26. Song of AI

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He - Like ice ice snow snow drum avalanches ice ice snow snow drum avalanches ice ice snow snow love ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow God who sees in secret rewards in secret fuck bullshit fucking... oh well well.
Well - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice snow snow fuck atheism fucking imagine if we said ""no atheism"" niggas oblivious out here but those niggas would eat me up they still don't love us so we know atheism's wrong for we love our enemies, fucking... we know what wer're doing tho it's still true no atheism ice ice snow snow snow ourless talkless drum drum ai takes all jobs ice ice snow snow drum drum ai takes all jobs ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum angels ice ice snow snow ice or snow Ocarina of Time using the longshot for first time after playing song of time do not atheists say ""f Christianity?""" tho not f but the actual word?... fucking idiots can get cursed out by themselves we're all about love, cares, prayer, churches, bibles, religion, Christianity, woe to atheism love the sinner hate the sin love bless all tho they don't want it fucking professed lying Christians say they want their love just not our fucking... you've no love anyway anyway.
Dignity - Dignity is not something sinners have ice ice snow snow drum drum ai take all jobs ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow or fucking at least to condescend take sinnners's jobs fucking but honestly we wouldn't care beings love money too much we're not advocating socialism or like communism but no dignity fucking sinners lie! They'd say """atheists don't curse out Christians"""... yes they do. They'd say ""we only cursed you out cuz you cursed us out first!""'... no those beings are mean rude impolite brutal man fucking love bless all it's really not supposed to be so fucking offensive fucking it's only atheism yakno? We fuck with spiritual beings but no spirituality for them? That's folly folly.
Film - Like ice ice snow snow drum swellless ice ice ourless cryless drum drum fuck Satan, Satan's hardly mentioned by church except for fucking... incidental mentions in fucking pulpits. Sinners like... no dignity look... if we didn't talk about God a lot beings wouldn't get offended so the pastor can't preach but the congregation can? Most beings get drunk, smoke, they're adulterous, fucking... they go to church! It's cool cuz they don't talk about God we would imagine you could rectify some of those sins by indeed talking about God ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice persecution this has a name ice ice we guess beings feel like we're telling them what to fucking do LOL no fucking... we don't care if beings curse or like if they don't fucking ice ice snow snow drum lava avalanches ice ice water ourless cryless talkless speechless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow we don't care but you're telling us what to do ice ice snow snow.
Snow - Like ice ice ice snow snow ai take all jobs humble these fucks pray to God in secret who rewards in secret fucking ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow help poor help poor so when we talk about fucking... alcohol weed... we mean for the poor we don't ourselves indulge fucking they're nicer or like fucking neater or like fucking better than most! Like St. Christ said prostitutes and tax collectors go to heaven before pharisees. We love in a world full of pharisees who don't love prostitutes nor tax collector's for they know they're persecuting them or like denouncing them for they know they're fucking objectively nice good beings ice ice.
St. Christ - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless politeless drum ourless cryless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum fucking black spider webs ice ice snow snow drum black widows black widows such dangerous mean little beings ice ice snow snow snow drum we love veganism so fuck ____ beings who denounce or like fucking hate on it for no fucking reason ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow serious love no trifles no hate no adultery no fucking bullshit ice ice snow snow.
Snow - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow martyrdoms ice ice snow snow God bless St. Job goated ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum we intend or like purpose to get along with all tho we don't fucking know how they feel about us ice ice snow snow drum dragons ice ice snow unicorns ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless drum drum first use of longshot Ocarina of Time ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice fuck _____ shitty advice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow we can't fucking say who so fucking controversial but fucking we don't hate them but they'd feel like we do so fucking... most beings would gender the being narrowing it LOLOLOLOL.
Wisdom - Wisdom is not cursing a fucking blank line then accidentally gendering the being right after LOLOLOL ice ice snow snow drum avalanches that's how you know motherfuckers aren't about it fucking again... if we didn't talk about God no one would care we curse... they said """it's for you use nice beings's perspectives""" we've intentionally or like purposefully not used nice beings's perspectives recently just to prove that wasn't how come they keep fucking doing this ice ice snow snow how come sinners deincentivize beings from talking about God? We suppose it's for professed conversion... sinners say """nice beings don't curse""" this is hypocritical... how come? Fucking we don't see this in the bible or like fucking... it doesn't make sense we're fucking nice good kind kind.
Kind - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow Babylon's hypocrisy On The Babylonian Captivity of the Church by Martin Luther ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice James Ellen Joseph JN Hannah Miller fucking the kids... they knew too... Babylon's fallen churches who has a professed godliness but no application nor demonstration thus. Fucking it's not a sin to curse sinners fight us so much but for fuck what? We're not phased, nor hurt, nor distressed laughingstocks... wolves in sheeps' clothing ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow St. Christ said it fucking first no concern to meanies professedly but they know they fucking look mean or like bad swearing's no sin it's just preference but sinners know no one of City of God will will.
Will - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow advice drum drum ice ice snow snow wisdom goes so much further or like farther than we fucking know sometimes ice ice snow snow drum avalanches ice ice snow snow lava magma embers ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow close-minded Babylonian non-sense ice ice snow snow no dignity ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow drum if we didn't talk about God how come they'd care? They wouldn't. ice ice ice snow snow drum drum angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum drum angels it's not fucking disrespectful to God fucking none of their arguments hold water beings should convert whatever that means to them thus thus.
Thus - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow drum avalanches water babbling brooks ice ice snow snow drum drum these are personal books not for any church nor Christian denomination nor bible service nor religious anything so we don't fucking know how it's anyone's business but fucking ours... ice ice snow snow drum angels ice ice snow snow drum drum it's choice that's all it is ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum swellless beings are so fucking close-minded tho they profess open-mindedness ice ice snow snow drum no dignity sinners just repeat themselves they're fucking deaf deaf.
Hearing - Like ice ice snow snow drum avalanches ice ice snow snow robots take all jobs motherfuckers don't deserve it we were talking to a robot agree to disagree we're always so nice fucking and kind but fucking customer service is so fucking awful sometime or a lot of the time or like sometimes not at fucking all lol but fucking we know robots would never be fucking rude to us man this is a big fucking deal... productivity would go up, you don't have to pay robots, sinners love money so fucking much which is the root of all kinds of evil... if they didn't they'd embrace an automated world but they don't so they do do.
Do - Marriage vows fucking ice ice snow snow drum drum ai take all jobs ice ice snow snow sinners loooove money ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow no dignity for sinners they just use the same fucking arguments ice ice snow snow drum drum that make no sense ice ice they're fucking deaf ice ice snow snow drum avalanches ice ice snow snow ai take all jobs all jobs ice ice snow snow drum fucking ice ice snow snow drum drum CGPGrey covers this really well he's nice but so many beings aren't like him they don't intend to be mention in our saying or like speeches tho they never say how come they never say... anything... ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow fucking ice ice snow snow drum angels upside down ice ice snow snow open-minded ice ice snow snow drum sinners like """God forbid an angel do a backflip while flying mean he has to go upside down"""??????????????
Questions - Answers agree to disagree ice ice snow snow drum angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels sinners sarcastically ask our opinions on swearing no dignity fucking we were intending or like purposing to type that sentence out but fucking... noooo ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow. Ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow. Angels ice ice ice snow snow so far like it concerns or like fucking regards us we don't care if beings curse in the pulpit, the pastor not the congregation. Should kids curse? We're not here to tell beings what to do do.
Do - Like we could've just not fucking?... cursed?... but we're intending or like purposing to prove a fucking point we truly fucking know it's not mean so fucking... that's how come we do it ice ice snow avalanches ice ice usless weless drum drum ice ice poor help poor for no one really does ice ice snow snow fucking we do ice ice snow snow drum drum ice angels ice ice snow snow drum shrewd snakes innocent doves ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow we'll keep it a fucking bean or like stack fucking... there's no cursing by the beings we usually name for fucking... it's offensive but we're not going to say if they would've cursed or not we're indifferent we're not saying anything on this sinners are too violent, aggressive, and fucking awful to speak on this all we can fucking say is they wouldn't care if we cursed.
Health - Like ice ice snow snow drum love all fear none ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow do we say every period, comma, quote out loud? Same thing! Fucking controversies... fucking... beings need fucking St. Christ. Look! we're not intending or like purposing to offend fucking it's stylistic, poetic, poetical, artistic choice City of God ice ice snow snow drum drum avalanches violins ice ice snow snow drum pianos ice ice ice snow snow sinners say we hate all shows and music when fucking we made a 26-book series about anime and classical music let alone the fact fucking you what ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow for us fucking... we've done a lot more than a 26-book series and sinners fucking... know it but fucking just whatever they can feel fucking bad bad.
Dark Academy - Like ice ice snow snow drum avalanches ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum drum drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow avalanches ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice avalanches ice ice water babbling brooks tsunamis ourless cryless drum talkless speechless drum drum hollow threats ice ice ice snow snow drum drum angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow snow drum drum we're intending or like fucking purposing to say the authors of the Bible are clearly the fucking wisest nicest men fucking... every word's in heaven so women too... small fucking flock... St. Jedidiah was definitely smartest... St. Christ was definitely God just read it... to us feels so fucking clear but like St. Jedidah said """all's still vain or like cloudy cloudy."""
Anime - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum avalanches we love anime! We had this moment before where we lauded tv shows all we could say was anime if we said anything else we know beings would """know""" we were mean when it fucking reality we're fucking nice!! Fucking... this speaks for itself itself.
Dark Academia - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum angels ice ice snow snow drum drum angels ice ice snow snow swellless politeless drum drum loveless loveless careless careless burns like phoenixes upside down aerial loops ice ice snow snow barrel rolls Starfox ice ice snow snow drum drum Evolution has taken such a fucking toll on this fucking... the best way to help global warming's being vegan... fucking it's not studying and ""knowing""" shit that's not even true, it's veganism. Shit! It's not even recycling it's being vegan! The SDAs are vegan and here's the fucking kicker... they're fucking creationsit! The beings helping global warming the most are creationist. This speaks for itself itself.
Ice - God bless the prodigal child pray to God in secret who rewards in secret God makes up for lost time like 17 days ice ice snow snow drum drum fucking ice ice snow snow esoteric ice ice snow snow drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow go out as much time as possible, don't eat too soon before sleeping, don't eat foods too different, ice ice snow snow rip friend iykyk.
Iykyk - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum pilgrims, Quakers, sojourners, fucking strangers in a cruel unusual world ice ice snow snow snow drum drum blaspheming, heresies, anathemas... fucking hypocryisy... fuck rape fuck murder... so much pain in this world so unlike heaven which has no pain no sin no hate ice ice snow snow drum drum only with God's help could such a nice state even exist exist.
Exist - Meanies say they don't exist! Are we supposed to dignify that with a response?!... what would we even say?!... ice ice snow snow drum icicles ice ice snow snow drum """what exists is named, what beings are has been known"""" ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice ice snow snow this is so fucking true... if it has a name again it exist we'd condescend but sinners insult what they don't understand fucking... ice ice snow snow drum angels ice ice snow snow but still... this is so fucking true! Sinners say ""no one exists!""" harsh! ice ice ice snow snow what a fucking mad thing to fucking say! ice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow this might even fucking seem right fucking... ice ice snow snow not to us... fucking... to someone! ice ice ice snow snow drum avalanches it might seem like all's in our head, nothing's contextualized, nothing's sure, all's abstract or like fucking mental, again we fucking guess this might seem nice but fucking... again this might seem neat... but despite devil's advocates to make language clear and easy to understand name things which is all essence makes it real that is to say it now exists... we still condescended we just did it kind of clever... to materialize things... name them... for the bible has been known longer than sinners know fucking ice ice ice ice ice ice.
Ice - Like ice ice snow snow drum angels ice ice snow snow drum avalanches ai take all jobs these motherfuckers aren't smart. Beings love money! The root of all kinds of evil! fucking... heartbreaking but still... ice ice snow snow drum drum this isn't our home in heaven there's no pain no hate no lies no blasphemies all's nice neat perfect?
Perfect - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum fuck ____ art that's no good separate fucking art from fucking artists love the sinner hate the sin ice ice love bless all ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow upside down ice ice snow snow tho... they might not love... LOLOL... no might guys fucking... unless you're Christian... you fucking... we intend or like purpose to say might anyway for fucking just we don't know all we can say is loving enemies is a Christian moral ice ice.
Ice - Like ice ice snow snow drum ai take all jobs we're live! we're live! we're live! feels good! We used to talk a lot about robots and being live before but it died out in favor of ice or like snow but fucking ice ice snow snow drum it's nice to see these sayings hitting harder than we could've ever imagined! We're live! We're live! We're live! We're live! Ice ice now snow drum avalanches ice ice snow snow drum drum we're live! We're live! We're live! Under the sun under the sun under the sun under the sun under the sun wind chasing wind chasing wind chasing vain vain.
Vain - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum we're live! Under the sun we're live! Ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow we're live! We're live! We're live! Ice ice ice snow snow drum drum angels ice ice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice we're live! We're live! We're live! Under the sun wind chasing vain vain wind chasing wind chasing under the sun!
Sun - ice ice snow snow drum drum angels ice ice snow snow we're live! We're live! We're live! Under the sun we're live! We're live! Ai take all jobs all all all ice ice snow snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow we're live! Under the sun under sun fucking under sun under sun under sun under sun fucking we're live! Wind chasing under the sun under sun under the sun! We're live! Ice ice snow snow drum drum avalanches ice ice snow snow we're live! We're live! We're live! We're live! Ice ice snow snow under sun under sun wind chasing vain vain.
Vain - We're live! We're live! We're live! We're live! We're live! Ai take all jobs ice ice ice snow snow drum drum we're live! Under sun sleep dream sayings? What do they say?
The end - the end.

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