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  Clark gets back to earth with the ship. J’onn immediately warns the president and his army, who are still bewildered at J’onn’s true form. Lois, Jimmy, and Clark go with J’onn to reveal the kryptonians' plans. Hours pass and after planning and preparing Zod comes back. After a moment of silence the mothership releases an army of attack ships, along with them is an army of ground soldiers. Now equipped with the kryptonian tech from the arctic the US military attack head on with the aid of The Martian Manhunter. They also help escort the civilians out of the premises,

  Clark isn’t with them. Instead he flies over to Smallville, where he reunites with his mom and attempts to fly his pod away from the area. Zod and his men however are fast and they get there just as Clark gets the pod out of the barn. He is shot and plummets straight to the ground. Faora is the first to walk out of the Kryptonian ship and she goes straight for Clark, similar to Man of Steel, only they don’t fight in the town they fight in the farm, cornfields. Having fighting experience and skill she has the upperhand, but Clark has powers and abilities on his side. Unfortunately it’s still a struggle to take her down. As she pummels Clark he notices that the kryptonians still have their space helmets meaning that, like Clark who hadn’t adapted to the atmosphere on Zod’s ship, they didn’t adapt to the atmosphere on earth. Clark destroys Faora's helmet which causes her to collapse. She also goes through the stages that Clark had to go through as a kid to get his powers, only because she’s an adult it’s all coming to her instantly, so it’s out of control and it hurts.

  Clark tries to help but is rammed in the back by Nam-Ek who tries to help Faora. The out of control Faora burns Nam-Ek’s helmet causing the same thing to happen. Clark, seeing this, grabs the two of them and flies them away from the planet to prevent any more destruction. After this Clark realizes he was side tracked and goes back for what he really was supposed to do. He finds his old home destroyed, Ma Kent is nowhere to be seen and neither is the codex. What can be seen however is the Kryptonian ship. Clark follows it and sees Ma in there. Just before Clark could get closer he is shot.

  When Clark gets back up he is too late and he sees the Kryptonian ship enter the mothership. He flies immediately to J’onn and tells him the good news and bad news.


Good news is to beat the kryptonian you need to destroy the helmets they have on, but that will cause major damage so I would suggest hitting them with the knockout darts after the helmets are destroyed.


And the bad news?


They have the Codex.

  J’onn looks at Clark, worried.

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