Chapter 8: Up The Creek

Start from the beginning



Kai was walking along the beach as Gwen waved him over

(Gwen): Hey Kai want to be my-

Cody suddenly appeared and dragged Kai away

(Cody): Let's be partners Kai!

Kai looked at Gwen who looked annoyed

(Kai): I dunno I think Gwen wants to partner up with me

Cody looked around and when he saw no one was close by he started to whisper

(Cody): I wanted to talk to you about your... Problem...

Kai widens his eyes as he looked back at Gwen. He gave her an apologetic smile

(Kai): Sorry Gwen I'm going with Cody!

Kai and Cody walked over to a canoe leaving Gwen who was glaring daggers into Cody's back. Leshawna stood next to Gwen

(Leshawna): Hey girl wanna team up?

Gwen looked at her and then at the rest of her team. She watched the other members of her team and then nodded at Leshawna. She was the only girl on this team she liked

(Gwen): Sounds great to me

Leshawna smiled as the two walked to a canoe



Gwen Confessional

(Gwen): I was hoping to team up with Kai, but Cody had to swoop in and take him... Don't get me wrong I'm happy to team up with Leshawna I'd confidently say she is my best friend. It's just...

She sighed

(Gwen): So much for hooking up with Kai...



Heather looked at her only options which were Lindsay, Beth, and the crazy girl Izzy

(Heather): Alright Lindsay come with me were sharing a canoe

Lindsay nodded and ran over to her. Leaving Beth who looked confused

(Beth): What about me?

Heather gestured at Izzy

(Heather): Team up with crazy girl

Beth sighed like always Heather chooses Lindsay first, she hated being the second option. She walked over to Izzy

(Beth): Hey Izzy do you want to team up?

Izzy shrugged

(Izzy): Sure. Just follow my technique. I'm one-eighty-seventh Cherokee, you know? Which means, like, the tribe could totally, like, claim me at any time

(Heather): Let's hope it's today...

Beth heard Heather comment 


With Killer Bass

Bridgette spots Geoff walking down the steps. He spots her and waves with a smile. Bridgette looked conflicted and smiled

(Bridgette): Courtney! Be my partner?

Geoff was surprised when Courtney walked past him with a smile. The two girls walked over to a canoe



Geoff Confessional

(Geoff): Man, I thought Bridge and I were tight, but suddenly, I don't know, it's like she's fadin' on me... Nah! It's all good!

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