Episode 17 // Luna vs Monoma

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Of course, there was a time limit. Students must put their rival to the place that they call cell. 

1-A win the first match with 4-3 score. 1-B win the second one with 4-1 score. Maybe they could win if Yaoyorozu's energy hadn't run out. Third match was very competitive. I think it would have gone on forever if time didn't run out. It was a 1-1 draw as I expected. While the 4th game was being played, our team came to me.

"It's almost our turn. We'd better come up with a strategy. Monoma and Shinso are the strongest on the other side. The others are strong too, but they're the strongest." said Izuku.

"As long as Luna-san is on our side, we won't lose anyway." said Uraraka. "Yeah, but we're useless if Luna catches everyone." said Izuku.

"Izuku is right. Don't trust me too much these days, I'm low on energy. I can't use my powers fully. They're limited..." I said, looking at my hand. "Does your quirk depend on your energy?" said Mineta. I nodded my head as yes. "How can you regain your energy?" said Mina. "I'm sorry, but I can't regain for now. There's a lot of work for that. We don't have that much time. Let's talk about our strategy." I said with great seriousness.

'We are really running out of energy 18. 39 percent left. You know what we have to do, but we can't.' I thought to myself. At that moment, Izuku began to speak. "You create a strategy, I will think," she said. 'Okay...' I turned to Izuku.

"Luna, can you find out what's on Shinso's neck?" said Izuku. "You want me to read his mind? But if he isn't thinking about the tool, I can't learn." I said. "We don't have a chance without knowing what's on his neck," Izuku said a little loudly. I understand what he is trying to do. I immediately turned to Shinso and entered his mind. Yeah! Izuku's plan had worked. Shinso was thinking about the tool.

"Woah! I didn't think that such a thing was scientifically possible. That thing sounds like Shinso's as we do," I said in admiration. I didn't know science had improved this far.

"Then we can be brainwashed at any moment. We can't trust each other's voices." said Mina in panic. "Let's pick a hand or head gesture. If we do this before or after speaking, we'll know that one of us is speaking. For example..." Izuku pointed to an example. He made a fist with his hand and struck the palm of his other hand. "Then let this be our password," I said. Others agreed.

We talked a little bit about our plan. I was in good spirits until I heard Monoma's voice. I felt like my energy was rising as well.

"HA! IT'S TURN US TO WIN THIS MATCH!!" he was shouting. The previous match was over. 4-2, 1-A won. If 1-B wins this match, the two classes would be tied. "Will you stop yelling, insolent microbe?" I said to him. He turned to me.

"Oh! You were on the other team, right? You're weak, admit it!" he said to me. I started laughing slyly again. "You really don't know who I am, do you? You're afraid of me being strong right? You've been strong because you've copied someone your whole life, haven't you?" I said sarcastically. Then suddenly I got serious and walked towards him. "I'll show you who I am." I told him. I walked to the field.

As I left the waiting area, I was aware that all eyes were on me. Again, I amazed everyone.

'Luna! Your energy has increased!' said 18. Her cheerful voice echoed in my head. 'How?' I said in surprise. 'Speaking to your team. Your energy has increased thanks to your good mood.'

It really increased. My energy, which was 39 percent before, was now 46. It wasn't a big deal, but it had increased. I was about to answer 18 when my team came to me. "Time will start soon. Our plan is ready anyway." said Izuku. "Guys..." I said. "I think my energy just went up. This isn't normal. I haven't done any of the energy boosting quests." I said in surprise. "42 percent or more is strong. It was 39 before. That's why I said don't trust me. Now it's 46." I said excitedly. "THIS IS PERFECT!!!" Mina jumped. "Let's not change the plan. If anything goes wrong, I'll step in." I said. If the plan changed, we would have to do everything from the beginning.

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