I wouldn't do it though I would consider hitting him but my threat works its magic.

"Okay fine sorry, I'm going. See you layer boss say hello to Mrs. Boss when you see her." He grins skipping away.

Diego isn't half as annoying as Julius is? I think it's the fact that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and grew up without rules that makes him who he is. But at least he only runs his mouth with me otherwise he would already be dead for saying the wrong thing to the wrong person.

The line progresses quickly now that Julius is no longer in it so I work faster.

"Santiago, I need to see you." Moreno informs me as I serve him.

"I'm working jefe." I point out.

"See me after you're done serving breakfast, it's important." He demands.

I can never say no to Moreno. He is my boss.

"Yes sir." I nod wondering what all the urgency is about.

He moves forward and so does the line. After we serve the last inmate and clear out all the serving trays and pots, we sit down to enjoy breakfast together in the kitchen. After I'm done I request a break from Ronald so I can go seek out Moreno. We are in between meals and utensils are being cleaned and prepped for lunch so he lets me go.

I find Moreno smoking a cigarette in the courtyard. As soon as he sees me, he dismisses the gang members seated with him and beckons me closer.

"Want one?" He offers opening the cigarette pack for me.

Cigarettes are like gold in prison but I don't like them so I decline politely. They are also illegal but nobody bats an eye when they see Moreno smoking. That's how powerful he is.

"Still a boy scout I see. You wouldn't even sample the product we sold." He chuckles.

"It's never a good idea mixing business with pleasure." I reply.

I'd seen what drugs did to my father and his marriage to my mom so I wanted to avoid that at all costs. Sure I had to sell the stuff but it didn't mean I had to use it.

"So what's up jefe?" I ask getting back to what brought me to him in the first place.

"There's rumor of a riot later today, I just wanted to warn you to stay alert." He informs me finishing off the cigarette and stomping it off with his foot.

A riot! Fucking hell. Hannah will be here. She will be in so much danger.

"What for?" I force myself to ask.

"Some of the men are getting antsy about the vaccine they received." Moreno answers.

This means that the attack will be directed to the vaccination team Hannah is part of and not the CO's like they usually are.

"Are they crazy?" I demand.

"Yeah, it's just an excuse to cause trouble and see if they can get to the new nurses." Moreno replies.

"So they are in danger?" I inquire even though I already know.

"Yes." He affirms.

"Fuck this is so bad." I mutter getting up.

I start pacing in front of Moreno who is looking at me confused.

"You'll be fine, we've had riots before." He assures me.

"Yes but not with civilians at risk." I cry out.

Fuck! My Hannah. I knew her coming here was a stupid move.

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