Part 1

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Author's POV

6:58 am, the whole apartment was filled with complete darkness just a straight beam of light peeping through black curtains. No sign of a human being there when suddenly, the alarm went off, making the silent bedroom full of noise now. The sound of alarm moved all through the bathroom door to the girl inside the shower cubicle.

6:05 am, Nandini was lying on the bathroom floor with dried blood on her neck which oozed out of the cut, with a blade in one hand, and the other hand hugging an alcohol bottle, cheeks full of dried tears, red and puffy eyes because of crying, she finally gained consciousness. Holding her head, got up while stumbling, and looked around to see blood, blades, and empty alcohol bottles on the floor. Her eyes widened with realisation as she rushed to the mirror to examine the cut and sighed when realized it was not deep.

She hurriedly packed alcohol bottles in trash bags, kept them on the counter, and flushed all used bandages, cotton, and blades. Then went to the cupboard, took out fresh clothes and took a hot water bath to relax. Tying the robe around the waist she went to bring a first aid kit treated the wounds on the neck and wrist and finally changed into fresh clothes.

Quickly dressing up, Nandini rushed out of the room, picking up her backpack, and headphones, she left home for college without having breakfast.

On reaching the university, she pulled up her hood, put her hands in her pocket and hurriedly marched into the university. Nandini was luckily ten minutes early. Getting the books out of the locker, she backed off to close it when it was closed with a loud bang making the hallway go silent. She didn't even flinch but instead sighed lightly as now she was not scared anymore but rather habitual.

Well, the locker was banged by Soha who was there with her so-called minions. They go around bullying everyone. Nandini was also one of their targets but they had to back off once the college's bad boy Manik Malhotra declared Nandini as his target. And no one goes against him because of how powerful and influential his family is.

But surprisingly, he never bullied her the way they did instead he would just go around pulling her leg but not make a laughing stock out of her, cracking jokes on her but within fair and acceptable limits, he never hurt her physically or mentally instead he made her dull, low life a bit nice. She sometimes forgets everything remembering how he softly pulls her hair, calls her shortie while patting her head, and makes her do his assignments. She laughs over his actions unknowingly not knowing the guy is smiling widely secretly watching her laugh. Initially, she was shocked to see him acting the opposite of what he should be doing and is still doubtful of his true intentions, she feared that all this was to gain her trust and then break it well.

Back To Story:

After banging close the locker she harshly pulled Nandini to face her making the books in her hand fall. Nandini sighed and was about to bend down to collect the books when one of the bullies splashed hot coffee on her neck and chest to which Nandini gasped. Thankfully the face was safe but now all the cuts she gave herself last night were hurting as hell. The corridor was filled with loud whispers and many recording the incident with their phones. Kabir, who was standing at a distance witnessing everything was about to walk forward when he saw Nandini clenching her fists controlling herself. She glared furiously at all the five bullies. For once, even they shivered to see her like this. Her eyes were just showing that they might lose their precious life today. Soha hesitantly scoffed and went away with her minions, more like ran away from there for their lives. While Kabir stopped recording and sent it to Manik.

The bell rang and everyone went to attend their lectures while Nandini took her bag went to the washroom and locked the door. She changed into a new tee dressed the wounds and then wore another clean hoodie. This is happening after around two months because Manik was on leave for the past two days.  They targeted her again since Manik was not there. She washed her face, threw the old dressing in the dustbin, and walked to the door. She was about to twist the door knob when her head started spinning and her vision got blurry. She shook her head and took a deep breath pulling herself together and finally came out. This happened because she hadn't eaten anything since the last day afternoon. She skipped the first class and went to attend the second one. Nandini was expecting to meet Soha again but the hallways were oddly silent. Ignoring the odds as she was too weak to pay heed to it, she entered the class ignoring all the gazes fixed on her including the one affectionate gaze which was looking for at least eye contact. Manik was there, sitting on the last bench in the corner just behind her seat. Yet she didn't look and silently settled down resting her head on the bench since she was having a really bad headache. Manik was taken aback, his eyes twitched with all confused thoughts. The frown was soon replaced with an expression of worry as he sensed her weak health making Soha and her minions gulp in fear.

The teacher for the next class entered making everyone stand and greet the teacher. Nandini also sat straight on the seat but kept bending her head down occasionally. She was not able to focus on class because of the headache while Manik was not listening as all his focus was on her. When the teacher turned to write on the board he moved forward and poked her back slightly. She flinched lightly and turned around and that's when she realised why everyone was behaving so strangely. (Manik was back and Nandini was bullied just in the morning) Manik smirked and raised his eyebrow but Nandini sighed softly and turned back with a blank expression. Now Manik was sure that something was off. He has known her for four years and has been talking to her for months but this is the first time he found her normal appearing behaviour too strange. The class ended, Manik was about to approach her but she rushed out of the class to the garden for some fresh air.   

The day went on with Manik trying to talk to her and she avoided him. It was a free lecture and there was no way to avoid running into him. But she thought of trusting her not-so-lucky luck and went to the rooftop and sat in front of the pile of cartons and old furniture facing the railings. She removed the hood as the cold breeze made her relax. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the music but there was no sign of her headache going. She just held her head, when she heard the door opening, removing the headphones she slightly peeped to see Manik huffing and looking around, calling out her name loudly. She hid behind and was just praying to disappear as her health was doing no good. Manik went to the other side still searching for her when he noticed her, his eyes widened seeing her pale face and he called out her name. He was not able to reach her as the way was blocked from that side. She quickly got up and rushed downstairs followed by Manik. The classes were going on so the hallways were empty and no one interfered knowing it was Manik and he would not listen to anyone. Nandini reached the lockers and stood keeping her hand on the locker to catch her breath. She was about to run again when Manik pulled her by hand and trapped her between him and the lockers. He was now totally frustrated yet his eyes were filled with an unknown worry which she was not able to figure out or notice because of her weak and pale state. "What's with you, Nandini? why are you avoiding me? Why are you running away?" Manik asked controlling his anger which now increased because of the killing silence. He held her wrist harshly to shake her. "Answer me, Nandini Ahluwalia. What's wrong?"  He asked again. His voice octaves deeper, full of anger yet worry. He unknowingly pressed her wrist harshly as she hissed wincing in pain and her eyes watered. That's when the slightest anger in his eyes was fully replaced by worry. He held her face in his hands, caressing her cheeks softly, he asked worriedly, "Nandini..... Nandini, what's wrong? Huh? Baby, tell me, please. Are you hurt somewhere? What happened love, please speak..."  She was too stunned by his words and even more stunned to see his eyes watering. This is the first time she is witnessing this side of his. But it was getting hard for her to even keep her eyes open and she held his arm which was holding her face delicately. A lone tear escaped his eye and he noticed a blood stain on the sleeve of her hoodie. He held her arm and pulled up the sleeve only to witness the view which crushed his heart and tears started falling from his eyes with him being speechless. He was continuously staring at her self-harmed wrist. By now, both were crying when suddenly, her lips quivered trying to speak but before the words could leave her mouth everything blacked out and she fainted in Manik's arms.  

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