Chapter 5 - Exploring

Depuis le début

"Uh... excuse me," I stopped a light coloured yeti. He looked down to me with his eyes widened.

"Sorry..." I felt weird talking to a yeti. I didn't even know they existed until yesterday!

"But could you please tell me where the Guardians are?" I asked. He made some noises which I assumed was his speaking. What an unusual form of communication. It fascinates me that they are able to speak. And yes, the grunting noises he was making is considered speaking.

"Sorry. I don't speak yeti. Maybe it's best if you just show me...?" He nodded in agreement, his hair shuffling, and began walking. I followed close behind. It was awkwardly silent the entire time as I didn't know what I should say, or if I should speak to the yeti at all.

"My dad told me that when he was little, he used to read books about yeti's and all of those mythological creatures, but he saw you that one day you defeated the boogie man and believed everything in that book almost immediately," I giggled, remembering the moment he told me about that. Sitting on my bed with that exact bed open as he told me other stories he believed could also be true. I missed those times. The yeti made a sound as if to ask 'really?'

"Yeah. It's interesting really." Somehow, the yeti and I talked for the entire walk. Or I spoke and he responded with the noises. Eventually, we came to what I assumed to be North's office. I had liked talking to George. He was a good listener. I don't know if that was actually his name, but that's what I called him and he didn't seem to mind so I kept calling him that. He reached for the door handle and I stopped him with a suggestion of good manners.

"You should probably knock," I suggested. He nodded in agreement, knocking on the beautiful stained glass door.

"Come in!" I heard North's voice. George opened the door for me and revealed to me the most amazing room.

"George! You knocked!" he said. I smiled at North. How did I know his name was George? I didn't, I guessed. He must not have usually knocked either.

"Good! Belle, you're awake!" he said, standing from his chair. In this amazing room there was a model train track set made of ice sitting on the table in the middle! Little pieces of ice scattered the floor, signalling North carved the sets himself. Little toys sat on all the shelves and some even flew around the room.

"Thank you George. You can go if you wish," North said, standing from his seat at the table. I couldn't help but give George a hug before he left. What can I say, I hadn't really had any friends before, so each one I make, I hug. He was super furry and warm too. I smiled and waved to him as he walked off and he did the same to me cheerfully. It's a good feeling to know you made someone smile.

"So Belle, what can I do for you?" North asked, clasping his hands behind his back as rocking on his feet awaiting my response.

"I was just wondering if there was anywhere I could have a shower, maybe eat something, new clothes even? If it's not too much trouble that is! I don't want to force anyone to do anything extra..."

"No! It's fine! We make good clothes for you! I shall show you the bathroom," he replied, his accent thick.

"Thank you."

"And the elves shall bring you cookies," he added.

"I don't want any trouble..."

"No trouble!" So we started walking. Through the door and towards some corridors, passing yeti's making toys and elves trying them out. None of them paid much attention to us as they were too busy.

"So North, what's with the tattoos?" I asked, smiling. I had said the day before that I would enquire about them and I do not forget easily.

"These are naughty and nice lists!" he exclaimed as if it was obvious. As I looked at his arms I saw the word nice on his left arm and naughty on his right. How did I not see them before?

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