Part 2

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Author's POV

It was midnight, and Nandini remained unconscious in her hospital bed. Meanwhile, Manik sat on the sofa, staring at the floor blankly. He hadn't eaten anything since morning and was not responding to any calls or messages. He was lost in his thoughts, his mind wandering.

He returned to his senses on hearing footsteps approaching. The door opened revealing the nurse, who greeted him.  She checked Nandini and injected her IV before leaving. Pulling himself together, Manik made his way to her and sat beside her unconscious figure. He took her hand in his, and with eyes watering he caressed her bandaged wrist ever so softly as the tears left his eyes even before he knew it. One hand holding hers and the other one lightly caressing her head, he sniffed and said, "I failed... I failed to.... to protect you. Or....Or was it because of me? I thought I was... I was protecting you but I never thought I was the one hurting you. Did I hurt.... hurt you this much..... I...."  and he choked on his own words. He rested his head on her hand and kept crying badly. He spent hours blaming himself for her condition, choking and sniffling. Eventually, he fell asleep sitting still while holding her hand.

As the first rays of the morning sun hit his face, Manik slowly opened his eyes. He sat up straight, stretching his arms, running his hand over the face and the nape. Glancing to his side, he saw Nandini lying peacefully as a small smile appeared on his face. Pecking her head before caressing it softly he said, "How did you become like this?  I still remember that fighter girl who beat the shit out of those street fighters then how come you are like this now?"  the doctor interrupted him for who came for Nandini's check-up. He informed Manik that Nandini was weak due to a lot of blood loss and would be up in a few hours. Manik nodded as the doctor left and he took a sigh of relief thanking god. Manik went to the washroom and kissed Nandini's forehead before leaving. After washing up, he checked his phone and found numerous calls and messages from his parents. He texted them, stating that he was with a friend, and his phone had run out of battery.

Manik was engrossed in his phone when Nandini opened her eyes, blinking as she adjusted to the bright lights. She looked around, scanning the room, and noticed Manik. She was taken aback by his presence, and even more surprised to see that his eyes were swollen, his ears and eyes were red, his face was pale, and his hair and clothes were messy. It was clear that he had been there the whole time, wide awake and worried. She was continuously staring at him when he turned to her, his eyes enlarged; rushing to her he spoke, "Nandini, you okay? Is it paining somewhere? Are you fine? Your head, is it paining? Wait! Let me call the doctor." He said before rushing out to call the doctor. Nandini took a deep breath and suddenly realized that she was in the hospital. As she looked down, she noticed that she was wearing hospital clothes. Looking at herself, she saw her wrist and neck bandaged and even the burnt area was treated. She let out a frustrated sigh and squeezed her eyes shut.

Manik came in with the doctor and nurse. He had a tense and worried look as the doctor was examining her. "I don't know what you are going through but... please know harming and hurting yourself is not right. If you are going through a rough patch you should consult and ask for help." The doctor said and she nodded slightly, biting her lips while Manik was looking at her all the time with a gloomy face. "It must be the first time. Right?"  the doctor asked. Nandini nodded again and the doctor sighed. "What you did must be something out of the trauma and aggression and it was done with full intentions without a slight regret. Ms Nandini, I know saying 'I understand you' is not right because I don't even know what you are going through. But take it as a request of mine, please don't do this. And it would be even better if you consult. Take care and rest well now." the doctor finished and said to Manik, "Manik, please take care of your girlfriend and talk more please." Manik nodded and bowed and the doctor left along with the nurse. 

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