Chapter 15: The plan

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"So she declares her love for you and you just left?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Lara yelled at me.
"You've changed your tune! You've been the one telling me to get over her!" I argued back.
"Yeah back when we thought she didn't care, if what she says is true then it changes everything!" she said.
"Lara's right. She cared enough to spare you from heartache, she just did it in the wrong way" Kat said.
"But what if it happens again or I end up feeling abandoned like she said? No, it's best we go our separate ways now and move on with our lives" I said, but I couldn't even convince myself that that was true. My leg started bouncing up and down, my classic giveaway that I was agitated.
Lara knelt in front of me and with her hand on my knee and it immediately stopped moving.
"You love her too, don't you?" she said sympathetically.
I just nodded, avoiding eye contact.
"Then tell her. Don't spend the rest of your life always wondering what could have happened" she said in the most caring tone I'd ever heard her speak.
I looked up at Kat for more reassurance, "if you love each other that much you'll make it work".
I suddenly felt a surge of courage I'd never felt before, they were both right. I loved Gwen and I couldn't let her go, not again.

I looked at the clock, 7pm.
"It's her last show tonight, she probably leaves straight after it. I have to be there! I have to tell her!" I said, starting to panic.
"OK calm down, we'll drive there and wait for her outside before she gets ambushed by paps" Lara said. She grabbed her car keys from the table.
"But get changed first, you look like a hot mess. Meet us in the car in 5 minutes" and with that she grabbed Kat and dragged her to the car.
I ran to my wardrobe and pulled out the first top I saw and threw on a pair of skinny fit jeans. As I raced to the door I caught sight of myself in the mirror, I stopped and thought "you can do this Jo". I felt that surge of courage again along with a rush of excitement. Our cheesy romance movie scene was happening again but this time I'd make sure we had a happy ending.

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