Chapter 4: Titania's palace

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Gwen's apartment was modern and stylish. There was a very comfy-looking L-shaped couch on the far side piled with cushions. As well as abstract art on the walls and an amazing view of the city's skyline from the large windows.
"This is a gorgeous place!" I said looking around.
"Thank you darling" she said.
Books and scripts were scattered all over the coffee table, she frantically scooped up as many as she could and stuffed them into the nearest cupboard.
"Now...drink?" she said cheerfully, rubbing her hands together.
"Just a water please Gwen" I wanted to keep a clear head so I could remember this night for years to come.
"I think I can stretch to that" and she poured two glasses of cool water for us both.

Like we did in her dressing room, we sat on her couch and talked the night away. Laughing, joking, swapping stories and discussing all manner of topics. Our chemistry continued to build with flirty comments, lingering eye contact and innocent touches. It was strange, I'd only known her for a few hours but I felt a deep connection with her and I think she did too. If I knew for sure she felt the same I could easily fall in love with this woman, if I hadn't already.

As we talked we really opened up to each other and I started to see a new side of her. She poured her heart out to me about her family and the high and lows of her career. Then the subject turned to relationships.
"Enough about me! Tell me more about you" she said.
"What do you want to know?" I asked, wary of the answer. She paused for a moment and pondered what to ask first.
"Well I don't see any ring so I don't think you're married...but surely a gorgeous girl like you isn't single?"
"She thinks I'm gorgeous?!" I thought as my cheeks flushed bright red again.
" I'm not married and yes I'm single" I said still a little flustered.
She gasped dramatically and her mouth hung open. I couldn't help but giggle. Surely it wasn't that surprising!
"What about you? If you don't mind me asking" I said politely.
"I'm single too. I have been for a long time..." she trailed off and for the first time tonight she looked away from me.
"Are you OK Gwen?" I said as she stared out of the window deep in thought.
"Hmm? Oh yes sorry. I just...haven't had the best luck with love" she said glumly.
"If it's any consolation, neither have I".
"Most people are only interested in me because of who I am or who they perceive me to be. They want to date Brienne or Larissa...not me".
Her eyes glistened as tears started to gather, I felt so sorry for her. She looked so dejected, like she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. The longer she paused the more she broke.
"It's just...I'm constantly surrounded by people but...I feel so lonely," she said through tears.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to upset you" I said in a quick attempt to recover.
I scooted towards her and put my arm around her. She looked so fragile and vulnerable, it shocked me as she always seemed so happy and confident on screen. She nestled her head into my shoulder and I stroked her hair.
"You have millions of loyal fans out there Gwen who adore you and family and friends that will always love you. As long as we all have breath in our bodies you'll never be lonely" I said.
She lifted her head to look at me, "we? Does that include you?"
"Of course. You deserve to be loved for who you are. I know we haven't known each other for long but... you're amazing" I said and I meant every word.
"You're so sweet Jo, I've never met anyone like you before" she said and stroked my face.
Our eyes stayed on each other then mine flickered down to her gorgeous pink lips. Our faces moved closer and I closed my eyes, waiting to feel those lips on mine...

BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZZZZ! My phone vibrated in my bag, she dropped her hand and moved away.
"Oh for fuck's sake!" I cursed out loud. Gwen giggled at my sudden outburst.
I checked my phone, it was Lara.

L: Are you coming back tonight Missy? Or is Gwendoline having her wicked way with you? X

"Do you need to go?" Gwen asked, a blue undertone in her voice. I knew the girls would be expecting me back by now but I just couldn't tear myself away from Gwen and her puppy dog eyes.
"Do you want me to go?" I asked.
Gwen shook her head, "I know we've only just met...but I feel like I need you. I'd like us to spend the night together".
"Then I'm not going anywhere" I said then quickly typed my reply.

J: Don't wait up for me. I'll be back tomorrow. Gwen is calling 😉 x

I knew that would be just enough to sate Lara's appetite.

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