20. Song of Fullmetal

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He - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum.
She - Like ice ice snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum.
St. Jesus - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum ice ice swellless ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow.
St. Ignatius - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice snow snow drum drum ice ice ice ice snow snow drum drum.
St. Father - Like ice ice snow snow advice fucking ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice endure persecution find gold at the end of a rainbow upside down ice ice.
St. Holy Spirit - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow.
St. Jesus - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow avalanches gall ice ice drowning fucking ice snow stars condescensions ice ice apocalypse armageddon hebrew ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum """They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).""" ice ice fucking snow snow snow star upside down ice ice.
St. John - Of the Apocalypse ice ice snow snow no fucking accusations ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum """"And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjaza taught enchantments and root−cuttings, Armaros the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal taught astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven. And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth."""" ice ice snow snow fall heaven like fucking ice ice snow fucking blasphemies to fucking sinners fucking ice ice snow snow stars twinkle like our we-less us-less ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum emotionless moodless generation moons fall like crescent suns ice ice.
St. Enoch - Like ice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow snow usless weless usless ice ice condescending ice ice snow snow fucking patience ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow weless usless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow """""""And the vision was shown to me thus: Behold, in the vision clouds invited me and a mist summoned me, and the course of the stars and the lightnings sped and hastened me, and the winds in the vision caused me to fly and lifted me upward, and bore me into heaven. And I went in till I drew nigh to a wall which is built of crystals and surrounded by tongues of fire: and it began to affright me. And I went into the tongues of fire and drew nigh to a large house which was built of crystals and the walls of the house were like a tesselated floor made of crystals, and its groundwork was of crystal. Its ceiling was like the path of the stars and the lightnings, and between them were fiery cherubim, and their heaven was water. A flaming fire surrounded the walls, and its portals blazed with fire. And I entered into that house, and it was hot as fire and cold as ice. There were no delights of life therein; fear covered me, and trembling got hold upon me. And as I quaked and trembled, I fell upon my face and I beheld a vision, and lo! there was a second house, greater than the former, and the entire portal stood open before me, and it was built of flames of fire. And in every respect it so excelled in splendor and magnificence and extent that I cannot describe to you its splendor and its extent. And its floor was of fire, and above it were lightnings and the path of the stars, and its ceiling also was flaming fire. And I looked and saw therein a lofty throne, its appearance was as crystal, and the wheels thereof as the shining sun, and there was the vision of cherubim. And from underneath the throne came streams of flaming fire so that I could not look thereon. And the Great Glory sat thereon, and His raiment shone more brightly than the sun and was whiter than any snow. None of the angels could enter and could behold His face by reason of the magnificence and glory and no flesh could behold Him. The flaming fire was round about Him, and a great fire stood before Him, and none around could draw nigh Him; ten thousand times ten thousand were before Him, yet He needed no counselor. And the most holy ones who were nigh to Him did not leave by night nor depart from Him. And until then I had been prostrate on my face, trembling and the Lord called me with His own mouth, and said to me: "Come hither, Enoch, and hear my word." And one of the holy ones came to me and waked me, and He made me rise up and approach the door, and I bowed my face downwards. And He answered and said to me, and I heard His voice: "Fear not, Enoch, thou righteous man and scribe of righteousness. Approach hither and hear my voice."""" ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow snow unconventional ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow weless usless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow avalanches ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow Fullmetal ice ice snow snow drum drum our first book we called "Fullmetal fucking lit"" lolol ice ice snow snow drum ice ice swellless ice ice usless weless ice ice snow snow drum drum moodless emotionless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angel ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow.
The Mountains - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum martyrdoms ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice loveless careless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum controversies ice ice agree to disagree ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum fucking ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum swellless ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice """"""Angels took and brought me to a place in which those who were there were like flaming fire, and when they wished, they appeared as men. And they brought me to the place of darkness, and to a mountain the point of whose summit reached to heaven. And I saw the places of the luminaries and the treasuries of the stars and of the thunder and in the uttermost depths, where were a fiery bow and arrows and their quiver, and a fiery sword and all the lightnings. And they took me to the living waters, and to the fire of the west, which receives every setting of the sun. And I came to a river of fire in which the fire flows like water and discharges itself into the great sea towards the west. I saw the great rivers and came to the great river and to the great darkness, and went to the place where no flesh walks. I saw the mountains of the darkness of winter and the place whence all the waters of the deep flow. I saw the mouths of all the rivers of the earth and the mouth of the deep. I saw the treasuries of all the winds, I saw how He had furnished with them the whole creation and the firm foundations of the earth. And I saw the corner−stone of the earth, I saw the four winds which bear the firmament of the heaven. And I saw how the winds stretch out the vaults of heaven, and have their station between heaven and earth: these are the pillars of the heaven. I saw the winds of heaven which turn and bring the circumference of the sun and all the stars to their setting. I saw the winds on the earth carrying the clouds: I saw the paths of the angels. I saw at the end of the earth the firmament of the heaven above and I proceeded and saw a place which burns day and night, where there are seven mountains of magnificent stones. Three towards the east, and three towards the south. And as for those towards the east, was of coloured stone, and one of pearl, and one of jacinth, and those towards the south of red stone. But the middle one reached to heaven like the throne of God, of alabaster, and the summit of the throne was of sapphire. And I saw a flaming fire. And beyond these mountains is a region the end of the great earth: there the heavens were completed. And I saw a deep abyss, with columns of heavenly fire, and among them I saw columns of fire fall, which were beyond measure alike towards the height and towards the depth. And beyond that abyss I saw a place which had no firmament of the heaven above, and no firmly founded earth beneath it: there was no water upon it, and no birds, but it was a waste and horrible place. I saw there seven stars like great burning mountains, and to me, when I inquired regarding them. The angel said: "This place is the end of heaven and earth. This has become a prison for the stars and the host of heaven. And the stars which roll over the fire are they which have transgressed the commandment of the Lord in the beginning of their rising, because they did not come forth at their appointed times.""" ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum esoteric ice ice snow snow weless usless ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum usless weless drum ice ice snow snow Spirited Away ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice swellless weless usless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice hevel ice ice snow snow hevel ice ice hevel meaningless ice ice dark academia ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow portals ice ice loveless loveless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice shrewd ice ice snow apples to oranges oranges.
St. Agur - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow storms drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum usless weless ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow snow drum drum ice ice usless weless usless usless ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow uslessness is uselessness ice ice snow snow drum weless ice ice snow snow moodless emotionless ice ice snow snow drum drum niftyless ice ice snow snow Mario ice ice snow snow snow drum drum ice ice.
St. Jesus - Like ice ice snow snow drum fucking death memento mori shrewd ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum no multiply words folly frivolity fucking ice ice snow snow fucking churches ice ice bibles ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow swellless ice ice snow snow conspiracies ice ice snow drum drum fucking ice ice.
St. Isaiah - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow usless weless ice ice fucking Egypt ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow snow drum drum swellless swellless swellless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow moodless emotionless loveless ice ice niceless ice ice snow snow drum memories Kohelet ice ice snow snow exceptions no rules rules.
St. Jeremiah - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow folly frivolity ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice fuck rape fuck murder ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum Nanking was a fucking whew fucking unutterable unutterable fucking ice ice.
St. Ezekiel - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum no projection ice ice snow snow sinners just judge by appearance not the inside heart soul spirit mind internal external worlds interior castles ice ice ice snow snow no xannies ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow no prodigality ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow fucking ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum fuck irony fuck sarcasm ice ice snow snow no sarcasm sarcasm.
St. Enoch - Like ice ice snow snow narrators weless usless ice ice dichotomy ice ice snow snow drum drum agree to disagree no paradox fucking ice ice snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angel ice ice omnipotent God redeem your fallen ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow hollow threats God bless fucking Bleach ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice fucking envy ice ice snow snow """bloodthirsty hate a person of integrity and seek to kill the upright""" - St. Jedidiah in Proverbs ice ice snow snow hustle bustle ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum cities anime smog pollution ice ice snow snow light pollution ice ice snow snow.
Love - Loveless ice ice snow snow drum fuck irony fuck sarcasm ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum can't fucking please all drum drum so don't even fucking intend or like purpose ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow weless usless drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum fire blink bolt bolt bolt zap ice ice snow snow drum drum electricity swims like ice ice snow fucking metaphors ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum fallen lost world world.
Neon - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum condescend crescendos ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum haloes moon air gas fucking ice ice snow snow drum drum niceless niceless neatless ice ice no coincidences or no?! ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum smarter ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow ice ice snow usless weless love all fear none loveless portals ice ice unicorns drum drum.
Portals - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice careless loveless ice ice snow snow tangerines ice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum usless weless Fullmetal ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice short stories ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice we might set the world record for most books books.
Zap - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice keyboards pianos ice ice snow snow snow drum drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum folly madness fucking ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum.
Music - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice snow drum tragedy Hamlet drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice icicles drum avalanches gall ice ice snow snow hearts break like Tears of the Kingdom Breath of the Wild Skyward Sword Twilight Princess Wind Waker Majora's Mask Ocarina of Time time.
Interstellar - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum not the film but God bless it all the same ice fucking ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum weless usless frustration ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice usless weless usless weless weless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice moodless moodless moodless emotionless drum drum feelless smartless discernment ice ice snow snow under sun drum drum wind chaser vain hevel hevel drum drum drowning coughing fucking water ice ice gall ice upside down martyrdoms God's will be done drum drum.
Neon - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum moodless usless slow down like ice ice snow drum ice ice snow condescend crescendoes ice ice snow love all fear none ice ice snow drum agree to disagree no fucking writer's block fucking kidding nah but fucking we gotta talk about God doe.
Optimism - Fuck pessimism! kidding! ice ice ice snow snow angels ice drum drum swellless swellless usless usless weless drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow friendless knowless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow fuck Satan ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow riddles ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow niftyless drum ice ice God bless Mario Movie fucking ice ice good memories ice ice bad memories like worst sin contextualized contexts ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless drum experience fucking ice ice snow snow controversies swim like snakes ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow moodless emotionless moodless stampedes ice ice snow snow drum love all fear none none drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice weless usless drum drum controversies no writer's block fucking boast ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow fucking girlfriends secrets ice ice.
The Great Controversy - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum drum swellless neon niceless ice ice snow avalanches ice ice pour like upside down ice ice snow diving boards ice ice snow snow orange sherbet rainbow-like, caltrop-like, age ice ice snow snow parents kids fucking ice ice no perversion ice ice snow snow no lust no lasciviousness ice ice snow drum swellless ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice snow snow shitty advice advice.
Kohelet - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum wisdom money ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum drum ice ice money cash means ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow vain vain vanity ice ice drum drum experience advice proof evidence drum drum ice ice Omphalos Hypothesis Last Thursdayism ice ice snow snow humans need no apply ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum duhless ice ice snow snow obviousless drum meanless ruthless peas in a pod no pretension ice ice shitty advice advice.
Canticle - of canticles ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum meanless meanless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum niftyless drum ice ice snow fucking ice ice snow snow no niftyless drum ice ice bibleless drum heart ice ice snow snow drum drum contextualized contexts ice ice hollow threats hollows Bleach fucking ice ice snow snow weless usless drum drum ice ice snow snow duhless dogs ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice rockets stars luminaries wells dirt ice ice snow snow God bless St Isaac ice ice.
Candles - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow astrology alchemy ice ice snow snow peas in a pod drum drum ice ice usless weless drum drum peas in a pod Sts. Father Son Spirit peas in a pod ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless patience ice ice leaps of faith fucking ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow love all fear none drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum discernment ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow stalactites drum drum swellless swellless drum drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow neon niceless 3-fold cord love all fear none trust the heart love all fear none drum drum ice ice snow snow niftyless drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum mountains upside down inverted tangerines fucking ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow Cornell notes drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum weless usless anime drum drum love all fear none drum drum ice ice snow snow nostalgia rush fucking ice ice money money memories ice ice hope ice ice St. Job St. Moses ice ice usless weless drum drum ice ice snow snow hearts beat like ice ice snow snow drum ray gun upside down inverted fucking ice ice hollow threats the fucking sweet release of death ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice mirrors ice snow drum drum swellless niceless drum drum quickness of mind ice ice snow snow drum drum drum.
Zap - Like persecutions ice ice snow snow fucking electrocutions ice ice dark academia so gotdamned good could make a grown man cry ice ice snow snow snow drum drum hearts dance like holographic St. Noah's deluge ice ice snow snow drum drum class classical dark academia no light academia agree to disagree ice ice money cash means means ice ice snow snow Testimonies for the Church, Steps to Christ, Christ's Object Lessons, Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, Desire of Ages, Acts of Apostles, The Great Controversy, Appeal to the Youth, Counsels on Health keyboards drum drunk ice ice snow snow drum class classy classical condescend crescendos ice chandeliers rain upside down ice ice snow snow fucking ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum fuck shitty _____ shows music music sinners say we denounce all shows music we don't we love anime classical music fucking all ice ice snow snow fucking we love bless all fucking we'd thank 'em but let me tell ya they don't intend to hear it fucking oh well well ice ice snow snow agree to disagree like Mac Miller said """a perfect life a lonely one""" if we were famous we don't know we'd fucking go out so much beings are so fucking mean or like rude or like cruel sometimes ice ice God bless God Lana God God.
Dark Academia - Like Dark Academy ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum drum ice ice snow snow swellless ice ice politeless soap ice ice fucking sinners could wash their fucking mouth out fucking Babylon drunk off saints's blood ice ice snow snow fuck black magic ice ice snow snow drum drum lies blasphemies heresies anathemas ice fucking surpluses bonuses extras ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice neon Christmas ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow clean soap prudence ice snow snow drum olives martinis Christmas lights Christmas tree angels ice ice snow snow drum fucking stockings ice ice snow snow drum drum weless usless drum drum swellless ice ice neon neon zap friendless knowless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow meanless ruthless ice ice snow snow duhless obviousless drum drum ice ice niftlyess bibleless peaches drum fucking Little Drummer Boy ice ice snow snow drum drum drum drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow drum drum ice ice icicles drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum Bleach ice ice snow Mario Zelda ice ice snow snow drum drum Christmas Ghibli Disney Nintendo ice ice snow snow comfty drum drum ice ice apples ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow comftyless churchless drum drum ice ice.
The Bible - Like ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice snow snow drum apples ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice condescending ice ice snow snow drum drum ice love pity ice ice weless usless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice Again by Yui's fucking lit.
The Vulgate - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice patience ice no lies no blasphemies no heresies no anathemas ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow solstice lunar eclipse gratitude ice ice snow drum drum ice ice fuck rape fuck murder ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum prodigal child ice ice.
The Septuagint - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum no trifles drum drum ice ice snow snow angels drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum Alexander the Great ice ice. The Septuagint is a translation of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) into Greek, completed around the 3rd century BCE. It is called the Septuagint because tradition holds that it was translated by 70 or 72 Jewish scholars in Alexandria, Egypt. The Septuagint was an important translation because Greek was a widely spoken language in the eastern Mediterranean world at the time, and it allowed for the spread of Jewish scriptures among Greek-speaking Jews and non-Jews. It also had a significant influence on the development of the New Testament and early Christian theology, as many New Testament authors used the Septuagint as their source for Old Testament quotations. Today, the Septuagint is still used in the Eastern Orthodox Church as the basis for their Old Testament canon, and it is also studied by scholars and students of biblical studies and ancient history snow snow drum drum ice ice.
The City of God - By St. Augustine ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum niftyless bibleless drum drum comftyless churchless ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow fucking death the sweet release of death ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow drum drum laughingstocks fucking ice ice snow snow drum ice ice Disney Atlantis Little Mermaid ice ice snow snow no mustard no ketchup no gotdamned dignity ice ice snow snow fucking lolol.
Emmerich - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum God bless Anne and Otto ice ice snow snow drum drum angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum Atlantis Prince of Egypt King of Dreams ice ice snow Mulan Lion King drum drum dreams sleep dreams ice ice snow snow drum fucking ice ice snow snow drum sleep dream words what's it say?
The end - the end.

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