23. Song of Blue Ice

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He - Quite frankly we're writing this book cuz it's hot in California, but we're intending or like purosing to think of cold, chilly, freezing, snow snow.
She - Ocarina of Time is the best video game in a way we're sure it's Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom but fucking... we've not played it lol! Breath of the Wild is best in a way... a big way... that game's so fun it's hard to believe it's so good like you have in your hands your in Hyrule you escape ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum avalanches ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum but the video game's real! It's nice! ice ice.
Ice - Like melting ice ice snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum avalanches blizzards ice ice snow snow drum drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow Thomas Goodwin's Vanity of Thoughts ice ice snow fucking ice ice snow snow drum swellless ice ice snow snow water water snow drum ourless cryless ice ice snow snow water water snow snow intricate complex love love.
Snow - Like melting boiling snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow God bless ChatGPT ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum an automated future ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum agree to disagree ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum fucking... robots are nice but they can't replace St. Jesus ice ice.
Ice - Like melting boiling snow Man vs. Wild snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum fucking ice ice snow snow books load like frustrations ice ice honesties ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow agree to disagree no writer's block when we truly know God hate money love God God.
Controversy - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angel ice ice snow snow nothing wrong with fucking telling the fucking truth lol ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice sinners presume but are always fucking mean, rude, impolite ice ice ice snow snow weless usless usless usless ice snow snow the sweet release of death ice ice sinners lie but the kind tell the fucking truth truth.
Desire - Like ice ice snow snow angel ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow Kohelet ice ice snow snow drum avalanches ice ice patience ice ice California hot like fucking fire ice ice snow snow drum Spirited Away """open rebuke is nicer than hidden love""" ice ice snow snow drum drum honesties ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow frozen apples ice ice snow snow drum swellless ice usless usless weless ice ice ourless cryless cryless cryless water water streams down cheeks like tears ice ice snow snow frustrations ice ice snow snow drum drum love all fear none ice ice snow snow no tattoos ice ice ice ice ice ice.
Patriarchs - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum riddles ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow sinners lie but the wise tell the truth ice ice snow snow Genoa. Siena fools don't know the way to town ice ice snow snow drum drum fucking dark fucking light ice ice snow snow snow drum drum agree to disagree diaries journals non-fiction, religious, Christian biblical work needs to rewrite or no?! Our favorite books are ice ice snow snow drum drum boring Satan arrogant Satan ice ice snow snow drum swellless ice ice snow snow ourless cryless cryless ice ice snow snow ourless ourless ourless water drum drum ice ice snow snow drum swellless ice ice snow snow drum Trigun Cowboy Bebop film film talkless speechless film ice ice ice ice ice ice.
Kohelet - We all fucking pass away eventually so fucking how come sinners act like we know no one of death ice ice snow snow drum cereal milk freezing milk like showers just intending or like purposing to cool down ice ice snow snow drum drum no writer's block write something to honor God ice ice snow snow tho we know beings who get writer's block don't talk about God tho we all make mistakes a mistake made too many times is no mistake at all ice ice snow snow fuck shitty _____ art """"the blank is for we don't need to know the fucking being's fucking name lol we just need to know the fucking morals"""" ice ice snow snow sinners could wash their fucking mouths out with fucking soap ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow swellless ice ice snow snow drum drum angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum honesties ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow sinners fear all for they've no fear of God sabaoth sabaoth.
Sabaoth - Love all fear none hate money no indifference love of money's root of all kinds of evil ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum lots of the lights of the world most... were lit after they snuffed out not before ice ice snow snow drum towns on hills no hide ice ice snow snow drum drum fucking ice ice snow snow drum ourless ourless ourless ourless lies water lies under lava like gravity ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow Satan's so fucking stupid tho we know Babylon or like fallen churches know no mention thus but incidental pulpit mentions ice ice advice like ice ice ice ice ice.
Ice - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow no multiply words California swelters like it's known for ice ice snow snow duhless forests of night's fall ice ice snow snow drum drum ilomilo ice ice snow snow drum drum """it's a miracle Luther wasn't burned fucking alive""" ice ice snow snow drum drum sometime sayings or like speeches might seem controversial but it's the opposite it'd be controversial to not say it tho often it could be controversial don't lean too hard walk the tightrope ice ice snow snow hearts break like heat heat ice ice ice ice dry ice ice liquid nitrogen ice ice ourless ourless ourless cryless water water ice ice snow snow drum drum lava ice ice snow snow avalanches ice ice blizzards childish idiotic Satan immature lying sentimental Satan ice ice snow snow drum if Satan ever seems nice remember that's like calling God mean so know no one's nice or like good but God ice ice snow snow blue fire ice ice snow snow Snow Cavern ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow avalanches ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum bibleless comftyless nice drum drum.
Springer - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow helping hands ice ice snow snow no lies but truths help poor ice ice snow snow help poor be confident ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice snow snow the depths of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice ice snow snow no ask no tell ice ice snow snow drum drum fucking controversies ice ice snow rapture ice ice snow snow the most amazing time of human history but meanies aren't impressed technology's truly nice ice ice snow snow blue ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice snow snow drum drum ourless ourless ourless ourless ourless cryless ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow water cataracts ice ice snow snow drum no flattery no madness fucking ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow no sentimental ice ice snow snow drum ourless ourless ourless ourless luck random chance ice ice snow snow drum discernment bad memories or like worst sins sins.
Ice - Melts like ice ice snow snow drum drum lies no truths from wicked ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless Satan's arrogance advice ice ice ice snow snow no money but yes money in a way but not another ice ice snow snow church bibles ice ice snow snow drum drum no boredom ice ice angels ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice snow snow drum lies ice ice ice snow snow drum drum drum ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow swellless ice ice snow snow drum blizzards Demon Slayer ice ice love blue ice blue fire ice ice iron boots fall like upside down Twilight Princess ice ice snow snow lodestone adamant ice ice snow snow drum avalanches ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice ice snow snow
St. Jesus - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum sorry St. Agur time wasn't fucking nice for we would've loved a whole book from ya kid! ice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum swellless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow dark academia ice ice snow snow class ice ice snow snow ballrooms balls waltz dance ice ice snow snow drum drum harps pianos violins violas cellos ice ice snow snow drum drum royals ice ice snow snow Christianity or like royal names ice ice snow snow discernment ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow Satan's arrogance ice ice snow snow drum drum ourless ourless cataracts waterfalls ice ice ice snow snow drum swellless ice ice loyal friends family K-On!! Dark Academy ice ice snow snow proud fucking achievements the sweet release of death ice ice.
Kohelet - Like ice ice snow snow drum frustrations ice ice snow snow fuck rape fuck murder fuck black magic ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice back up your junk man ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow intending or like purposing child-like, humility in a world full of decrepit fucks ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice love all fear none ice ice snow snow God bless prodigality ice ice snow snow love all fear none 95 theses ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow California swelters like ice melts money burns like stars upside down lofty stars on high held back of heaven ice fucking ice ice ice ice snow snow drum fucking ourless ourless cryless tears reverse upside down like Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ice ice snow snow drum angels ice ice quickness of mind no trifles ice ice snow snow drum avalanches ice ice snow snow drum avalanches blizzards ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum blizzards reverse like snow snow water water reverse waterfalls like Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom kingdom.
Love All Fear None - Like ice ice snow snow drum swellless politeless Spirited Away fuck money fucking what's the point fucking... pray to God in secret who rewards in secret anime anime ourless cryless ourless ice ice snow snow Satan's despicable memory ice ice snow snow drum fucking Satan not mention by Babylon save incidental mentions of pulpits fucking ice ice advice ice snow fucking fucking swearing fuck Babylon of Apocalypse drunk off saints's blood ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow honesties ice ice snow snow no writer's block just honesties ice ice fucking boast like ice ice snow snow St. Paul ice ice snow snow drum drum little mean can become a lot same with nice ice ice ice snow snow drum avalanches help poor tho the wicked know no one of them we know and love them them.
Order - Like oaths or like Majora's or like masks ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum avalanches hearts break like reverse Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom""""""""""""""""Among my own people, I was called Jehanette; since my coming into France, I am called Jehanne. I was born in the village of Domremy. My father's name is Jacques d'Arc, my mother's Isabelle. As long as I lived at home, I worked at common tasks about the house, going but seldom afield with our sheep and other cattle. I learned to sew and spin: I fear no woman in Rouen at sewing and spinning. As to my schooling, I learned my faith, and was rightly and duly taught to do as a good child should. From my mother I learned "Our Father," "Hail Mary," and "I believe." And my teaching in my faith I had from her and from no one else. Once a year I confessed my sins to our parish-priest, or, when he was unable, to another with his permission. And I received the sacrament of the Eucharist at Easter time. Not far from Domremy there is a tree called the Ladies' Tree, and others call it the Fairies' Tree, and near it there is a fountain. And I have heard that those who are sick with fever drink at the fountain or fetch water from it, to be made well. Indeed, I have seen them do so, but I do not know whether it makes them well or not. I have heard, too, that the sick, when they can get up, go walking under the tree. It is a great tree, a beech, and from it our fair May-branches come; and it was in the lands of Monseigneur Pierre de Bourlemont. Sometimes I went walking there with the other girls, and I have made garlands under the tree for the statue of the Blessed Virgin of Domremy. I have often heard it said by old people (they were not of my own elders) that the fairies met there. My godmother even told me that she had seen fairies there, but I do not know whether it was true or not. I never saw any fairies under the tree to my knowledge. I have seen girls hang wreaths on the branches; I have sometimes hung my own with the others, and sometimes we took them away with us and sometimes we left them behind. I do not know whether, after I reached years of discretion, I ever danced at the foot of the "I may have danced there sometimes with the children; but I sang there more than I danced."""""""""""""" like fairy's fountains fucking ice ice snow snow blue ice ice no confusion no procrastination we don't excuse but accuse ourselves fucking ice ice ice ice snow drum avalanches ice ice snow snow drum public domain ice ice snow snow God bless ChatGPT ice ice ourless ourless cryless water reverse Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice ice ice snow angels ice ice no cynicism no pessimism no lies fucking Satan even denies lies exists at all fucking folly folly.
St. Augustine - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum fucking metaphors ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice swellless ice ice ourless cryless ice ice snow snow lies lies lies all Satan pours out is fucking lies but we know lies exist just like we know truth exists. St. Jesus is truth fucking itself fucking incarnated like a loving man or like being Satan on the other hand is the complete opposite: he's lies like a cruel man or like being ice ice snow snow love all fear none we might deduce this has to do with Satan denying Creation tho this is only in context ice ice snow snow fucking metaphors ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice not like seeing miracles ever made sinners stop sinning like the flood or like the parting of the Red Sea, St. Jesus healing all the beings etc. frustration is calmed like storms are calmed by love love love love love.
Copyright - Make it clearer! ice ice ice snow snow drum swellless ice ice snow snow ourless talkless speechless film ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless swellless ice ice snow snow sweltering ice ice snow snow drum drum fucking contradictions like fucking metaphors ice ice snow snow drum caltrop-like, rainbow-like, ring-like, signet-like, honesties ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow we work for our food we love money in a fucking way but then fucking sinners say """we hate money""" like damn! we've been saying to hate money but they always fought it but now fucking... fucking... we say """we love money""" but now sinners are like """we hate money!!""" ice ice ice ice ice.
Fire - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum angels ice ice snow snow drum Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, nostalgia ice ice snow snow drum drum avalanches ice ice snow snow drum drum politeless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow Nashville, Tennessee ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum avalanches ice ice devil's advocates ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow persimmons honeydew grass gold bowls ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice swellless ice ice snow snow drum drum tv ice ice snow snow drum love all fear none ice ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice snow snow """"martyrs burned weekly""" like fucking?... waldenses ice ice sinners say ""heartless ai""" but we're not so sure sure.
Sure - Like ice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow swellless ice ice snow snow drum drum God bless Taylor Swift, Anti-Hero ice ice ice snow snow drum drum angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow snow drum drum no oversharing ice ice snow snow honesties but no lies fucking... ice ice snow snow avalanches ice ice blizzards ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow friends family ice ice snow snow smartless feelless ice ice snow snow drum God bless Sts. Anna Simeon Bridgette Cecilia Lucy Agatha beings who haven't came up so much ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice vents ice ice snow snow spies spies.
Echo - Like ice ice snow snow drum swellless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice shrewd ice ice ice ice Echolocation is the process by which bats emit high-frequency sounds and then listen for the echoes that bounce back from nearby objects. Bats use echolocation to navigate through their environment and to locate prey. To echolocate, a bat emits a series of high-pitched sounds, typically at frequencies above 20 kilohertz, which are too high for humans to hear. These sounds are produced in the larynx and are emitted through the mouth or nose. The bat then listens for the echoes that bounce back from objects in its surroundings, which are reflected back to the bat's ears by the shape and texture of those objects. Based on the time delay between the emission of the sound and the reception of the echo, the bat can determine the distance to the object. Bats can also determine the direction of an object based on the differences in the loudness and timing of the echoes received by each ear. Bats are able to adjust the frequency, intensity, and duration of their echolocation calls depending on the environment they are in and the type of prey they are seeking. They can also use echolocation to distinguish between different types of objects based on their size, shape, and texture. Overall, echolocation is a critical tool for bats to navigate, hunt, and survive in their environment environment.
Ellen - Like ice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice angels ice ice ice snow snow the genealogies in Sts. Matthew, Luke, 1 Chronicles, little 1 at the end of St. Ruth God bless my dawg ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice wash unclean til eventide ice ice ice eventide island BotW ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom just came out man fucking lit ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow snow drum drum angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow duhless meanless ice ice.
Ice - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum avalanches blizzards reverse upside down inside out ice ice snow snow drum drum raptures not undone by Azazel or like Asmodeus or like Onoskelis or like Ornias ice ice ice snow snow God bless ChatGPT we've asked ChatGPT to quote ""Testament of Solomon"" so many times but not 1 time has it actually gotten it right lol oh well ice ice.
Icicles - Like ice ice snow snow love all fear none light academia Desire of Ages History of Waldenses true joy is venting in books moodless usless swellless niceless meaningless advice love all fear none ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow fucking ice ice snow snow drum drum Ouran Dark Academy group pics love pet love pets sleep snore run in sleep we sleep dream but see sayings? fucking... what do they fucking... say? Lol.
The end - the end.

Song of Robotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن