Episode 18 // Shadow

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I spend all my day trying to gain energy. Trying to gain energy such a day like this... So boring. Using my emotions to gain is way more tiring. But otherwise, especially when we're at school, that seems impossible. I woke up out of sorts because of this. At the end of the day, my energy went up from 33 to 60, so I could relieve. 

"Of!" I laid myself on my bed. I was dying of exhaustion. I changed and go to sleep. I slept 1 or 2 hours when I woke up to a sound. Something fell to the ground. Half sleepy half awake I looked to the way sound coming from. Nobody was there. I forgot the window open. The wind knocked over the box on my desk. I got up and closed the window. 

Then, I suddenly remembered. I never open my windows. I was like this at home too. Then... How did this window opened?

I thought of the mysterious shadow. Or was it them who entered my room? Were they going to catch me in my sleep?! I turned around and looked in my room, no one was there. I slowly opened my closet. Again no one was there. There was only one place left for an intruder to hide. Under my bed. It made more sense to lift it with telekinesis than to bend down and look.

I lifted the bed slowly, frightenedly. I hadn't lifted it all yet when I saw that there was someone under it. Yes! The shadow had entered my room. I finally caught it. I can finally find out who was it. As I continued to lift it slowly, I created an energy wall in front of me in case it would attack me. When the bed was fully lifted, the person under it appeared more clearly. They got up slowly. I still haven't seen their face. "W-Who are you?" I said. My voice was involuntary shaky.

They looked at me as they faded away like they had before. Again, those bright eyes were in front of me. I tried to catch it, but it was already gone. I slowly lay the bed on the floor. My sleep was completely gone. I sat on my bed and shielded myself from the energy wall and began to wait for the morning. I'm lucky the walls don't drain my energy.

It was 2:30 am. My eyes were starting to close. 'LUNA!! Dont sleep! They can attack again!' A voice echoed in my head. 'I'm trying.'

When it was 3.15 am, I couldn't stand. I slept for 5 minutes and woke up with a jump. I didn't see a nightmare. 18 was trying to help me stay awake.

I put on a thin coat and went outside. Cold weather always wakes me up. I walked out of the common room. I sat on the bench in front of the dorms.

I was lost in thought. I past who this person is, what do they want from me? What does that bright reddish eyes want from me? What had I done to them that they were always watching me? Were they trying to say something? No, if it wanted to say something, they would have just said it. Then why was it after me?

I just sat and thought for a while. I looked at the clock. It was 4.30 am. Even if I try, I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway from now on. I decided to continue sitting. This time I got up and walked around the dorm. If I sit all the time, I'll get cold after all. 1st tour... 2nd tour... 3rd... I did 14 tour.

The up of the dorms looked empty. With curious, I teleported there. It was a bit dusty but it was a nice place. I made a light energy wave and all the dust flew away. It didn't make much noise either. I teleported to my room and grabbed a small blanket. I teleported back to the roof. I laid the blanket on the floor and lay on it.

It was starting to lighten up a little. The sky looked amazing from where I was lying. I looked at the time on my phone. It was 5 o'clock. I always got up at 7.30. But if I lay like this for 2.30 hours, I would definitely fall asleep. As a bookworm, I decided to read a book. I teleported down again and took a book from my bookshelf.

I went upstairs and started reading. I had finished by 7:30, so I didn't think about what happened after that.

I was going to teleport downstairs and start getting ready. But once it was in my room, I became paranoid. When I open the closet, I was jumping over the edge. I didn't forget to lift the bed and look under it. Finally, I got ready, grabbed my bag and ran out as if someone was chasing me.

Sister's Fight // BNHA FanFic // English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now