Powers Part 3

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Chapter 14
After finally landing on what looks like a ruined asteroid, Clark pulls Jonn towards what looks like a ruined temple. He pulls him in and lies him down on what looks like a throne. Clark apologizes to Jonn for not hearing him out sooner and tries to get him to speak but due to the burns it could take him a while to heal. Clark then starts looking around to see if he can find anything familiar, he manages to find what looks like a pod very similar to what he was in when he crashed into earth. Upon learning this he realizes that he actually is on krypton and that Zod lied to him about it still existing. He attempts to get them working again but only manages to get a flicker, meaning that the whole place still can be powered. After looking around some more he finds what looks like the main power source of the whole building. He stands near it and tries to see if it will turn on like the smaller ships but it doesn't, so instead Clark opens the back panel to the generator. He has no clue how to start it. As he attempts to figure it out Jonn calls to him telepathically.

Clark, I feel another presence in the vicinity. You must... Wait, who are you?

Upon hearing this Clark runs to Jonn immediately and sees a being kneeling towards him. Clark rams at the being but it just dissipates into small digital cubes. Clark turns back around and sees that the small cubes reform into the being. A male, possibly late 40's, in a white robe with a big S insignia on it.

He walks closer to Clark.

It gives me such joy to see you here, If only Lara could've witnessed this.

The figure looks Clark up and down and smiles.

I still remember that day, me and Lara had our hand pressed on the pod. Tears in our eyes, knowing that we wouldn't be able to see you grow into the man you are today.

Who... Who are you?

Not who, what. Realistically I am many things, you could say a recording, A hologram, even a ghost. But to you Kal-El I... am your father, I am Jor-el

I have so many questions.

After revealing himself to Clark and J'onn he instructs Clark on how to get to the power completely on and sends drones to get Jonn to the medbay to be healed. Now that they are alone Clark's father, Jor-El explains himself.

Zod and I knew the planet was going to die so we came up with solutions on how to save it. I wanted to send the codex away to a habitable planet with a worthy kryptonian and from there that Kryptonian would have both free will and the ability to rebuild our species. Unfortunately Zod thought otherwise.. he instead wanted to take the codex for himself and use it's power to turn a planet into Krypton. He did not care if the species on that planet survived.

But why send me to Earth?

Knowing Zod wouldn't change his mind, your mother and I stole the Codex and hid it in you in hopes that one day when you are old enough you would make the right decision and save your people. We sent you to Earth because humanity was one of the only planets that you could hide in and one of the only planets with an atmosphere that could tolerate us both mentally and physically. Their morals are simple yet sophisticated in a proper way. Humanity operates through a number of emotions, love being the best of them. Your mother and I wanted you to learn what it meant to be human first, so that one day if other Kryptonians have survived and if they were to come to earth you could be the bridge between our peoples, you could show them what it means to be free.

After talking about Clark's life and what has happened so far J'onn comes back and introduces himself to Jor-el. After an hour of discussing a plan Jor-El tasks J'onn with starting an old Kryptonian spacecraft. Jor then takes Clark to a chamber. In the chamber it reveals itself to be a wardrobe of old Kryptonian suits. They stop at one of the suits and Clark looks it up and down.

What's with the big S?

On Krypton that was our family crest. It was a symbol, the symbol for hope.

Before leaving Jor takes Clark to a weapons closet and instructs Clark on what to grab that would help him. Clark puts on the Kryptonian suit and walks out of the base. Along the way Clark asks Jor-El how exactly his powers work and he explains:

Earth's sun is younger and brighter than Kryptons was. Your cells have drunk its radiation, strengthening its muscles, your skin, your senses. Earth's gravity is weaker, yet its atmosphere is more nurushing. You've grown a lot stronger here than I could've imagined, but the only way to know how strong is to keep testing your limits.

With those words Clark drops a yellow sun grenade and jumps up, he begins to struggle a little. He crashes.

He does this again to the same result. He's been doing this ten times. On the eleventh try Clark feels a hand reaches his shoulder

Clark looks up and sees his human father, Jonathan. He gets up and hugs him.


Dad im sorry, i'm sorry I couldn't save you


I don't blame you for what happened, I had just wished you didn't mope around. Get up son.


Sorry about that.


Its alright. I... I'm sorry aswell, for holding you back. Me and your mother we shouldn't have forced you to hide. None of that matters now we just need you to do this.


But this is impossible! I can't!


Try this

Clark kneels.


Listen to my voice, focus on it, now feel the air around you, feel the gravity, the gas, everything. Be calm, believe... Now fly!

Clark looks up and with a loud boom he flies, slowly he struggles but he remembers his fathers words. He remembers Johnathan and how he wasn't able to save him when he first got his powers. He then thinks of how now that he knows how his powers work he needs to make sure what happened with his human father doesn't happen again. He then begins to push himself harder than he's ever done before, and begins to fly.



He flies across the skies of the destroyed krypton.



As J'onn preps the ship he looks up and sees Clark flying around, he smiles. After a couple minutes Jor tells Clark to go to a room filled with crystals and grab one. J'onn then hales Clark and tells him:


The ships are done, we should be ready.

After a rocky start the ship slowly begins to act normal. Jor instructs Clark to put the Crystal in a container at the cockpit of the ship. From there Jor becomes the ship's A.I and we see him pilot it back to earth.

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