gonna be okay, I promise.

She continued to comfort him the whole time they were there. Martha hid her tears and sadness to show Clark that no matter what happens, he shouldn't stop and give up. When they got home, that's when she burst into tears. Seeing his mother like this, Clark hugged her and comforted her, doing the same thing for her.

This moment made Clark realize for himself that no matter how hard he tries, no matter how badly he wants it, he can't save everyone.

It's been a year since the funeral and Clark has finally finished High School. Still, with his father's death looming over him, Clark has done everything he can to be the man his father would've wanted him to be. Not letting his loss hold him back, Clark has become an active member in the Smallville community, and a well liked one at that. When we see him, he's currently helping set up the harvest festival solo, because everyone called in sick. Coming home, Clark notices the for sale sign outside near his mailbox. Confused, he walks and calls for his mom. His mother is packing her things and getting ready to move out of the farm. This is when he learns that ever since Johnathan's death Martha had been hanging on a thread with the bank. She tells Clark that the Lang's are letting her stay over until she has enough money to pay the loan. Clark tries to help, but Martha stops him. She tells him that he needs to worry about college more than her, but Clark declines, saying that he's not going to college if his home is in trouble.


It'll be fine. I can manage without the farm.


That's not what I meant. I'm not going to college, if that means I leave you like this.

Martha smiles at him. She puts a hand on his cheek.


I'm grateful to have a son as caring as you. But I can't hold you back from learning who you are. Both me and your father would've wanted what's best for you. We would've wanted for you to learn who you truly are.


But mom, I'm not gonna leave you.


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